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Action Id: 2620 Crisis: Participants: Lou, Mason, Calaudrin, Vitalis and Elloise
Status: Resolved Submitted: Sept. 8, 2018, 7 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 100

Action by Lou

Lou is putting together a team of people to explore the western mountain range detailed in @action 2512. She brings the map she discovered with her, and has made certain to outline the areas of the range that are of the most interest to her and thinks would be the best places to explore. She's made certain to put together all the necessary gear for expedition survival - for Lou knows how to make sure to prepare for such things - and pack some spare food and clothing just in case. She even brings small trinkets and gifts in case they might run into people she might actually have to talk to in order to smooth the way and not get killed. Hopefully!

Action by Mason

Warm summer weather? Out exploring with the woman he loves the most? What's not to love about an expedition into the mountains?! -- Cliffs. That's what. Still, Mason is eager to go out with Lou and will gear up and leave the kids with the nannies.

Action by Calaudrin

A chance to get out of the city? Sure, Calaudrin is going to take it! Plus, he hears that the company is going to be pretty good. He packs his important gear, his writing tools and his shiny new bow and sets off with Lou and company to adventure.

Action by Elloise

An ADVENTURE! Elly's running late - but she's so THERE. Places to go, stuff to study, things to inspect and look at and maaaaaybe more.

Action by Vitalis

Vitalis is an expert tracker and pathfinder (no Capital P, just a regular pathfinder). Reminders in Arx and at home in Ostria of his late father are thick enough that an excuse, any excuse, to seek the horizons is welcome. As it happens, chasing horizons is one of his favorite things to do, so this is the best kind of excuse the young explorer could hope for.


There was adventure! New vistas! New discoveries! A map! But most of all, it's the view from atop the mountain, the serenity found there and the peace as they watched the land for miles around on a beautiful summer's day that sticks with them as they return to Arx. With a map that might point them to.. dwarves? Adventure awaits!