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Action Id: 1716 Crisis: Participants: Orrin(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 20, 2018, 11:53 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Military Resources: 10

Action by Orrin(RIP)

House Seliki and Orrin in particular are known for being outgoing, with little time for political games or long, flowery speeches. With the call for banners, Orrin knows its time to address the looming enemy presence across the water that is making Pearlspire nervous. Orrin wishes to make it known he has extended an offer of safe haven to Duchess Margot's people should they need to flee the oncoming armada, and intends to make impassioned pleas to his people to prepare the defenses for an attack from the sea as well as the possibility of the enemy attacking further north and then pressing down into their territory, while making room for potential refugees in those plans. He wishes to stress that we WILL show Thrax the hospitality that free people can bestow, and make us all stronger for it.


Count Orrin makes a speech calling his banners. House Seliki is already known for being outgoing, so he makes it known that he has extended an offer of safe haven to Duchess Margot's people if they need to flee. He makes an impassioned plea to his people to prepare the defenses for attack from the sea, and stresses that they will show Thrax the hospitality that free people can bestow. It doesn't go over so well, since Grayson-Thrax relations have never been all that good, but he is certainly sincere.