Prince Ardoin Valardin
Everything for the people, nothing by the people.

Description: Long of limb with a wiry frame corded with muscle, he possesses the body of a warrior - and all that comes with it, such as the diagonal scar that runs from halfway down his fair-skinned forehead to where it cleaves his left eyebrow in two, marring his otherwise youthful good looks. Sapphire blue eyes observe the world around him with open curiosity, sitting squarely above his aquiline nose, thin lips, sharp cheekbones and a neatly trimmed beard on his pale face. Sandy blond hair is kept short and more often disheveled than not. Still, he carries himself with a proud stance as befits a knight of the Valardin family, broad shoulders back and face tilted up just so.
Personality: Ardoin is one of those annoyingly optimistic folks, even in the face of the odds stacked against him. Impeccably pious, his veneration of the Pantheon is only matched by his strongly held convictions of right and wrong, honor and fidelity. That, combined with his steadfast belief in chivalry, scholarly pursuits and very serious belief in the Valardin knight being the sword and shield for the commoner has led to some friction within the family - which he happily ignores, remaining as genial and approachable as ever. Still, the idea that the commoners should be granted more land and economic opportunities while being steadfastly supported by a stronger hand of the nobility has made him less than popular in the minor branch of the Valardin family to which he belongs.
Background: Growing up in a provincial cadet branch of the Valardin family, Ardoin is the second son and initially was allowed to indulge in scholarly pursuits while soaking up stories of the family's honor and piety. After the Tragedy at Sanctum, though, his remote chance of succession to the high duchy got bumped up a few places and his father demanded Ardoin take up the blade. And he did - with enthusiasm, taking the vows of knighthood at sixteen. His life became an endless quest to protect the commoners and peasants from bandits and Abandoned raids, his idealism as much of a weapon as a blade. Over time, his voracious reading habits combined with his steadfast beliefs in honor and nobility, created the unpleasant idea that the nobility ought to not only protect and control the commoners with an iron fist, but also provide them with greater education, land, and economic opportunities - from the pockets of the peerage. Needless to say, this disconcerting belief caused concern within the family, whereupon his father sent him off to Arx to serve the Crown and the interests of House Valardin - and hopefully smarten up in the process.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Agatha | The oathlander prince drinking whiskey for breakfast and speaking out on behalf of shamanism and I think he may be broken. Is he sure he's a Valardin? Still. Amusing breakfast companion. |
Alarissa | One of my many cousins by a former marriage and energetic. It's good to see him in the city again. An apt student as well. |
Alban | Seems polite, recently arrived to Arx it seems. Have no doubt he will find his feet and his way within the city shortly. Not sure how he feels about us 'lesser' nobles yet. |
Aleksei | He definitely feels his feelings strongly. Oh, gods, next I'm going to say something about how he reminds me of me when I was his age. |
Amari | Well mannered, well spoken and handsome. A true prince. |
Ann | Possibly a new family member on the way. Can't say I know him well, but Fianna seems to more than approve - it'd make him a brother in law. I can't say it would be a bad choice. |
Aric | The Prince seems intelligent and friendly. He survived an onslaught of Keaton kin with great aplomb and grace, so I think he's ready for anything now! |
Barric | I get the feeling there is something goin on with Prince Ardoin though I am not sure what it is that has happened to make him so chilly towards me. |
Cadenza | A Valardin prince that's such a flatterer and flirt. I wonder if he's like his cousin....or does he keep his word? |
Cambria | A Valardin prince, with a concern for manners and etiquette - something sorely missing amongst many of our Peers today. |
Daemon | A prince who is unsatisfied with his lot, but he is a man who serves duty and honor just as well. Respectable to the core is actions such as that. |
Dominique | Well that was rather interesting. He seems to have an interesting relationship and is not as stuffy as one would think princes might normally be. |
Duarte | A garrulous sort with whom it is very easy to converse; our conversation conducted without strain. |
Elgana | A charming prince if I have ever met one. Devoted to his brother despite so much between them. I gave him my word that if I see his wayward brother I would give him a Redrain thrashing and send him home. To count him amongst my friends one day would be an honor. |
Emily | The Prince is a kindred spirit and I find his company rather enjoyable. I think there could be a fast friendship found in our shared interests. I look forward to having him over to meet the rest of the Deepwoods. |
Gareth | A prince of Valardin. At first he seemed quite rude, though he made up for it in the end and he seems a solid sort of Prince. |
Harper | I met Prince Ardoin Valardin near the Society of Explorers. Both being new in town, we talked about what we're doing here. I learned a bit about his life as a warrior and a prince, and might join him in exploring one day! |
Iseulet | Charming Prince - dashing, as all Dragons are. I hope to speak with him more in the coming days. We seem to share sentiments. |
Jacque | Another Valardin cousin, and also a knight. Very loquacious fellow and he seems to have a sweet spot for Princess Sabella. |
Jeffeth | A Valardin Prince, fresh to the city, he seems a solid and valorous sort! I hope he calls on me as a sparring partner someday. |
Jordan | For all that Prince Barric has maligned this man, he seems to be of self-restrained demeanor and genteel personality. I do not see fault in him, and then again, we see fault in the same individual. That makes us natural allies, after a kind. |
Katarina | My dear Cousin. Not one that I know well, but I will change that, because family is very important. He seems settled into life in the city, and that is great to see. |
Margerie | He seems like a good young boy, full of all the best traits of his Valardin family. I wonder if he realizes what a compliment it is that I would consider him for Jael... |
Michael | A scholarly man. One of the conversational partners at Silent Knights. I THINK he is vying for Margret's prospects. So a man with good taste. |
Mirari | One can never tell what they'll find when they meet an Oathlander. Sometimes taciturn, other times quite forward. Ardoin is gentle, amusing and quite handsy. Thankfully for him, I like being amused and handled. |
Monique | Charming, witty and has an excellent source of inspiration. I like this one. Worth knowing. |
Morrighan | A scholarly Valardin Prince with an interesting tale. Seems very righteous and keen on doing good, his heart is in the right place. He's got a blunt way about him, though, but I appreciate that about Ardoin. Perhaps in time he's someone I could become good friends with. |
Reese | Friendly, polite, takes life serious and is doing good work. |
Reigna | A noble and clearly eager knight and Prince of Valardin. I fear I might have insulted him. He seems the picture of the breed, tall, fair and earnest. I am positive he'll make Prince Edain proud. |
Rinel | A noble who is willing to sacrifice much in pursuit of righteousness--in other words, a true Valardin. It is good to see the House represented thus. |
Sabella | Another second son who likes theater! Perhaps I ought to start a support group. He seemed perfectly lovely and I will definitely find the time to show him around the city in the future. |
Sparte | He asked me to teach him my talent, my gift, my secret recipe. Basically he wanted to be really bad at dying. Who am I to say that can't be taught? |
Terese | I am grateful for Ardoin's company, words and understanding upon returning to Arx once more after Stormwall. He is insightful and has given me much to think upon as well as the offer of assistance to learn more of the customs and ways of the city that are still so new to me. |
Theron | Valardin Prince from what I understand, and someone who has been in a string of hangovers or certainly looked that way. Either way, seems to be a personable fellow when he's not slamming his fist on bar counters. |
Venturo | A spirited sort, and far more at ease than most of the Oathlanders one comes across -- not that they are bad, mind you. And he drinks! What isn't to like? |
Veronica | He's a prince, acts and talks like one, too. Polite, proper, gallant, but with funny hair. Too bad he didn't catch us at our best. |
Violet | A prince of Valardin. Met him at the Sleepless Knights as I was loading my gear for Stormwall. He was a personable man who will be likely staying in the city. Good. The city needs good men and woman here too. |