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Action Id: 312 Crisis: Participants: Marian
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Marian

Marian will be accompanying Prince Edain Valardin's Skirmish force. She is carrying House Valardin's 'Oathbinder' Longsword, and a wickedly curved shortsword with a bloodstained hilt. Her plan is to keep to Edain's side, protecting him with deadly force and if necessary, using her body as a shield to ensure he comes to no harm. Because she has an effective weapon against the enemy, all her shots will be precise kill shots and nothing fancy. When he falls back to the ground that Duke Gabriel and Lady Calypso have chosen to fight on, she will cover his retreat, never letting him give his back to the enemy.

If Edain is successful in leading the charge once others help him gather in formation, she will make sure to stay his right hand shielder and guard. His safety comes first and then the enemy's blood. If she gets wounded, she will stay on the field until Edain is safe. Her own personal safety is less of a concern. At no time does she plan to let go of House Valardin's 'Oathbinder' Longsword. It's a treasured legacy of her departed husband and the only reason she would get distracted while protecting Edain.

<<OOC Note: This if my first attempt at +crisis so if this is not clear, let me know and I'll correct>>


Before the Battle of Pridehall, Prince Edain gives a rousing speech to calm the nervous of many of the nervous, worried Oathland knights about to do a cavalry charge down into a shav force twenty times their number, knowing that the charge is a decisive moment to allow the massive Compact infantry to push forward. As Marian rides down with her prince, she quickly notices that Prince Edain was absolutely picked out by the shav forces who had been watching that same speech from afar, and a great many are trying to kill him with a single minded focus.

Marian fights like a demon during the charge, striking down shavs left and right who are trying to get to Edain. She sees a hulking shav literally tearing Oathlands knights apart with his bare hands with impossible strength that is striding towards Edain with grim determination, and Marian knows full well what would happen if that beast in human form put its hands on the Prince of Sanctum. The Sword of Sanctum positions herself in between the Bringer of Silence and Edain. The beast moves with impossible strength and speed and Marian manages to pull Oathbinder into place just in time to parry the first attack, the Bringer of Silence hissing as its stone like fingers touch the alaricite. The flurry of swings between Marian and the Bringer move too fast for most others to follow, as she drops to pure instinct and fury swells in her. Through the red haze, she's aware that she's put Oathbinder through the chest, and the bringer opens its mouth to scream but it seems to ignite from the inside out, and turns to ash.

Dimly, as the battlefury fades, she's aware of cheering around her.