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They Like Big Boats

Posted by Apostate on 10/07/18
Grand Duke Consort Talen Velenosa and Princess Coraline Thrax engaged in a head to head competition of racing their massive dromond warships against one another in the Bay of Thrax. Though Talen did not emerge victorious, the Lyceum rather enjoyed hearing about the spectacle, both in that it bucks stiff social conventions that imply 'thou shalt not use unbelievably powerful warships as toys' and that they figure he probably had some dastardly reason for obviously throwing the event that will be revealed later when the time is ripe. Princess Coraline is praised by her victory, particularly among the new Order of East Light, though some in the Mourning Isles are the grumpy sorts that grumble that if -they- had a dromond, they would definitely treat it with the respect its due. Beautiful, beautiful ships. But on the other hand, she won an extra dromond. For the Isles and everything. It's hard to gripe about that.