Liesel Lucroy
I don't like violence.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Practical Enforcer
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 25
Birthday: 10/11
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Mercenary
Height: average height
Hair Color: gold-blonde
Eye Color: bright amber
Skintone: fair
Description: Liesel is most apparently athletic, with some minor muscle tone visible when her arms are shown, along with slightly roughened hands, covered in nicks and marks. On closer inspection, her face, too, has it's fair share of scars, but the small cuts of scar tissue are light-toned enough to be innoticeable at a range. She has small lips, large eyes, and a button nose. She has an angular face yet plump cheeks, along with thin eyebrows denoting each expression.
Personality: Straightforward yet somewhat distant, Liesel is an example of abrupt practicality, one that often toes the line of utterly jaw-dropping breaches of conduct. Though forthright in her thinking, she is not particularly headstrong, capable of changing plans and opinions easily if it comes to make sense, but only if it does come to make sense.
Background: Liesel was born to a peasant family in the Oathlands, a smith for a father, and a tailor for a mother. Her father's occupation brought a myriad of warrior-types around the shop every day, repairs, commissions, modifications, sharpenings, all bringing in the sell-swords and more honest soldiery. And when they'd see a wide-eyed child swinging a stick, they'd be sure to tell her a few stories of martial glory as they waited for her father to finish, much to her mother's dismay.
It was apparent where Liesel was going to end up, from a young age. As an only child, not much interest in other kids, not much interest in education or vocations, it was no surprise to family or familial friends when she said her goodbyes to her mother and father, and took off with a mercenary company passing by. Her experience in a fight was limited, she learned the basics of swordsmanship from passing soldiery who humored her, but she was eager, and she learned quick beyond that.
Her time in the company was short, but the experience changed her. Small skirmishes, money collecting, guarding and escorting, she grew a little more jaded by the day, collecting her paycheck by her sword-hand. As the company travelled through Arx, she split off from the band of sell-swords to explore on her own, deciding to take to freelance work, hoping for something more than to be a travelling tough-- she'd found no glory yet, travelling with that band.
Name | Summary |
Arcadia | A sellsword. Not as rough as the others I know. |
Dante | A swordstress, not a learned fool nor a jester. Brusque and rough around the edges, but that's one should expect with a sellsword. Likely reliable at her job if she's out to make a name for herself. |
Gwendolen | You can tell who's good company by scoping out which nobles turn up their noses when she enters the room. |
Reese | Sellsword warrior! I wish her luck that cannot be an easy or safe path to follow. It was good to meet her. There is something lively and energetic about her. I would love to see her fight sometime. |
Zoey | Keep trying, my dear. Interacting with us "Silks" will get easier. |