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Action Id: 326 Crisis: Participants: Perrach
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Perrach

Sir Perrach as a sworn Knight to House Thrax is keeping to his duty of staving off any outside threats towards the house. He makes it clear that it is within all their rights to duel and for those to accept the terms of them. He has no desire of political arguments, but he does attempt to gain any insight from the attacked thralls to see which houses are the most disgruntled by the results of the duel. Anything worthwhile would be reported to his new liege, Victus.


Most of the Mourning Isles houses, if they have issues with Victus claiming the throne by right of combat, are staying damned quiet about it. The rest of the Compact on the other hand is furious. A handful of minor houses in the Mourning Isles mention that it's a damn shame that the Mourning Isles couldn't put the friction with the rest of the Compact to bed with a smooth succession, but they are more griping about being on the outside of things rather than actively anti-Victus.