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Action Id: 2023 Crisis: Participants: Jeffeth, Thena and Caith
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 11, 2018, 2:26 a.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Economic Resources: 100
Social Resources: 100

Action by Jeffeth

Jeffeth has been told that he was spared the night 100 Knights of Solace disappeared because the Leer saw potential in him. Potential for great darkness. This made Jeffeth very sad. He doesn't want to have darkness in him. He has been counseled by trusted individuals that this could be a lie to make Jeffeth more susceptible to the influence of shadows. In opposition of this the Knight is trying to rely on one he has always relied on, Gild.

Jeffeth believes he has a connection with Gild so is going to ask her over and over in prayer for guidance. Why was I spared? What do I do next? Jeffeth will spend hours and hours in prayer going all night for multiple nights if he must, sacrificing sleep, showing that he truly wants to listen, that he truly wants to serve. He will listen and force himself to stay spry, to listen for the voice of Gild or any guidance she may give.

Action by Thena

Jeffeth has apprised Thena of his recent findings and she is naturally very, very wary of any truck with the Abyss. In recognition of Skald’s teachings she has chosen to merely do her best to help him find the right path rather than take any further action. To that end she prays with him when she has the time, spending hours on her knees in the shrine reaching out to Gild for guidance, forgoing sleep and food. She MIGHT let Caith hug her. Maybe.

Action by Caith

While Jeffeth might be spending his time in non-stop prayer, Caith is hoping to catch Gild's attention in another way. Where has she been? In orphanages, reading to and playing with the orphans and bringing a bit of light to their days. In the House of Solace, sitting with the wounded soldiers and holding their hands when it hurts too much or just listening when they need to talk. In the soup kitchens, making sure the hungry get fed. She's hugged a lot of people lately -- this isn't terribly different from her usual behavior but she's stepped up her game in recent days. She loves helping people but she is also hoping that her actions will appeal to Gild when she does lift her prayers up to the god.

'Hello Gild. I hope you can hear me. How are you? I hope you are well! I have a favor to ask you but not for myself. Please, please, please help my friend, Sir Jeffeth Bayweather. He is praying to you presently. If I peek open one eye, I can look over at him right now and he is trying so very hard to hear you! I want you to know that he is the kindest, nicest, most compassionate, sincerely /good/ people I have ever met. He is seeking your guidance now and he could really use it. See, he was told by Mirari, a member of a very bad group of people working on behalf of EVIL, that they want him, that he was spared the night 100 Knights of Solace (see Jeffeth's secret) were taken because the Leer saw the potential for darkness in him. This has caused him so much pain and despair. I have told him that he is good. I have told him that we all choose who we want to be and he has chosen to follow the path of the light. I have told him not to trust the words of liars and deceivers. I think he believes me but he has so much guilt and so much pain due to being the one who wasn't taken, the one who was spared, that he needs some help. If you could guide him, Gild, and give him a sign of what he needs to do, it would give him so much comfort and fortify his resolve. I love him -- for how steadfast and true he is, for how dedicated and devoted he is to you, how he has given himself to your service so completely. I know of no better person. Please, please, please. Help him.'


All of them have the same dream. 100 silver coins laid out on a table. On by one, each coin vanishes, until one last coin remains. The coin looks tarnished, covered in some sort of black tar, and it is left alone. Then the table catches fire, and slowly the tar burns away, but the coin is no longer silver, it's gold. On the coin are the words, "Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men." The fire fades, as does the table, and the golden coin stays there, suspended in air for what seems like an eternity. Then the dream ends.