Sir Bhandn Yvar
We walk many roads in our lives. We stumble, we fall, yet still we get up and keep walking.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Knight Wanderer
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 51
Birthday: 01/16
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: average height
Hair Color: silver
Eye Color: grey
Skintone: tan
Description: Bhandn Yvar is a large man; he is an exemplar of physical strength. While his height is hardly lacking, a touch under six feet, his brawn eclipses that despite his increasing age. He is a man who trains his body in grueling ways: his shoulders, his arms, his chest, his back, and his legs are all very heavily muscled, and his clothing strains slightly to contain his powerful torso in particular. That clothing has failed in the past, as darning of various quality can be seen on the sleeves and shoulders, with other repairs done on his legs as well, including a slash on his left thigh that was sewn shut by a skilled hand.
He keeps his silver hair cut short, but it is roughly done, lacking the finesse and uniformity of a trained hand. As such, his tanned face is fully visible, exposing his brown eyes and stubble for all to see. A small, thin scar exists near his right ear, as well as a nick in the lower lobe of the ear itself.
Strapped to his large back are two scabbards, each with a crossguard hilt poking up over his shoulder. One bears the unmistakable signs of a peacebond, and a very thorough one at that, twice as much as necessary to meet the requirement.
Personality: Before he met Valena Eseri in the course of his travels, many had called Sir Bhandn Yvar "serious enough to make a lecture seem exciting." In many ways, he still is. On the road, he tolerates nonsense as much as he does his traveling charges being assailed. Anything and everything that could clearly endanger those in his charge are prone for stern rebuke. Their safety -- his duty -- comes before all else. Similar thinking exists for keeping himself in fighting condition.
Over the course of the past thirty years, however, the stony wall that was his typical demeanor has gradually begun to erode. During his brief rests in civilized areas, he is far more likely to be found engaged in banter-filled labor and physical competitions, rather than simply brooding while laboring to keep his armaments in good condition.
Background: The second son to mercantile (peddler) parents, Bhandn stood to inherit very little from the family trade, a trade that evoked his talents in unexpected ways. He learned of traveling abroad almost from infancy, but he also slowly began to develop an appreciation for the men and women who took it as their sworn duty to provide safe travel. As he grew older, and bigger, he began to spend an increasing amount of time learning of the more physical arts done in Gild's name. At the age of twenty two, he swore his vows.
For over twenty-five years, he served in relative silence, keeping to himself more than mingling with others, with one very notable exception, the woman who some said melted the rigid stone mask that was his face with only a touch. His on-again, off-again relationship with the Mercy of Lagoma Valena Eseri was a matter of some gossip, even if the two were rarely seen together over the course of fifteen years. One could always see his smile whenever his eyes found hers as part of the pilgrimage she would frequently make.
Receiving word of her passing was the most difficult moment of his life, one that caused him to go into seclusion for a period of months... until now.
Name | Summary |
Ajax | An older knight. The man certainly seems interesting. |
Alarissa | Such a kind knight. Such a large knight. Oh he must be as tall as my husband and look at those -arms-. Oh my. |
Alexio | Seems unfriendly, and highly weary of pretty merchant boys. I mean he had poor Apollo shaking like a nervous wreck. I don't like him. |
Amari | Very serious and very, very big. Though I'm sure there's much more to him than those two very obvious traits alone. |
Amund | An old stalwart. He might've liked to meet Duke Arn. |
Andromeda | A warrior of the Compact, with a good head for fighting and a sense of humour. Will he fall short, or will he improve just enough? |
Angelica | Quite sweet. Devoted to his cause and his people. Sparkling eyes. And he smells like frustration and kindling. |
Apollo | Oh my gods he is terrifying |
Arcadia | Serious older knight, a bit rough around the edges but knows what he's talking about, I think. |
Artur | A coy old knight, I wonder if he was trying to get me or Esme to blush more. I'm not sure which. Though I would have liked to heard more on his story about promises. |
Athaur | Poor guy. No idea what he's gotten himself into. Seems to decent of a man. |
Austen | A most glorious knight. Clearly a man of great training. His idea of a mock-chase seems most interesting as well, I will have to ask him about that in future. |
Azova | He's already quite old - I suppose the only thing left to hope is that he gets fat. Good thing he's charming. |
Bedivere | Fellow Knight of Solace. Cares for a young orphan boy. A good man who I am blessed to have the honor to know. |
Bethany | The honey knight. I have not seen one so fond of honey that did not grow with the Laurents. My favorite costumer. |
Brannen | An experienced knight who thinks about his words before enacting on them. I appreciate that he thinks not only about the present but also future problems that might arise. Some people believe that we Knights of Solace protect everything. Bhandn is a fine example that we also consider current events when we promote the well-being of the innocent followers of the faith. |
Brigida | Someone needed to tell this man that a surly attitude was not welcome in the Shrine of Vellichor. Good thing I was there then. |
Bruce | A grizzled knight by the looks of it who takes excellent care of himself. I wonder if he hails from the Oathlands. |
Calypso | Something tells me he's not as straight laced as he pretends when the lights go out. |
Carmen | Never in my life have I met a man with half his willpower. Also really glad he isn't of a mind to punch me because that would fucking /hurt/. |
Caspian | A man with many secrets. Just talking with him a little bit there was so much he refused to say. Now I'm curious! |
Celeste | I do not envy this knight the quests he will have before him. But I think he's strong enough to survive them. |
Cerdensulathara | Very Big. Charitable. Knight of Solace, what else could you want? |
Cristoph | I probably won't be sending my son tutor under Sir Bhandn. But I'm sure he does a fine job! |
Delia | A knight with clear, strong views, but the wisdom to. keep them quiet when he knows there will be no use speaking. I hope to meet him in a more personal setting sometime. |
Delilah | Certain people resist easy classification. They are the book that brings suspense and dark comedy together. They are the song that evokes terror and joy. They cannot be defined as one thing or the other. What do I make of such a picture window designed from a thousand pieces of coloured glass? |
Demura | A fellow brooder. I meant not to interrupt his brooding, but he proved to be a thoughtful man-- as one would expect from a brooder. |
Dianna | Understandably nervous before initiating and managing a subject of great import. His mind is keen - even if we do not necessarily agree. But, as Mirrormask, I hardly ask that of everyone. |
Domonico | His attitude towards training being full contact is refreshing. However efforts should be made to accomodate those of lesser abilities. Even so... it will be interesting to see what he is capable of. |
Dustin | Perhaps he'll see that the message that the threat is not gone but hidden and displaced. |
Edain | A tough veteran knight that can do a an easy shit ton of push-ups and make knights half his age puke with exhaustion. I approve. Grandmaster Thena speaks well of him. Hopefully I'll get the chance to ride the road together one of these days. I hear he's very talented when trouble finds you. |
Edris | A Knight of Solace, and a kind supervisor of coffee-loving assistants. It is easy to get lost in the self-centeredness of my grief--but seeing just a little of how he weathers his, and still moves forward and onward...he is a man that is worthy to aspire to be like. Not just for the honor and strength that Solace embodies--but also the ability to strengthen a stranger in need even by his presence. |
Eleanor | A man with a heavy burden. He seems like a holy knight, a defender, and for all our sakes I hope I'm right. |
Emma | Somewhat distracted at first glance, but his manners were quite excellent when he emerged from his drowse. Aligned with the Knights of Solace, apparently, presumably in a martial role. I wonder how skilled he is with a blade in hand. |
Eshra | I don't care who he is, manners count. |
Esme | I was not ready to counsel on life and oaths, but he was so compelling how could I not. There is mirth in the man, but something deeper that I'd like to explore. There's a story that hasn't been told yet. |
Evaristo | Anyone who can control a flock of merchants hawking their wares is someone to look out for. Or hire on to watch your back. |
Evelynn | An amicable knight, pleasant to converse with. I hope he finds contentment here. |
Everett | An extremely powerful looking, stalwart, and dignified Knight, who came to our Farmers' Market booth with a shy and skittish scribe in tow. They seemed partial to produce, the fruit in particular, so I bundled them up a dozen of our best apples, and showed them both some fruit muffins and pies! |
Fairen | My kind of knight - one who objects to books being put to the flame. |
Filshiar | A hearty-seeming warrior I encountered at the shrine of Jayus. |
Fiora | I wonder if his eye has anything to do with him not being allowed on hunting duties at one point. |
Gretchen | A very polite gentleman who seemed to mistake me for a Princess. They should all be like that. |
Harlex | He talks a lot. Seems alright though. |
Ian | First time we met, he spent most of the time looking like he wanted to punch me. Probably would have resolved some things if he had. |
Icelyn | A knight with years of experience behind him. That sort of thing isn't to be winked at. |
Ida | Sir Bhandn is someone I met at the House of Solace after an unfortunate incident. He seemed a bit disapproving then, but thankfully my injuries didn't keep me there long to worry over it. To meet him again in the shop over some queries about weapons certainly gave me more light into the man and I really enjoyed our discussions. It's also really nice not to the be the oldest one in the room for a change. |
Jacali | Him's walkin' a path, he is, but I don't think he knows just where he's goin' to. I'm torn, me, I am: Watch him sink into the distance, or light a bloody match? Mercy, mercy... mercy. |
Jaerith | A doughty knight in service to Gild. Seems exceptionally experienced. |
Jeffeth | He is surprisingly keen on the dramatics for a man his age. While he may be old on the outside I sense a seeker in him, perhaps a rather young one. One trying to acclimate to this new and terrifying world. I hope I can help that young seeker. |
Josephine | There's few it seems, in the city, who live to our age and less so those who are adept at swinging sword. It's not an old mans game after all. But it's good to see him again, to know there's caravans that will find protection under his hand once again. |
Juniper | Committed, considerate, charitable-- and you know he must be a formidable knight, to have lived so long as he has. It was kind of him to forgive the trespass of a bucketful of mop water, and kinder still, the supplies and conversation he brought to the hospice. |
Jyri | If he wasn't a Knight I'd try and recruit him to the Iron Guard. Iron Guards as good as an Iron Guard, far as I can tell. |
Kaia | He seems somewhat intimidating at first glance; but, he makes for amicable conversation. I remember he won a pie throwing contest once! |
Kaldur | He reminds me a lot of Maru, except bolder. Or... maybe boulder. |
Kastelon | A fine knight to meet one day, Sir Bhandn Yvar. I have high hopes for joint endeavors. |
Kenna | You know, he's big enough to pound a doorway down at that. I hope the Grandmaster is giving him such opportunities. |
Korka | Poor man has a headache the size of his... well, head. Seems nice enough and a natural born storyteller. |
Korka | He twists the words people say into things that they never meant. I like him. |
Laric | I take no pleasure in drawing back the curtain and exposing certain truths to the unsuspecting, but there are times where it becomes a necessity. Sir Bhandn has handled it far better than most others have. |
Laurel | Goodman Yvar has a strong hand and thankfully so. Concerned with the welfare of everyone, or so it will seem he is a giving soul. I hope that his kind actions come round for him. |
Lore | A knight concerned with courtesy and honor, as he should be. I would like to get to talk to him further, get to know him better. |
Lothar | A brother in the Order, no pup like some of the rest. I hope we can work together soon to spread the good word of Gild. |
Mabelle | Serious man. Doesnt get my jokes. |
Maja | What a good sport! He went along with our game, joining in. He is a terrible liar though -- which is a good quality to have in a knight. |
Maris | An old knight full of old memories an' old battles, I'm sure. Though he's still very lively an' looks incredibly solid for his age. |
Marisol | The Knight is a different soul and one who cherishes history in that he is currently searching for answers. I commend his spirit for the task at hand and I will do what I can to aid him. |
Martino | A fine storyteller, explorer and a wiff of philosopher in them. Good older gentleman |
Marzio | I do not know him well, but what little bit I do suggests that he would be a fun bit of company. Perhaps my time with Solace will reveal more of his character so that I might one day name him as a friend. |
Mattheu | My siblings would laugh at me for how easily I was caught, - not caught - when seeking out the cookies at Solace House. Bhandn was especially nice, bringing me honey for the tea and even offering more cookies. |
Medeia | His strength is not without gentleness. I am lucky to have had his assistance, it made a difference. |
Mercedes | Sir Bhandn is a solid and dependable man. I am sure he cares for his family as he does his fellow knights, and the soldiers beneath him. A little less needling about my choices would be... pleasant, but he means well. Advice given in good faith is never truly unwelcome. |
Michael | A man moved quickly to harsh words and strident apologies. |
Miella | I can't wait to get so old I don't care what flies out of my mouth and no one can say shit cause I'm old. Like Bhandn Sir over here. He's that old and --what's the word, crotchety? Crotchety. Better not step on HIS grass. |
Miranda | He is a large man and burdened with something great. He seems the sort who can handle it, yet troubled by it all the same. With luck, this will just be another challenge in his life's story for him to tell his children and grandchildren. |
Mirk | Sir Bhandn of the Silver Order. Spirits, that sounds like a title from another time - Not a bad thing. But he doesn't take himself too seriously, and he knows how to participate for the sake of the experience, even when he's out of his comfort zone. |
Monique | A man whose heart fits his body size. I am absolutely impressed. |
Niklas | A man of strong feet and stronger will. |
Norwood | He seems a talented enough jouster, and took his failure with grace. |
Orathy | Somethin of a challenger in the ring, reckon so. |
Orazio | An even tempered man with the composure to assist in moderating a tumultuous discussion alongside the Archscholar. He carried himself with grace and poise. His assertions of the potential of a new material have gained my attention and beckoned further questions for another time. |
Orelia | The years might have slowed his body down, but his experience is bound to be valuable. |
Orrin | Borrowed a sailor's mouth at his woman's bidding. I can't decide if I hope that lasts or not. |
Otho | The man doesn't like rivers, so I'm not sure how well we'll get along, but he certainly *looks* the part of a decent fellow. |
Pasquale | He is as much just a knight as I am just a Lord. |
Petal | Pie Champion Knight! Seems like a very athletic man who is willing to join a silly contest. |
Porter | I saw him at the training center once, though I didn't witness him spar. He seems like he's probably pretty capable though he was engaged in quite the debate over trade goods. So perhaps he's an intellectual too! It takes all types. |
Rafael | A very muscular gardener, perhaps in the employ of the Faith. Very knowledgable about the mating life of rabbits. |
Raimon | A knight of Solace, a worthy calling and one I considered briefly. |
Raimon | A highly competent fighter with a very shy retainer or apprentice or scholar, who, quite frankly, 'moves like a poet.' But, then again, so do I. A knight who's getting on in his years. But, then again, so am I. Solace, from the look and sound of him. A large man, strong, disciplined and dedicated to training. But, then again, so am I |
Raja | Even scholars can look manly when swinging an axe! |
Ras | Not the sorta guy I'd wanna cross. Doesn't seem too scary chatting with a merchant about cloth and bundling, but... when you see that edge. Nah. |
Raziel | One of the few still alive who knew Sir Raziel Bisland of the King's Own. He was a good friend of his. It must be strange to have known a dead man and be confronted by the one that replaced him, but I'm sure he'll get used to it one way or another. |
Reese | A Knight of the Solace who ha been through many travels and has seen much. He probably has had a difficult and interesting life. I would love to learn more about him. |
Reigna | A stalwart and stoic knight of Solace. His passion for protection fair blisters the air around him. I am afraid I did all the talking when I encountered him, and I hope very much to know him better. Grandmaster Thena is one of my very favorite people, and anyone who follows her will always be among those I respect. |
River | It's quite interesting he is very good at fighting but it seems that he's polite, and well spoken, gracious in victory. I am curious to know him further. |
Roran | He is one who is willing to embrace change in all it's forms. |
Sanya | As compassionate to the plights of others as you'd hope of a Solace knight. |
Saoirse | He is very, very large and was polite enough to quietly move aside when royalty arrived. |
Siegward | The raw strength of youth may be spent, but across every nook of his flesh is burdensome the proof of his service. This man understands that adversity and existence are one and the same. |
Sigurd | From what I have seen of Valardin Knights, and have been told, he is an exemplary one by all appearances. |
Sirius | A burly, but kind and sociable Knight whose likes range from tea to honey. A kindred spirit. |
Sophie | If Jeffeth trusts him so do I... and I trust so few. |
Sorrel | This older knight has a lot of questions, but a great willingness to learn. I have much respect for him. |
Sparte | He has a way with his words that few manage, and stories that I could listen to raptly. I hope to cross paths with him again, and perhaps there will be more stories. Perhaps I'll learn something. |
Sunaia | Wise enough to know how to put Atanas in his place and kind enough to do it without imposing on me. Interesting that he's assisting us. |
Talwyn | A good, curious older Knight of Solace. Wicked sense of humour. Wicked. I like it. |
Tescelina | He was very gracious in our dance. A fine partner. Noble in soul, I believe. |
Thea | A rather large Knight of the Solace. Huge. Seems alright. I wouldnt mind getting to know more about him. |
Tomwell | A lifelong knight, it's clear to me now. An honorable man to be of service for so long. |
Vanora | He reminds me almost a bit of Duke Harald. Getting on in yearsand not sure what to show for it. But we have neeeds if he wants project. Always. May he have the good death he is entitle to......but mayve not yet |
Verity | A man of great principles and faith, it seems. It fits a knight to be fiery when it comes to their convictions, so I of course approve. |
Victus | Big. Old. Wisdom and strength is a terrifying combination. |
Wash | An older knight, but still a good example to the next generation. |
Willow | Solid and responsible. |
Zakhar | Can't tell if they are a scholar or soldier. Has the title Sir. Though people are made knights for different reasons. |
Zara | He is kinder than he presents, all armored and imposing, with a thoughtful eye to his duties as a Knight of Solace, where that touch of kindness serves Gild well. |
Zoey | It's not a common thing to meet an aged warrior like him. If he has made it this long, he is likely a man worth listening to. |