Lord Ahmar Nightgold

Description: Ahmar is a bit above average height and somewhat slight of build considering his occupation. He isn't big but he is strong considering his size, well toned muscle to account for his above average strength, but lean enough to be quite agile even when fully armored up. His dark brown hair is a wild mess of curls growing mostly up and out rather than down. His beard matching in color, but not wildness. He is somewhat pale and his face usually looks like a man who doesn't sleep that much, his eyes usually with some darkness under them. He is of standard nobility good looks, but he does a good job of hiding it with his somewhat scruffy wild appearance.
Personality: Ahmar is a quiet man, but not unkind. As a child he always felt he did not have much of a place in his family as everyone seemed so much more socially inclined and far more intelligent than he, so he often found himself turning inwards for solace when he felt overwhelmed. It wasn't that his family was unkind to him, by far the opposite, he has just always been rather introverted. Tending to get along with his animal companions more than people.
Despite his introverted personality, he really does like meeting new people, he just becomes a bit nervous like he is worried he won't know what to say and will end up making a fool of himself, but those who he ends up calling friends, he becomes devoted to. There is nothing he wouldn't do for those that are nice to him. Especially his family.
Background: Ahmar grew up in Stonedeep and was closest to his sister Azolla. Because of her illness as a child, and his lack of social skills and book smarts, he took to training, telling himself that at the very least he could keep his little sister safe. Once he became older and Azolla began to flourish more he began branching out a bit, offering his spear, sword, or axe to any who needed it. He see's it as his duty to keep the people of the north safe.
He saw many battles in his time up north. Most of which ending in him being injured so bad that most people wouldn't think a human could survive, but be it luck, the spirits, the gods or /something/, he always managed to make it out the other side without permanent damage, some of course requiring more recovery time than ever. Despite this, it never stopped him from picking his weapons and armor back up and going back at it.
More recently his sister came to Arx, and being distrustful of people he doesn't know, he decided to follow, just in case.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Ajax | A lording with a studder, I wonder what he'll do? |
Azova | A bit odd, but gentle and kind. And what else matters? |
Bonnie | Great with a spear! That's always a tough fight if you're the up-close-and-personal type; so I don't mind practicing with the gallant before moving onto the guilty. |
Cahal | The extremely shy nephew of Willow Nightgold. He's very attached to his dog Niki. |
Delilah | Still getting his bearings in the city. By following Azolla's footsteps, he's bound to find himself in the thick of it faster than he expects. I do hope Lord Ahmar is up to it. |
Gwenna | Lord Ahmar Nightgold, recently arrived in Arx, seems a fine nobleman of his House, as well as wonderful company. He has survived more than one bear attack, amazingly! Beyond that, though, one can see that he is a protector; the sort of man who puts his life before those he wishes to protect. |
Helena | A sweet and humble man with a penchant for birds, it seems. |
Ian | Uses the spear as more than just a formation weapon. Nice to see someone realizing the weapon's potential. All that twirling stuff is more style than substance, but he's still good enough to stand up against most people. |
Jacali | Hard to get the measure of a man what when he's heavin' his breakfast into a bucket, but he claims him's a simple fellow, supposin' that's fair enough t'me. |
Kaia | He seems like a good fellow, maybe a bit quiet or shy; although, I did meet him while he was seek...maybe he's more lively when in health? |
Lucita | Shy newcomer to Arx, Sibling to Azolla. He has a bit of a stutter but seems friendly and making an attempt to be polite and fit in with people. |
Mabelle | A shy man but sounds quite heroic, having saved the men from the boat. |
Martino | Seems to hold a nervous disposition with the stutter but, I am quite certain, as time comes on they will become emboldened in word and deed. |
Ophelia | I almost killed his pet songbird! It was an accident, of course. I can't help but wonder if our paths will ever cross again. He's a quiet and shy type with a love for the woodlands, someone that I could get along with under the right circumstances. |
Reese | Shy, but seems nice and thoughtful. |
Reigna | I like this Redrain lord. He is extremely thoughtful and his points are quite profound. I very much hope we can save him from this malady. |
Rukhnis | The gods perhaps have a wry sense of humour to gift the brother of a talented singer with a stammer. |
Sophie | Granted we didn't meet one another at our best, but he risked his life to save others. That's admirable, at the very least. |
Tescelina | A curious man. His bird is very sweet and he is a fine dancer. |
Thea | A quiet Lord, who favors the spear. Bet he would be handy in bind. |