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Action Id: 953 Crisis: Participants: Reese
Status: Resolved Submitted: June 7, 2017, 2:21 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Reese

At the Crown Council Meeting Reese was given the task by Lark of surveying the Gray Forest with the intention of discovering how the bad the blight and draining damage is and if they can afford to wait on action. She knows about the dark elves. The goal is figure out can they wait to act more aggressively until a treaty is worked out with the elves or can the land not afford the wait. One of the main factors in deciding that will be 1. is the blight spreading. 2. is the blight getting worse. 3. Is the drained state getting worse. 4. Is the drained not getting worse, but possibly going to get harder to heal with time - i.e. are more plants and etc dying off with time.

Reese doesn't intend to answer these questions herself as she is not qualified. She is bringing a team with her. The idea of the team is to bring people who can answer these questions while those who are more combat mined serve as security to protect them. She wants to keep the team small and subtle, because she does want the elves to feel like they are going to war against them. The goal the team is not to run into elves and not to get into combat with this. Of course this goal might not be reality and Reese is aware of such. She has warmed everyone coming quite clearly that they could die and I believe that everyone going on this mission knows there is a risk of character lose in involved. If they are attacked by elves, she is going to have a few people flee and try to survive while the rest stand against the elves and give them cover (and probably die). This will be detailed more below.

Coming on the mission are Reese (leading it), Luca (serving as security and personally protecting Olivia), Olivia (coming to check on the state of the land), Maeve (coming to check on the state of the land), Esoka (serving as security), Rickard (serving as a scout/security) and Harlan (serving as security). Reese is also bringing two members of the faith to be chosen by Orazio and to be yet to be determined.

If they are attacked by dark elves and can't talk their way out of this - Reese, Luca, and Rickard are going to make a last stand while Esoka, Maeve and Olivia are ordered to flee. Harlan will be up to him. He is a duke and the player is talking about maybe not being around. She is sending Esoka with the non-combat types so they have someone to protect them while they flee and Esoka is good scout and knows the forest.

Reese choose this party based on who contacted her and wanted to attend. These were all the pcs who expressed a desire to come. She didn't personally ask anyone.

This might @inform, a staff run scene and/or a prp depending upon staff preference. I would love to see us get at least one scene and I would be happy to seek out a prp runner for such if staff would like. I would love a staff scene, but I realize that staff gets busy and happy to work on finding my own storyteller.

Thanks, Reese's Player.

IMPORTANT! Reese is being ordered by her family voice Calarian to sort of abort this mission. Or rather to only go out during daylight hours. Which means they will only go survey as far as they can get while staying in the forest only during daylight hours. Reese will follow those orders and so this is very very important to note!


Resolved with the crisis, can run PRPs related to this though.