Countess Ember Redreef
I do not fear to spill blood to hold what I have.

Social Rank: 5
Concept: Crimson Countess
Gender: female
Marital Status: widowed
Age: 23
Birthday: 4/14
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Soldier
Height: average height
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: Luminescent Yellow
Skintone: Deep Red
Description: Official portraits of Countess Ember Redreef show a woman with sun-bronzed skin, dark hair, and amber eyes, an athletic figure with a scar on her left cheek and a baleful glare. To see her in person, without her armor or cloak hiding her from view, one would be forgiven for thinking that this is not the same creature. Broadly shaped like a human, Ember's skin is a deep red, and her hair is as white as pristine snow. Her eyes are solid yellow in color and literally glow in the darkness. Large, long ears come to knife-tip points. Her fingers and toes end in brutal claws, and her teeth are sharpened, with visible fangs. A thick, long tail sways behind her, its top edge ridged with low nubs of bone emerging just past the surface of her hide. And from her temples sprout great, black, wickedly curved ram-like horns. Surely, this monster could not be Ember Redreef -- but the scar on her left cheek, the blunt and clipped way of speaking, the fierce sternness... there's really no one else it COULD be.
Personality: Passionate, ambitious and bold, Ember rules by dint of force of personality. She works hard, aggressive and confident, and brooks no disrespect. To be a woman that has lived the life she has lived in the Mourning Isles, strength is required. Image-breaking came naturally to her. She is crisp, acerbic, and allergic to nonsense. Yet she is not without enjoyment in life. She enjoys aggressive men, challenging games of chance, and fights that get the blood hot. Though she has a reputation that suggests merciless crushing of all who stand against her, those who speak to her directly might find that exaggerated: not reckless cruelty, but relentless competence, is her stock in trade.
Background: Ember and Marina were born twins, daughtering a father who needed someone to inherit. The politics of the question were always a struggle, and it was always his plan to marry in men for the twins and ensure the continuation of the bloodline. Still, his legacy was very important to him, and both his daughters were aggressively competent, defying convention to learn to fight as well as administrate land. When her father died, he was still daughtered, and although Ember was not the rightful heir under the law of the land, she held the land by virtue of the loyalty of her father’s men, and through political sway and fierce intensity managed to have herself declared ‘regent’ for her father’s spendthrift brother.
She held the barony by the skin of her teeth, defeating two duellists on her uncle’s behalf who challenged her claim, and under her iron grip Redreef thrived. While her sister captained the first ship of the Redreef fleet with skill and verve to fight off all comers, Ember held her ground and held the land. When the law of the land changed and women were deemed eligible to inherit land under the Mourning Isles, hers was the first suit — by blood and by the choice of the Baron — in the Court of the Mourning Isles to confirm her claim.
The case was settled in a publicly vaunted occasion for trial by combat, and Ember personally defeated her uncle’s chosen champion in a fight to the death, against all odds. Her uncle yielded and retired in ignominy, while Ember solidifed her rule and developed her reputation crushing revolts against her authority with an even-handed fist and the aid of her sister as her strong right arm.
Name | Summary |
Adalyn | Stoic and a bit hard to read, she seems tough, serious, and rather no-nonsense. I fully agree with her comment that the social and economic dangers of the city are more difficult to navigate than pirates, brigands, and the like. |
Adrienne | I met Baroness Ember Redreef at an event hosted by the Pravus family. One might describe her as a woman-shaped attack dog. |
Aelgar | A thinker who manages to make her points succinctly, she is obviously unusually intelligent and well worth getting to know better. |
Aethan | She's what I would expect. I look forward to more discussions with her. And her dog. |
Agostino | A sharp sense of humor. I will have to keep an eye out for her at future public events. |
Aine | Striking and blunt, and with an impressive accomplishment to her name as a Thraxian woman reigning in her own right. |
Alarissa | Who's the baddest, bloodiest, most fun Baroness of Redreef? Of course it's Ember! |
Amari | Definitely brave to try and wrestle Archlector Brigida, though I think she would have had better luck with the giant boar. |
Andromeda | They call her the Bloody Baroness. Apparently we have a few things in common. She's more emotional though. |
Anisha | There is much to admire about Baroness Ember Redreef. She is exceedingly expressive, if you know what to look for, and a delight to plan out and speculate with. I'm not much for very physical games, I'm afraid - but I look forward to how she deals with challengers in less-lethal arenas. |
Apollo | Bloody baroness indeed - I worried that's what she'd be. |
Arcadia | She's so straightbacked. I wonder if she knows how to laugh? |
Auda | The Bloody Baroness is.. intense. Always ready to pounce, to lunge. I like it. |
Behtuk | Bloody Baroness. How does one earn that title? Not by drinking. I think that I do not want to know how many she killed. |
Bhandn | The Baroness and I apparently think alike when it concerns the purpose of a memorial. It's nice to feel validated, but I would rather it be over something that is /not/, by its nature, of potentially grave importance. We as a people should never be arguing over important matters. |
Brigida | One does NOT attempt to manhandle the Archlector of Petrichor when she does not wish to be moved. |
Cadenza | Though injured, the Countess is fierce enough she may break me. |
Cahal | She's naturally intimidating, which is a good thing in my mind. I do wonder what she did to earn that moniker though. |
Calla | Met her at an event, hard to get a read on, but she seemed to take an interest in my homeland, the Sea of Skulls specifically, so that's good. I think. |
Caspian | To say she is intense is to say a rock is mildly tough. She is a proud woman, quick to expect the worst from people i feel. Still, she is very intriguing and i hope she might allow me a conversation or two in the future. |
Cassiopeia | Brave, daring, she is a formidable force. |
Catalana | The bloody baroness and brawn of the family. Gods I hope she's put Marina as her voice. |
Celine | I should say that the Countess is the better half of her twin, but in all honesty I cannot. I much prefer her sister. |
Cesare | First the Bloody Baroness and now the Crimson Countess; she presents a stoic exterior but the tales of her prowess in battle suggest there is a deep well of passion beneath it, and her talents in advocating for and leading her County add evidence to this suggestion. |
Cristoph | Not incredibly talkative but with a stare that certainly conveys... things. Possibly unpleasant things. But things all the same. |
Dara | She's a very forceful presence, but also soothing. Like a warrior mom. |
Denica | Bold. Daring. Presence. The woman doesn't mince words and she is as sharp as a blade. |
Desma | A brutal opponent in the ring. She outmatched me considerably but I hope that I did enough to prove myself |
Domonico | Well at least she acknowledges when she has overendulged. With hope next time she will be in a better position to converse. |
Duarte | Good thing the weather is warm. |
Erik | I do not know (yet) what her issue with Gehenna is, but I do not want to sit between the two. But I can respect the aura of strength from her, a true child of the Mourning Isles |
Esme | I adore her. There is nothing else to be said beyond these words. We are sure to be best friends that steal ships in the night and launch into adventures. |
Evander | She is... a Thraxian, all right. |
Evelynn | Well spoken, commanding, intelligent. Redreef couldn't have asked for better. |
Fatima | Delightfully devious. I quite like her. |
Gaspar | Scars are usually such unsightly things, but she wears them with pride and it makes her all the more unique. I'm not sure I've ever met a more bold woman in my life. I've very little doubt we will be seeing more of each other very soon. |
Gehenna | Still the Baroness. Which is to say, still with all the facial expressiveness of a stone, and about the same inclination to be induced to movement. She keeps the house in fine shape, though. |
Gehenna | My dearest cousin, I hope Redreef will survive your rule. |
Gehenna | My cousin has outdone herself in her efforts to ruin Redreef. Namely by surrounding herself with progressive incompetents. |
Giada | I often pity the nobles for their lack of freedom, but some seem well suited to severity. |
Grady | Soon to be a mother, and, I think, already becoming one. The transition seems to be more difficult for some than for others, but I think she will thrive in the adversity. |
Haakon | She wears rich cloth well enough, but gore drenched armor suits her better. |
Ian | Princess of Parties, I guess. |
Jan | Seems like a woman I could drink with. The kind of drinking partner that would help you cover up an accidental murder or maiming due to said inebriation. |
Jasher | Rumor has it that Countess Ember is one of the most intimidating swordfighters in the Isles. So far, I have no reason to doubt this rumor's legitimacy. I'll have to spar with her to know for certain. |
Karina | Countess Ember is a remarkable woman. Her intensity so strong, it could literally set you ablaze with only one look. But there seems to be more then meets the eye. I am honored she visited my shop, she has truly inspired me this day. |
Klaus | There has been a change over her, and I wonder how and why. Still a friendly face si good for a saddle sore soldier like me. |
Korka | She's the only woman I've ever seen to ask a man to undo his belt and present to her his most prized possession and not end up with a handful of disappointment. Perfection. |
Ksenia | Silent and stern with a gaze that transfixes. I am sure if I had answered wrongly I would have regretted it." |
Leena | I'm not often actually impressed by people - but the Baroness is everything I am not, but perhaps wish I could be. Bold, unafraid, confident, I've seen concern and perhaps mercy, but if you were on a negative side of her I think she would be merciless. For the two awkward seconds my hand may or may not have been considered, I assure you Baroness the honor was all mine. |
Lore | She's got balls, whether she wants to admit to it or not. |
Mabelle | A pleasant woman who seems to have a lot of interesting, yet bloody stories. My interest is piqued. |
Maharet | The Bloody Baroness, they called her. I can see the casual amusement she takes in others predicaments, but whether it is directed to hurt, I couldn't say, as yet |
Mailys | If I ever had to advice to give the person who saved my life. Bet on this woman. That's it. |
Martino | Chased a thief down, grabbed him, and terrified him into submission. She single? |
Maya | The Baroness is a cold, distant woman. That is not to say she is unkind, unfeeling, or uncaring. I believe she is, in point of fact, th every opposite of those things and in her management of them keeps everyone at arm's length. |
Medeia | You know that tingling sensation that crawls along your spine when you blow out the candle on your desk at night and have to make it across the room to your bed and you know there's nothing lurking in the shadows, but you leap onto the mattress with your heart pounding? That's Ember. |
Mikani | The Bloody Baroness, she grew up strong and proud. I am glad that I grew up with her. |
Miraj | My sweet Baroness! Truly, a wonderful woman. I know, a little rough around the edges. but I wouldn't have the edges any other way. |
Miranda | Uhm.. her handmaidens do everything in unison. PERFECT UNISON. I am dying to know how she does it. My soldiers could use a lesson here.. -I- could use a lesson. Impressive. |
Mirari | Lord, but she is a little ball of anger wrapped up in a stoic package, isn't she? |
Mirella | No-nonsense, inquiring mind. Seems as sharp as a blade, and that's no bad thing. |
Nazmir | The Countess is known for her parties, to which I did not believe until I attended. The nature of them speaks to her character, especially in the face of things and I can not wait to attend more. |
Neilda | All the warmth of a bipedal cactus, but that's ok. That's how you have to be when you're in charge like she is, I guess. |
Niklas | You can never say that the Bloody Baroness doesn't know how to make an exit! Or a scene. |
Nina | Hm, she's a very serious person - but I admire that she takes a dare with poise and without flinching. She also has lovely hair. |
Orland | She manhandles people like she owns them. For someone of the Peerage, her etiquette needs brushing up on, that fisherman could be a king! |
Pasquale | Its rare that peoples claims to fame hold up to much inspection but to be the first woman to head a house within thrax's borders is impressive. |
Petal | The Baroness seems eager for new clothing. I think she is likely pretty badass too. Fun company. |
Piccola | Every inch of this woman is something to stare at in awe. Her presence is a scintillating experience. |
Quenia | She seemed quite hard at Piccola's inaugural meeting, but I can only imagine what her life must be like being the first domain to be legally inherited by a woman in the Thrax fealty. She will have many battles to fight, I only hope they are battles easily won. |
Quinley | The Baroness is fierce, intellegent, and an ally. This combination promises great things. |
Reese | protective of her friend in a good way. The Baroness seems the sort to look after those she care about. |
Romulius | The head of our sister vassal and by all accounts an impressive force, both in court and in battle. A progressive voice in the Isles that we could all stand to look towards as an example. |
Rorik | Baroness Ember gave what is perhaps the best wedding speech I have ever heard. Plus, she drinks almost as much as I do! I think I like her. |
Sabella | The baroness is... Different. Intense. That is not to say bad, mind you, no. I sense there is a loving heart within her. That may have been hunger, though. |
Sabine | How delicious to find a woman outside of the Lyceum who so exemplifies the truth that not all traditions are worthy of preservation. Tap her and I imagine she resonates like folded steel. |
Sanya | The baroness carries a bold determination to go with her strong convictions. She has sense of humor most would not readily anticipate, too. |
Savio | A woman who knows what she wants. Power. Knowledge. Root vegetables. |
Sebastian | Unbridled, untempered fury has its time and place. And its uses. |
Sedna | Outsiders may not know enough to look because 'The Surface Deceives' aren't their house words, they're ours. Beneath that righteous facade, I detect a reservoir of nostalgia in my cousin. A woman doesn't fight that long and that brutally to lead people for whom she does not harbor love. |
Seren | What an imposing figure! She was not the tallest in the room, but certainly had the most presence. |
Serena | Baroness Redreef is a force. You can feel it the entire time that you're in her presence. She pushes against you, probes, looks for an opening. And this is just who she is. She should be admired for it, though I think many would be frightened instead. |
Sigurd | An invigorating sparring match with a beautiful woman. I am quite surprised at the outcome given her reputation. |
Sira | She will outfox me yet, and I'm certain that it will be my undoing. I can't wait. |
Sparte | House Redreef is in very reliable hands, and if I said that to her in front of her entourage you'd hear the giggling from the next ward over. |
Sydney | Disquietingly severe, though she seems to be made of sterner stuff than even I am. She's got so many scars that I don't think I could count them if I had all the time in the world, and she's got all the personality and humor of a circling shark. |
Temira | A force to be reckoned with. Although we havent conversed much, our fighting along side each other in battle speak for itself. I respect her and grateful for all she has helped the Eswynds with. |
Terese | I can not quite read the Countess and that is probably exactly what she wants but I am trying to make this work |
Trueth | Ember has always accepted me, no matter what. I am not sure what she really thinks of me, but I know that I am glad to be part of her family; she has never made me feel as if I'm not. |
Turo | A charming woman. Competing against Navegant rum is a bold move. I doubt it will work out for her. |
Tyrus | I was not surprised by what I saw of the Baroness. Her reputation, what she has done and achieved, all require a woman of strength, one who has known and is not afraid of pain and hardships. One who knows of the prices that must be paid. Whether she knows to balance it... will be seen in time. |
Valdemar | The Baroness certainly has a sense of humor as interesting as her weapon choice. I would gladly accept her assistance again in the future, though. |
Vanora | Baroness Redreef has never been a woman to trifle with, and it is inspiring to see her show that to the world. |
Venturo | A woman of few but quite meaningful words. Stern, most would surely say, but I see a woman who cares for her people, unafraid to take a stand. And her humor? It's as sharp as her sword, when one gets a chance to see it. |
Wash | The Redreef baroness has a reputation, but I've seen her let her guard down more than once, and more than just figuratively. |
Willow | I should really get to know her better. She seems a rare one of the Peerage who also gets that our "lifestyle" is basically a full time job if any of the Peerage is ever to rise above the rank and file nicety of Lord or Lady. |
Wulfrum | By all appearances the Blood Baroness runs a strict household and knows people rally around a good story. |
Zakhar | Eyes that will bore a hole through the untrained, with a kindness that exists for those that are able to see the hardships that the Baroness has endured to hold their position. A welcome sense of humor. |
Zoey | You're intimidating for sure, but I know beneath your stony countenance is a heart that knows joy and humor. |
Zoya | One of my twins - the child I helped raise. It was not easy to grow to what she is now. |