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Skatha Culler

When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. Across a battle field. Through a second story window...

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Mercenary Messenger
Fealty: Crownsworn
Family: Culler
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 37
Birthday: 04/13
Religion: Mirrormask
Vocation: Soldier
Height: average height
Hair Color: gray-streaked red
Eye Color: gray
Skintone: golden olive

Description: A hard look in gray eyes gives added sharpness to the cast of otherwise pleasantly arranged features. High cheekbones and an angled jaw frame a face that might be given to expressing mischief in another person, but is simply incisive. Her hair is long and deep red, threaded with gray that speaks to her experience of life. It's worn in a single thick braid that hangs down her back. She carries herself upright, with assurance and strength, a bearing that brooks no guff.

Personality: She listens more than she speaks, watching with those keen gray eyes. When she acts, it's decisively with no hesitation. She is reserved in interactions with others, staying remote from those around - a wall erected, but to what end? To keep what is outside out or to keep what's inside in? She is pious, honoring the Thirteenth before all other gods. It is a worship whose facets suit the life she has chosen.

Background: Culler. She is no Culler by blood, rather by association. As the story goes, she came up in the Lowers, underfed, underfoot, and earned her keep ferrying messages to and fro for the hard men and women earning the nickname 'Dart' for her propensity to do so. It's not a new story, nor a particularly inventive one. As a young woman, she signed on with mercenaries and became a scout. 'Dart' became 'Arrow' and she returned to Arx with little more than the gear on her back, and the plan to disappear back into the teeming morass of the Lowers in mind. Living is costly, however, so she makes her coin now as then as a courier of sensitive materials and messages, traveling all over the city, with deliveries that are discreet, disturbing, pointed, whatever the author cares them to be.

Name Summary
Theodoric Mysterious, capable, and full of opportunity yet to be tapped.