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Action Id: 170 Crisis: Participants: Reese
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Reese

Reese would like to watch for signs of blight while patrolling the Gray Forest with her personal Military resources. She would like to talk to any Shavs she finds about the blight. She plans on reporting any information found to her family.


Reese discovers two distinct kinds of blight. One is the areas that have had bringers of silence pass through are very dead, as if the soil has been depleted and used up, and everything has withered away. Another is kind of a poison, rarer and inconsistent. Reese meets a few terrified members of the Gray Forest Reapers, the clan that has mostly been destroyed by recent events, and the handful gradually calm down and open up to the charming young woman. "The Poison of Arx has been going on for a generation, at first it was so rare we thought it was a legend, but now it shows more and more!" It's very inconsistent. Some areas she visted that were blighted seem to be recovering on their own on her way back, and some look unusually well on her return trip, where they couldn't really have grown back nearly that fast.