Prince Rastifer Redrain
Little more can be said of this world than that it presents the most intriguing of opportunities should you search for them.

Description: Standing at 193cm, Rastifer is a tall man with the kind of impeccable posture born from a royal upbringing that was never quite forgotten. Broad and lightly tanned, his body is corded with muscle familiar to hoisting and heaving heavy bodies to his liking. His raven black hair falls heavily to his shoulders when not tied up above his head to keep it out of his eyes and storm grey eyes are sharp and quick, always searching for both signs of danger and opportunities for excitement.
Personality: Generally outgoing and friendly, Rastifer is a man of refined tastes preferring to keep to establishments capable of satiating his palate and expectations. While at times he can be found in larger parties generally off to the side forming business relationships with the other nobles present, he shines in closer atmospheres where he can watch and interact with everyone.
Background: Despite being of the illustrious Redrain family, Rasifer grew up far from politics. From a young age he was trained in the arts of sailing and swordsmanship and at first opportunity he went off to sea to explore the world as his ever growing curiosity pulled him further and further from home. Fully expecting to be disowned by his family at the abandonment of his duties, he was happily surprised to find that though he had been removed from the line of succession he maintained his title and position in the family upon his return many years later.
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