Lady Gretchen Moore
Anything can be cured... for enough coin.

Social Rank: 6
Concept: Cure-All Saleslady
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 25
Birthday: 1/15
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Barber
Height: average height
Hair Color: ginger
Eye Color: grass green
Skintone: pale and freckled
Obituary: Killed by forces unknown when Acorn Hill fell.
Description: There is something just off of tamed about this lady - her bright green eyes are sharp and alert, her ginger curls are? well every where? and the corners of her lips seem to naturally pull into a smirk that could be described as impish. Her features are sharp, and angular, her high cheekbones and the bridge of her nose dappled with freckles that contrast with her otherwise fair skin. Her frame is light and willowy, trim and well accustomed to activity.
Personality: A personable woman, Gretchen's got a keen eye, a quick tongue and quicker mind. She is extremely adept at reading others and using that skill to her benefit in determining how best to sell her wares to them. She's outgoing, and entertaining on and off the job, she genuinely seems to enjoy meeting others and learning about them? even when there is nothing to gain from it (but it's so much more rewarding when there is).
Background: Gretchen renown in the country for her travelling show of "CURES FOR ALL THAT AILS YOU" especially her 'Spirits to Lift your Spirits' (which is essentially moonshine). While she is a 'Working' Moore and many of her poverty riddled family members look down on that, they wouldn't say so to her face given Gretchen is probably the most financially stable and independent members of the family. Sick of travelling, and hearing of the 'success' of her cousins in Arx, Gretchen's invited herself along to the city to stay with them and maybe open a 'barber' shop to tend to all that ails the heavy purses of Arx.
Name | Summary |
Aethan | Asks good questions. |
Ajax | A woman who knows how to peddle her wares, and where to do so. That business acumen makes me inclined to spend my silver. I wish her luck. |
Alarissa | Oh dear. Oh my. That was a surprise. |
Alessandro | Quite a competitor in the game of guessing poisons. It is never bad to lose to a worthy opponent. |
Amari | If her itchy feet don't lead her away from Arx, she may make a fine friend or co-conspirator. Or both. |
Arcadia | She's always quiet and offering me herbal treatments. Doesn't she know the best way to mend a heart is to get drunk and break things? |
Arianna | A physician with a morbid sense of humor. Wonder if she's a mortician. In any case I really enjoyed her company and will seek it out again. |
Arman | I may not agree with her life choices, but I can not deny her enthusiasm for them. She was able to graciously receive criticism and even though it was promptly rejected it is a rare merit to find one who can shoulder the weight of critique without lashing out in response. |
Armani | Bright and conversational, and with a mean way about her if she wants to get under your skin. Someone I like. |
Arthen | She seems like a gem. A lot of smiles, even when she was tellin' that other fella he wouldn't ever measure up to her. She ain't shy, that's for sure! |
Aswin | An interesting noblewoman. She certainly has a different outlook on life than many others. I'm not sure if this is good or bad yet. |
Athaur | Hell of a Lady. It was masterful to watch her exchange social barbs. |
Beatrice | How odd to face the other side of the mirror. I like what I see in her. Lady Gretchen, so industrious and warm, could rule the world if she chooses... or simply fix a nail most expertly. I would not underestimate her. |
Bhandn | The offer to cure what ails me was appreciated, when coming from a stranger. I doubt she can cure me of making regrettable decisions, though. |
Bliss | A working noble - that part is unfortunate, of course. But her potions pack a kick - and they seem to do the job. I'm definitely feeling much better after trying it for a bit, in conjunction with my other recovery methods. Gretchen Moore seems to be just what she advertises! |
Caith | I heard that she works! A noble who works! She must have a keen mind for business and figures -- I wonder if she would help out with Heart in Hand? Oh, and her lipstick was fabulous! I will need to ask her where she got that. |
Cerdensulathara | Stylish. Pretty. Sharp. Apothecary? Not easily cowed. I approve. |
Delilah | She is an ardent competitor and added a dimension of character and delight to the Lasting Hope's opening. |
Domonico | A Lady Moore who is opening a Spa/Clinic in the city. An interesting concept and both it and her are worth watching in future. |
Elgana | Having heard about the grand opening of her spa, I'm quite pleased to have met the Lady Moore and I am even more excited to see what wonders can be found at her business. |
Evaristo | I like her. Real approachable for a noble, and working too. I bet she can cure my hangovers! |
Evonleigh | Strength and honesty wrapped in a bit of sharp wit. |
Gianna | Admirably enterprising and so very, very sharp. |
Gregory | A friendly noble who makes her own decisions. I pray to Gild that her business does well, and I hope that her association with Gilroy does not prove a problem for her. |
Helena | A worthy competitor and either very frank or very funny -- I haven't decided which! |
Ian | Makes a lot of assumptions. Don't like the way she talks about Zoey. |
Jasher | The lady in the Grotto who is also a Lady, it seems. She runs an interesting service, and her vitriolic relationship with the sketchy man suggests there's more to her beneath the surface. |
Lore | A lovely lady with a strong backbone and a winning smile. She'll need both of them to survive this city. |
Luca | I've only met a couple members of House Moore, but I expect almost all of them to be as honest and upright as House Keaton who resides over them. Lady Gretchen didn't disappoint. She's just so helpful! |
Lucita | Lady Moore has a sense of humor, whimsy, and enjoys good wine. She was amusing when participating in some Lycene contests. Hope to talk to her more in depth when not in such a busy crowd. |
Lycoris | Is she one of these Yayas I've been hearing about that keep making matches in Arx. To be feared. |
Mabelle | A lively and talented Lady. If what I hear is true she did very well for herself in a single month! She's one to watch. |
Martino | Opening up a Spa in the city is a brave venture but, with some tinkering and refinement, I know the brave Lady will be successful |
Merek | Good with games at the festivities. She seems to be nice enough, I am hoping that she will participate in more of these things! |
Nurie | A most interesting and utterly charming Lady from the Oathlands! I'd only heard tales about her business, but after meeting her I do not think I will be able to resist going there! |
Orathy | She ain't a Tessa but she be willin to avenge Tessa 'n that be all I be needin to know to do what I be doin best in service to Moore. |
Petal | She has a tonic that cures everything! It is going to be great and I probably can work twice as hard and twice as long now! |
Reese | I am curious about her shop. Seems like an interesting woman who is sort of a healer and sort of a merchant. |
Reigna | I can see echoes of Tessa's willfulness, her stubbornness in the angle of her jaw, in the touch of something brazen about her. But there is wisdom too. There is cunning. She is her own woman, and she is one I hope to know better. She might not believe the wild truths I offer her. Not yet. But inside her I think I spy a fellow dreamer. |
Rinel | A woman who is drowning her grief in wine to avoid being drowned in grief. I cannot judge her--I have sunk below sorrow's waves myself. Gods grant her healing. |
Rukhnis | A Lady who is surprisingly unafraid of hard labor or harder decisions. Willing to do what it takes to finish even the most difficult job. |
Rysen | Sharp, witty, and has an answer to any question. |
Selene | Confident about her talents, smart in deflecting criticism. She deploys words very well, keen to their use. Ah, how we can use more of her like in the world. |
Sorrel | Apparently she's an excellent medic, but she does seem to be a bit skeptical of the strange and unusual, which is to be expected for someone fairly new to Arx. |
Sparte | It wasn't the best of first meetings, having to speak to her about a dead relative because of official business. I mean, she seems nice, but it was all understandably sedate. |
Sudara | An Oathlander who upstages the assembled Lycenes in a risque game? Both bold and impressive. |
Tabitha | A lady with a confident manner and a lively presence. I believe she runs a spa! That sounds fun. |
Tescelina | She was very interested in my hair, it is lovely though -- I am told. |
Venturo | Lady Moore, met under somber and sad circumstances, but at a celebration of a life passed too quickly. Another time to learn more about her own ventures in business with her spa. |
Willow | Intriguing. |