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The Beginning of Bright Griffon Road

Posted by Tenebry on 09/07/20
Aldwulf takes on the substantial project to build a full, cobbled road from Oak's Rest to Brighthold and then to Arx. He succeeds in organizing the cobbling and waypointing of the road from Oak's Rest to Brighthold, which increases traffic between the holdings of Ashford and Laveer. However, despite being well-funded and supported, the project is plagued with difficult-to-source problems, and the road to Arx has to be abandoned at this time. The ambition of the project and the amount of progress made is still applauded.

Assisting Aldwulf in this endeavor are Lady Brianna, Lord Harlan, Lady Olivia, Marcas, Count Tibault, Lord Samael, Lord Archeron, Duchess Lisebet, Lady Rhiannon, Lord Liam, Lord Kutazer and Lord Ringvald.