Lord Anton Kennex
Measure Twice, Cut Once

Obituary: Tragically drowned while helping with a rescue of capsized vessels during a bad storm.
Description: Lanky would likely be the first word to come to mind upon spotting Anton, his tall and attenutated frame looking rather insubstantial - but long, thin fingers bear callouses that show a man used to working with tools and drawing instruments. Brilliant, blue-grey eyes framed by arched, black brows peer curiously from his suntanned visage where they sit over a hawkish nose. Spare and trimmed, his facial hair consists of little more than a mustache and some stubble down the jaw. A dark, chocolaty brown, the Kennex's hair is kept in wavy ringlets that are combed back and allowed to spill down past his ears and onto fairly narrow shoulders.
Personality: Possessing a rather imperturbable temperament, it was obvious at an early age that the genial and cool-headed Kennex would not make a very stellar combatant, especially given his languid mannerisms and seeming refusal to take anything to a violent course of action. Later, it became clear that he wasn't a pacifist so much as preferring to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, and devoted himself to the traditional noble studies, as well as a passion for fortifications and architecture in general, as well as how to find more efficiency in all systems. What he lacks in physicality, Anton makes up with intelligence and charm.
Background: Born to a Kennex father and Lycene mother, Anton was an only child and doted upon accordingly, both parents quite willing to spoil the indolent, if brilliant, boy. While he excelled at his studies and took to the sea well enough, a pronounced aversion to anything martial was observed with dismay by his family. However, forced to not be defenseless at sea, the young Kennex Lord had some skill with a crossbow drilled into him before he was allowed to much more in the way of sailing. Once done, he availed himself of the opportunity to visit the various locales in the Isles, observing their architecture and fortifcations, then came home to figure out how best to put this knowledge to use. It is likely he would have remained content in Stormward, working at the drafting table and overseeing construction - if not for the Gyre War. Pressed into service to fight at Setarco, his parents both were killed and Anton gravely wounded. Once recovered, his life in ruins, he made his way to Arx to see the building styles of the grand capital.
Name | Summary |
Aethan | Good to have him in Arx -- though I'm not sure he'll find it to his liking. Well, maybe some things. |
Alexandre | Lord Anton Kennex, not prone to combat, but with a mind as sharpened as any sword. With evident interest in economics, Kennex is certianly equipped to handle all financial matters that may come with their courageous decision to end thralldom within their territory. |
Cirroch | Strange drawings. But he seems like a man with passions. I can respect those passions. |
Coraline | A very smart man, one seemingly not interested in exploring sewers with diseased animals, funny I think he has the right idea. I look forward to getting to know him better. |
Denica | I should probably tell him if he keeps his mouth open like that, he'll catch flies. Seems to have a good head on his shoulder though, once conversation properly started! |
Gianna | Another Kennex, though less of a swashbuckler than some of the others; more the studious sort. He likely gets along well with Constantine. |
Ian | Time hasn't done him many favors, but it's not like it's treated me so hot, either. |
Liara | He was quick to be friendly, though there's a hint of his cousin Ian's stolidness there. Couldn't know either way from a first meeting, but I'll figure it out. |
Reese | His artwork is lovely and different too. He seems like an interesting man. I hope know him better later. |
Reigna | I have found a certain appreciation for some of the Kennex lords, and this one seems to fit the mold of those whose company I enjoy. He takes a ribbing well, is plainly intelligent, if a little shy to embrace opportunity and ambition. |
Rosalie | Another Kennex, this one a cousin, though a close one it would seem. And he has a head for figures! I will enjoy getting his views on the ebb and flow of the markets and how they reflect on trade across the city. |
Rowynna | It's delightful to hear so many people speak well of one's kin. Anton is not an exception. Though I fear he made funny sketches of me, the man was a great boon to easing into the Ambassador Salon. He didn't even let me flop around like a fish out of water for too long! |
Sabella | How refreshing to meet another artistic Kennex, even if he does lean the way of numbers and figures being more architect than artist--although even if that's what he says, his sketches show that he has a wonderful imagination! I think we should be great friends! |
Sasha | A newly arrived Lord who I am excited to see what he becomes, surely it will quite a story. |