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Action Id: 4227 Crisis: Participants: Leola, Ophelia, Calypso and Brigida
Status: Resolved Submitted: June 19, 2020, 1:06 p.m. Public: True GM: Tenebry

Action by Leola

Leola performs the rite of cleansing

TLDR. Sacrifices are - a falcon mask, a sheet of leather, Aletta's leather hood and Briar's reins (giving them their freedom), Nature's Strength spear, the Lodge's hunting horn, aeterna gloves, honey, an Aged Preodynium Pendant from the Oriel storyline, a paladin's sash, a teaset, a waxed cloak, her leather armor, and a sculpture commemorating the lodge

Action by Calypso

Calypso attends, with interest, Leola's cleansing ceremony. She even turns up sober!

Action by Ophelia

Ophelia and Sir Harrier attend Leola's cleansing ceremony and observe with quiet contemplation. They are both eager to support their friend during this important ritual.

Action by Brigida

Blessed Brigida will be in attendance as well to support Leola in her cleansing, along with Oswald the pig and Daisy the goat. After all they like Leola just as much.


Leola makes her sacrifices. She makes sacrifices for renewal in the Grove of Renewal. She sacrifices a mask to declare herself needing no masks. She sacrifices leather to indicate her desire to continue to craft leather. She sacrifices hood and bridle to release falcon and horse, Aletta and Briar, from their bonds. She sacrifices spear to indicate her willingness to learn, and her willingness to choose the more comfortable weapon, the bow. She sacrifices the horn to represent the growth of the Lodge past its call. She sacrifices gloves for memory of a friend, for memory of deer guts and foalings. She sacrifices honey, in memory of the First Feast. She sacrifices a pendant in memory of a sacrifice to the land, and in intention to dedicate herself to that land. She sacrifices a sash, the echo of the one she wears as a paladin. She sacrifices a tea set in memory of a friend, in memory of healing the tainted. She sacrifices a waxed cloak in honor of water and wind. She sacrifices her leathers, desiring to make her own in self-sufficience. She sacrifices a sculpture of the tree to reiterate and reiterate that she stands for Petrichor, the wood, the beasts, the birds, and the hunt.

The fire flickers. There are noises outside the grove. Aletta and Briar crowd in, as if for warmth, or as if reaffirming their loyalties. Their eyes are wide and dark in the night. The noises continue. Howls and squawks, whinnies and wails, calls and answers, a wild cacophony. Then, there is silence. Utter. Leola thinks, in that silence, that she can hear the growing of the grass. Smell the richness of the soil. The spoor of the mouse and the down of an owl hidden in a nearby tree. She does not feel like an empress, no, not so removed as that. She feels more like part of the land, part of the woods, part of the grove, and beneath and beyond. The animals are a humming mass around her, listening, respectful. Free. Even Aletta and Briar and every beast she's ever bound, free. Attached to her by choice and always by choice. Invigorated, inspired, intensified. For a moment, it's almost as if she can see a host of connections leading from her outward.

And then it fades. The sense of deep connection, of being central, of being land and tree and beast. The fire flares. Leola breathes out and feels heard. By the gods, by the world, by the host.