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Action Id: 2219 Crisis: Participants: Philippe and Eshra
Status: Resolved Submitted: June 5, 2018, 3:29 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 6
Military Resources: 59
Social Resources: 36
Action Points: 65

Action by Philippe

Count Philippe has selected a herd of horses to donate to the Knights of Solace. These horses were chosen for their endurance and speed. Taking advantage of his increased in food, he off-sets this donation by investing in his stables.

Action by Eshra

Eshra is going to help with the transportation of the horses along/across the river via boats and make sure there is the feed needed to keep them and their handlers supplied. Rivenshari will also help with security to make sure the horses arrive where they need to go.


Count Philippe, with the help of Lady Eshra, has donated a herd of well-trained chargers to the Knights of Solace. As the Silver Order recovers slowly from losses sustained in the campaign at Stormwall, these are a welcome addition to the Solace stables. For their devotion and generous donation, Philippe and Eshra are thanked graciously.