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Action Id: 4916 Crisis: Participants: Martino, Eirene, Alexio and Thea
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 7, 2024, 6:08 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Martino

With the number of refugees arriving into Southport and Malvici holdings, Duke Martino is seeking to welcome them in with semi-open arms. That is: They are willing to accepted our Gods and they are willing to enlist into the Malvici army as per any other citizen of Southport.

For those who are not medically well, a basic service will be provided to bring them up to a standard of health to offer their services if they do choose to. Those who do not, will not be permitted to remain in Southport as their home.

With the large amount of money that House Malvici has acquired from treasures recovered from Malrico, they will be putting this money to use to rapidly expand the city first through temporary accommodation and secondly through production. Recognising this is the first step into large scale growth, they will be focusing on the temporary accommodation and using the new labour to build something more permanent.

Action by Alexio

Alexio doesn't typically leverage his title of minister in Malvici affairs. For once he does. Utilizing his contacts Alexio is willing to deploy Martino's money where it can help first and foremost in regards to refugees that Malvici takes in, but then wider. He leverages contacts of both a savory and unsavory nature doing his best to ensure that no one might recognize just how much money might be flowing out of Malvici, or how sometimes donations showing up simply in supplies labeled as 'surplus' rather than hard coin. He deploys his charm to ensure people don't talk about the size of the donation but rather simply the generosity of Southport. Or in cases where those receiving donations aren't to be trusted members of House Malvici might occasionally find themselves receiving thank you notes from institutions that they do not recall Alexio unsurprisingly favors institutions that are ecclesiastical in nature but given the members the smalelr healing and physician focused institutions find themselves on priority lists.

Action by Thea

Thea is a Master Physician these days. As the refugees come through, she will help vet them. Check them over for illnesses, help tend to those that are likely not healthy. All the while, she will speak to them of her time in the Army and all that she's learned.

Action by Eirene

As she is doing with the Physician's Guild, (see action 4905) Eirene is making sure the resettled Formerly Writ-Bound refugees have the health care access they need to be healthy and fit for Malvici military service. She proudly tells them of her own time in the army (leaving out the War with Tor part)


The population of Southport grows, as expected, though much of the citizens that come there are extremely badly traumatized and there's a distinct lack of fighters in their ranks, suggesting an overwhelming majority of those that could fight have already been killed.