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Rivenshari Caravans

Posted by Tenebry on 07/07/20
Lady Eshra Rivenshari sets up a caravan transport from the headwaters of the Sugan's Course to the Grey River, another vein to the heart of Arx. Marquis Athaur Rivenshari and Lord Maru Rivenshari help ensure the caravans go unmolested (for the good of all). Count Giulio Corvini assists in easing the caravan's path. Lord Michael Bisland ensures the roads are well-guarded. Count Orrin Seliki also helps with protection. Marquessa Joslyn Rivenshari helps with the logistics. Tatienne employs her legendary merchantry to convince the caravaneers to accept lower wages, for a time. Felix weighs the needs of the Crafters Guild and advises (and haggles) accordingly. Lady Tesha Telmar also helps see to the economic wrangling of the caravan.

Every venture helps, and both House Rivenshari's reputation and its flow of goods are improved.