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Action Id: 2112 Crisis: Participants: Jev
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 1, 2018, 7:16 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 61

Action by Jev

Jev has woken up in a sweat! How can Grayson and the compact rebuild its naval forces when the archduchies, duchies, noble vassals and so on and so forth are so spread around and ostensibly all doing their own thing!? It seems each noble in each house is working on their own thing in their own way to help - but the actions are so uncoordinated! So random! Messengers and classifieds galore requesting trade pacts and support in hectic chaotic randomness! Nothing makes sense!

Jev remembers reading about supply lines. Economics: micro and macro! If only he can devise a plan! Something to present to...someone? Maybe no one! No matter. It's enough of a venture for him to hunker down and see what he can do!

Jev lays out a large map of arvum and the houses of the compact. He is noting the natural resources and the shipping routes.

It appears what would make the most sense is a central drydocks. Arx is too trade heavy and its ports too small. But Brighthold? Yes! Brighthold!

Mining of minerals, ore and metals as far as whitehold can follow a shipping route down the river, making stops for lumber and other materials at Cedar Vale and Stonehearth. Bastion can also ship lumber down its river to a connecting waypoint - each then combined to the delta where Arx resides. Trading vessels can move the materials to brighthold where shipbuilding can be done in a newly built drydocks: paid for and operated by the Crown direct and its individual docks rented or consigned to other duchies.

Thus bringing the naval rebuild under one unified endeavor. Sure it will require vast coordination, but it will ultimately be cheaper! Right? How much cheaper? Well that's what Jev is seeking to find out.

If his plan of coordinated exports from these various geographies, and shipbuilding conducted at a central location, can bring the ultimate combined costs of military rebuilds down by 20% or 30% - then he can take this plan to a higher authority who can pitch it to the various houses and get the proper diplomatic ties and logistical supports in order.

His figures and maths consume many reams of cocktail napkins, but he is determined. Will it work? Can he cut Compact navy rebuild costs? Does he have a strategic plan he can maybe even bring to the king?!


Jev works diligently - crunching numbers, making spreadsheets, looking at trade routes and goods, supply and demand. And what he comes up with is a plan - but perhaps not the one he expected.

There's no real way for him to help rebuild the army at a discount. But what he has discovered is, by building shipyards at Brighthold? He'll increase the income of Brighthold by a good margin. The initial investment would absolutely be worth it in the long run, provided they have the investment money up front. And of course, provided the powers that be want to build a shipyard at Brighthold, that is.