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Action Id: 2027 Crisis: Participants: Skye
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 9, 2018, 3:47 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 4750

Action by Skye

Baronesss Skye Blackshore has finally raised enough funds to rebuild Blackshore keep. Using the tradesmen she attracted (see @action 1910), the young baroness will finish clearing the land and start construction on New Hope. Her wish is to have some progress made before High Lord Victus and Princess Alarissa visit to review the state of Blackshore Isle.


The new keep on Blackshore Isle is small but sturdy. New construction means the people there are just starting to settle in. It is on the opposite side of the island from the old keep which was burned to the ground, and the surround environs are green and beautifully growing. Serfs near the keep have made their homes good ones, and the general outlook is bright for this revitalized Barony. Industries that thrive in this holding are: fishing, whaling, exotic skins, lamp oil, candlemaking, and ship building.

The docks are currently being expanded but boast a full shrine to the Pantheon - it is a small shrine, but meaningful to the people there. When first the scouting for revitalization and renewal came, the shrine was first established and so it remains. A larger one could be built, but sailors are sentimental - and superstitious. And so it stays as a small port town gradually goes up around the expanding docks.