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Action Id: 1471 Crisis: Participants: Orazio(RIP) and Bianca
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Orazio(RIP)

Oh boy. Religious fanatics! Nothing could go wrong. Needless to say, Orazio is Very Concerned about this surge of people who are putting mortal institutions (including himself) on pedestals meant for the gods. So, he travels to Kennex, in the time before he sets off to the Southern Wastes, and he basically makes a tour to meet as many of the Sentinels as he can. His purpose is threefold:

Knowing that many of these thralls were Abandoned, he introduces those interested to Faith, doctrine, and the various Discipleships and the concept of godsworn. He makes it clear that those who wish to serve the gods who protected them can do so through traditional channels. He will try to steer interested parties towards the Discipleship of the Sentinel, with an emphasis on the theology pertaining to just actions between a liege and vassal, particularly thralldom - those who excel at this will be encouraged to become missionaries, using passionate and educated arguments for the dissolution of thralldom AND for just treatment of prisoners, the condemned, and serfs.

Second, he wants to encourage the Sentinels to recognize that it is the gods who deserve veneration. The Faith may receive gratitude, and House Kennex deserves respect, but it is only the gods who deserve worship. This will be some missionary work of his own, speaking with passion about the virtues the gods represent, and encouraging the Sentinels, if gratitude they feel, to show that by serving as the gods would wish them to serve - with generosity, courage, compassion, justice, fidelity, wisdom, and so forth. He will steer them away from violence, and encourage them to look to the local members of the Faith for guidance.

Lastly, he wants to give the Sentinels chances to tell their stories of life under thralldom. He will reach out to the Scholars, and take a group with him to record the stories and experiences of former thralls, both of their hardships, and of the strength and strategies they used to endure the institution. These will be sent back to Scholars in Arx, to be duplicated and made available to the public across the Isles and the rest of the Compact. The focus won't be on naming-and-shaming, but rather on building empathy and helping people understand the varied experiences of thralls, and what it was like to be one in even one of the most progressive demesnes of the Isles.

Action by Bianca

Archscholar Bianca has designated a small group of fifteen field scholars to travel with the Legate to Stormward. It will be their jobs to document and duplicate these stories for redistribution within Arx.


The newest, most popular white journals at the Great Archive are undoubtedly, "The Stories of the Sentinels", the accumulation of the stories of the Orazian Sentinels that tell the tales of life under thralldom and how they are changing for the better now. It is immensely humanizing, and there is a large groundswell for thralldom reform now- it had always been a major issue for the rest of the Compact, but it's becoming more frequent on the lips of the commons. The Sentinels themselves are mostly still in stormward, though a great number do become godsworn, and Orazio does manage to keep them from being a hostile, potential schism. They seem to be mostly under control, and drifting towards obeying the Church and following its organization. Mostly. For now.