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Gilden's Welcome

Posted by Tenebry on 05/07/20
Come, Baroness Ysabel Gilden says to the newly free of the Saffron Chain. Come to our fields, our mines, our mills. See rocks crushed, see wheat tilled, and then at last milled. She does not sell Caith as a paradise. She sells it as comfortable, stable, a growth prospect.

This is not at all ineffective. Swift helps heavily with the farming aspect. She speaks of various tactics for various crops with pleasing confidence. She's a good teacher and helps those who need that teaching work with those with more experience. Lady Lucene helps those who come to Caith know the roads and know the lands, and teaches them to defend themselves from incursions, bandits. No mere few answer the call. On the seeming eve of conflict, a stable harbor is as good as a paradise.