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Action Id: 1480 Crisis: Participants: Thena and Reese
Status: Resolved Submitted: Dec. 9, 2017, 10:56 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Military Resources: 200

Action by Thena

Thena continues to oversee the Knights of Solace in Stormward, making sure they are vigilant about making sure that freed thralls are not being taken advantage of as they transition to their new lives. The Solace continues to place agents on ships as requested, as representatives of the Faith. Freed thralls are welcome to find a place in the Solace that suits their talents, and receive instructions in the Faith.

Action by Reese

Reese is going to help the Knights of the Solace with helping to make sure that the freed thralls are not take advantage of.


Thena manages to prevent a dangerous incident. A commoner vassal of House Thrax named Captain Rolfus Blacksail was making a port call at Stormward with his crew and got into a brawl with some of the ex-thrall Orazian Sentinels, who declared his entire crew 'unholy agents of a sinful institution'. The brawl was turning violent, and many of the Thrax men were declaring that the Sentinels were criminals and would be coming with them, to start new lives at Maelstrom as thralls. The Knights of Solace put a stop to that.