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Action Id: 3949 Crisis: Participants: Lou, Selene, Harlan, Felicia(RIP), Martino and Quintin
Status: Resolved Submitted: March 14, 2020, 1:11 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Silver: 100000
Economic Resources: 1000
Military Resources: 2200
Social Resources: 2000

Action by Lou

Lou has been tasked by Liara to reach out to the various sects of Abandoned within the Crownlands and to convince them to join the Compact in protecting Arvum. As such, she has put together a team of people to help with this journey, making sure they are properly outfitted, to tour the various areas of the Crownlands that Lou knows contains abandoned (from her previous work in @aciton 2263), particularly along the coastal regions, to complete this task. Her goals for this task are to:

1) Go to the Abandoned villages or tribes she knows are not tainted by the Abyss to have an open discussion about the latest threat from Eurus. First, Lou reminds those she's places visited that she's there before, and she's worked with them where she was able. Second, she makes sure the villages know that she's not there for slaughter, but honest open discussion and a good faith offer. Then, finally she discusses that Eurus is spoiling for war, they are known slavers, and they are infamous for taking slaves largely from the Abandoned tribes who do not readily have a force of people who'd fight for them. She tells them this information not to scare them, but to let them know what's at stake and what it might cost them to ignore the threat that's coming.

2) To ask them to join the Compact in aiding with the defense of Arvum. And, by doing this, she uses her position as Voice of Grayson to offer them an opportunity to join the fealty chain of House Grayson and a more permanent means of laying down roots on the land that they already inhabiting, as potential vassals of the various noble houses of House Grayson; the details of which vassal houses they'd join to be worked out at a later date and until that time they'd be members of House Grayson directly. By joining the fealty chain of House Grayson, they'd be given the protection of the Compact, as well as a means to start trading with the various members of the Compact.

She makes this offer in good faith as Voice, in part because having more people to defend the Compact would be useful, but also because she's certain the Abandoned may also be a good source of information on knowledge long since lost to the compact, much like the tribe of the Wolfheart people provided (Action 1418, @cal 1156). By adding them to the Compact, they also grow their knowledge base as well, and may be able to better fend off other dangerous threats.

Action by Selene

Selene brings a light touch, building on her experience with the Great Road where she followed Thena (action 3099) and Reese (action 3088) to build that tremendous goodwill that strengthened the Grayson forces. The Crown, the Grayson fealty, and importantly the army have brought many benefits to Prodigals who bent the knee. They have quelled many of the battles and quarrels that afflict the Abandoned, and provided potent opportunities for those who joined up. She can sing the praises of House Seliki's endeavors to bring wealth and livelihoods with real value to those who settled among them, how Mia Riven opened her doors and absorbed many displaced Abandoned, then defended them. She orchestrates this diplomacy quietly and directly, a warm smile and a very real interest in the concerns that are raised among those so different from herself. She musters the forces of Whisper House where they might wish to accompany her, organizing the apprentices and other fully ranked Whispers to provide assistance to Lou's endeavours. After all, /peace/ is a foremost concern and a message she speaks (title: Whisper of Peace after all) with quiet, persistent purpose far and wide to draw them in. Separate, they fall, each one of them weak enough to pick off. Together, they are bound to be stronger, more certain to endure.

Action by Felicia(RIP)

Felicia is particularly along on this trip to help keep the diplomats safe, but also because of her familiarity with some tribes further up the coast from Grayson. An opportunity to speak with the previously encountered Yorn (action 3562) and other 'neutral' tribes again- to reconnect with those she made headway with and provide them with more assistance. Though she knows of the Kous out there, too, her recommendation to the diplomatic team is to not approach them. This also gives her the opportunity to check the veracity of information previously provided in preparation for other actions in the future.

Action by Martino

Invited along by Lou Grayson as her protege, Lord Martino Malvici will be putting his ability to speak before a crowd to the test again. They may have heard of his efforts in doing just this outside Southport recently (Action 3882) and so perhaps more have come along this time.

He will further amplify the points made by Lou about the benefits of life within the Compact and setting up roots. How some have done just that in the south and how House Malvici cares for them. That House Grayson will do the same for them and ensure their safety, prosperity and families will thrive. That the Compact also respects a good number of traditions so there is no total loss of their identity.

For any in the crowd that can speak Lycene Shav, he can speak privately in their native tongue where needed.

Action by Harlan

Harlan will be going along with the Princess Lou Grayson, bringing the additional power that he and Ashford brings to the table. He knows that convincing Abandoned to join the Compact directly may be a large jump, and is willing to accept a smaller jump: That if the Abandoned don't wish to join the Compact, that they at least agree to not fight -for- the Eurusi, reinforcing the fact that the Eurusi are known slavers, and that Ashford (along with the rest of the Compact) is anti-slavery, bringing up Ashford's recent acceptance of and assistance to ex-Thralls as well. He will also reinforce Selene's message of peace and unity, stressing that the Compact and people are only strong when they fight together. Within Ashford, he will also work to get in touch with Clan Tree-Runner (clue 3660) more directly, although he knows it will be a hard sell -- but at least he wants to reach out, attempting to make peace.

Action by Quintin

Quintin's a middling diplomat at best, but he's got a sharp mind for tactics and he goes along to keep people safe and get to know the lay of the land. Mostly he's scouting and determining the best uses of land and fighters. He's also going to be coming from the angle of how the Abandoned are stronger with the Compact and the benefits they'd gain from the Compact's additional resources. In a military sense!


It's not easy.

Selene Whisper is one of the finest diplomats in the Compact and Harlan and Martino are talented, which manages to at least get three different clans to the table without violence. That's hard enough in itself, as all of the Abandoned are ones that have studiously resisted attempts to get them to bend the knee during the Silent War or the Gyre War and other diplomatic entreaties, and most have generational grievances against the Compact or at least local houses.

Clan Grayfall would bend the knee if its leadership are ennobled, joined by a marriage pact for protection to a noble Crownlands house. Their lands are relatively in between Ashford and Bisland lands in the Gray Forest, in a particularly difficult area to patrol of cliffs and valleys.

Clan Greatharrow is a relatively mercenary group that has often acted for pay for other Abandoned, and they'd take gifts, but refuse to take a pay cut just for a small matter like an existential threat. Their lands are Northeast of Arx, near Harrowhall, and they'd bend the knee as commoners for roughly 30,000 resources (of any type), or 15 million silver. Otherwise, they intend to flee to the Everwinter and wait matters out.

The Glorians would bend the knee if their extremely heretical worship of Gloria monotheism is protected, and they are all made formal members of the Templars. This particular clan were made up of godsworn that went rogue during the time of Marach the Apostate, who broke godsworn vows and seized lands near where the Gray Forest meets the Red Mountains.

They all could bend a good bit, but they all have difficult demands.