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Action Id: 2673 Crisis: Participants: Cristoph and Jael
Status: Resolved Submitted: Sept. 6, 2018, 9:36 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Cristoph

House Laurent is so, so busy these days. But there's been one task that Cristoph has delayed dealing with for a long time. And that's his father's affairs. Sure, the manse in Arx has been taken care of. But aside from ledgers having to do with their business dealings, he mostly packed everything up into boxes and sent it back to Artshall. Those boxes ended up in the late Duke Edmund's study and that study has barely been touched in the last four years. Even his mother hasn't bothered to go in there, save maybe to open the windows and let in some air.

With a trip planned for quite a few of the Laurents to return to Artshall, Cristoph decides this is the time to finally go through the study. Look through all the books, folders and boxes. Set things aside or throw them out and really make the place his own.

Of course, that's not all he's planning on doing. He's brought the House Durand signet ring that they found under Gardener Dave's floorboards and he'll be comparing it to other documents. Did his father know anything about the Durands? Did he try to hide it or was he planning on ever doing anything about it? Is this why Duskshire's territories were always such a hot mess? Are there any mentions of 'the green' rising?

This wouldn't be party without Jael, so she'll be here too. As a secondary goal he's going to dedicate quite a bit of time into folding up paper gliders and throwing them at her head.

Action by Jael

What is she, an archivist now? Don't they have servants for this? Nevertheless Jael sucks it up and joins her brother in the quest to clean out their father's office. All right, maybe it is the sort of thing that should be handled by family. She'll help Cris look through the contents with as much scholastic rigor that she can bring to bear (not much but she tries).

This does of course eventually devolve into a paper glider war, though their mother intervenes when Jael escalates it to spitballs.


Duke Edmund own's writings revealed that he thought House Durand was a preposterous legend, much like silly fables of 'wood elves' and 'house redire' and other foolishness that might have had a grain of truth five hundred years ago, but were certainly just foolishness now. He had little time of it. In his youth, he said that a ravashari fortune teller warned him that 'the Green' would be the death of him, and he made it into a running joke during his youth, and had largely forgotten it by his older years. Duke Edmund's death was considered not suspicious, as he sickened and died relatively quickly, and it frustrated the Mercies that saw to it, but he was not young. It was rather cold and wet the day he met those prodigals spreading tall tales about how their clan was hunted to extinction by 'the scions of House Durand', when Duke Edmund was fairly sure it was just outlaws fighting outlaws.