Lot Medraut
Might may not make right, but it damned sure helps.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Brutish mercenary
Gender: male
Marital Status: Single
Age: 29
Birthday: 08/02
Religion: None
Vocation: Soldier
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: fair
Description: Lot looks the way children imagine an ogre would look. Hulking and brawny, he is tall, broad of shoulder, chest, and hip, with thick muscular limbs ending in unusually large feet and hands. His dark hair and beard are cropped short. All of this combines to make his head look proportionally smaller, with dark, narrow eyes, a prominent jaw, crooked nose, and large ears.
Personality: Lot can seem very simple: he enjoys money, fighting, and luxuries beyond what a normal peasant could otherwise expect. Not much prone to idealism, he is a pragmatist at heart. Gregarious and merry in his high moods, dour and destructive in his low moods, there are occasional hints of cunning that slip through his bluster, but Lot is one for whom the cover exists to judge the book.
Background: An unusual man with a very common origin, Lot isn't very forthcoming about his youth, but most believe he was born to a family of farmers in some unremarkable barony of the Grayson fealty. There was nothing notable about him other than being an especially big peasant boy, and there is no mention of him in any rolls until the Silent War. Among the masses of peasantry displaced by the advancing army, Lot reported for the levy as was his duty.
He was good at soldiering. Most of it was just waiting around doing nothing: stand where you're told, wait there without fleeing, and if the other side came close enough, hit them until they all went away. He didn't overthink things.
After the siege of Arx, he and his family went back home and found their village utterly gone. There were survivors who were intent on rebuilding, but having left his village for the first time and seen Arx, Lot wasn't enamored of the prospect. Having had a taste of the military life in the larger world, he wanted more. After growing up on a farm, the notion of being paid to just stand around and be bigger than everyone else was an alluring one, and Lot promptly fell in with a mercenary company he had met during the Great Siege.
With typical middling peasant wit, he was oft nicknamed "A whole Lot" or "A-hole Lot" depending on the mood of the big man and his fellows. He's followed by a number of colorful rumors ranging from the curious (he once cut a horse in half with one swing, he sank a rowboat by stepping into it and refuses to fight on a ship again, he's a former Shav king) to the fantastic (he's descended from actual ogres, and his ancestors were cast out as traitors by an ancient king), but this much is true: if you've coin, Lot Medraut is for hire.
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