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Devotions to the Thirteenth

A simple and non-secretive ceremony in the Shrine of the Thirteenth where all are welcome to join to pay their respect to this mysterious deity. Prayer and ritual will be focused on embracing the Thirteenth's teachings and led by Vanora Pravus, one of His devoted mirrormasks.


June 20, 2017, 6:30 p.m.

Hosted By



Niccolo(RIP) Fortunato Arianna(RIP) Fiora Malik Mydas(RIP) Ferrando Charlaine(RIP)



Arx - Ward of the Compact - Shrine of the Thirteenth

Largesse Level


Comments and Log

Baron Archibald Chirpington, a Gyrfalcon arrives, delivering a message to Malik before departing.

Ferrando trucks into the shrine and picks out a spot on one of the jet black mineraloid quasi-uncomfortable benches nearby Malik. "Ah, Malik, good to see you," he declares quietly, shifting a bit to try and find a slightly more comfortable sitting position. The Thirteenth doesn't want you to nap during services, apparently.

1 Nightgold Guards arrives, following Mydas.

Malik has been here just moments, already settling into the benches when Ferrando comes to settle near him. The sight brings a warm smile to his face. "Ferrando! A pleasure it is to be seeing you," he greets in his richly accented voice, stretching as he makes himself as comfortable as he can, which isn't much at all. "I have not been yet to an Arvum Pantheon ritual. Is it very interesting?" he asks, curious.

Fortunato strides in with his canvas-bound board under his arm, his graphite slung between his fingers. Way to participate without participating, huh? Fortunato excels at that!

1 Nightgold Guards leaves, following Mydas.

1 Nightgold Guards arrives, following Mydas.

Marquis Mydas Nightgold makes his entrance quietly. Dressed in his usual dark silks and umbra, along with the mirrored mask of northern wood. He makes his way unhurriedly closer to the shrine, the masked Marquis nodding his head to those already present, golden eyes peering at them and their reflections. Still, he does not yet engage.

"Well, I think they aim more for enlightenment than entertainment value," Ferrando notes thoughtfully back to Malik. "The ceremonial aspects are usually interesting to me, anyway. But I think with these things you get out of it what you put into it. If I participate, I'll learn something. Or that's the way I usually look at it."

"Hm," Malik nods to Ferrando, considering for a moment. "That is good thinking. Considering it an experience to be learning! We shall learn together, then," he decides, patting Ferrando on the shoulder in a friendly manner. There is a glance over his shoulder as Fortunato drags in his art supplies, both brows extending upward in curiousity. "A fellow painter," he waves over to Fortunato. "I should have brought my supplies. That is smart thinking."

Arianna strolls into the shrine with a reverent look on her face. Rare, but none the less the young woman says a few silent prayers to Tehom and finds her seat. Giving a nod of recognition to some of the others she chooses a place that is out of the way. Leaning against the wall of the shrine, she leans her head down to wait for things to proceed. Vanora was looking a vision as always, one of the favored daughters of Tehom. Or so her cousin had told her, Arianna was here to observe and see for herself what the Thirteenth was all about.

Ferrando follows Malik's look to Fortunato, which earns him a little wave. "Hey," he says amiably before nodding back to Malik. "Thank you! We shall indeed be learning together," he agrees. "I'm a little surprised more people don't try depicting this shrine in art, you know," he continues, looking around a bit while the ceremony hasn't yet begun. "It's a unique place to be sure. Might use up all your black paint, admittedly."

The Shrine of the Thirteenth is a dark place by nature, the polished jet walls preventing it from ever being otherwise. However on this ceremonial occasion, there are not only candles placed at the sides of each of the benches, but a large brazier in the middle which holds a roaring fire. A few Mirrormasks mingle about...perhaps other priests or devotees who are donning that polished silver tonight. Silent Reflections are seen lingering about as well, mostly focusing on keeping the candles in place and lit.

Eventually a lady dressed in silk so dark a purple it might be black enters the chamber and moves towards the dais. Her own face is half-covered by a shining mask, but it is not the same that the priests wear. She is clearly no priest, whatever she is. "Greetings and welcome to all who have come to pay respects and perhaps learn about our Dark Reflection. Tonight's ceremony is the 'Embracing of Vice' but it is not what those words might lead you to imagine it. I will give a short sermon, allow time for questions, and then we will partake in a brief ritual for the betterment of all of us." Vanora Pravus might be recognizable as herself, the half-mask does not hide the braid of red-gold hair falling down her back. Tonight however she is 'Sister' or 'Reflection'. Nothing more.

"I draw here sometimes," Fortunato idles toward Ferrando as he gestures a wave with his graphite toward both Ferrando and Malik. To the latter, "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Always glad to meet other artists." With this, his attention shifts toward Vanora. His smile cants higher on one edge and his eyes brighten at the name of the ceremony. What fun, what fun.

"My name is Malik," says the dusky-skinned Whisper in his richly accented voice, though he brings his tone down to a hush as Vanora takes the stage. "We should discuss art sometime!" he adds quickly, and quietly, to Fortunato before he looks over to Vanora, settling in. There may be some barely perceivable tightness in his jaw at all the mirror-masks floating about, but he is clearly trying to look comfortable in the setting.

The masked lady continues. "The Dark Reflection is a mysterious God to some...enough so that He is feared in certain circles instead of beloved like the rest of our Pantheon. This suspicion, this caution, comes from not understanding Tehom or his faith. I wish to enlighten as many as possible. Thus I shall. The Thirteenth is a god who teaches us to understand the entirety of ourselves. The qualities we believe are good and worthy, and those we are ashamed of and feel we should hide from others. The most dangerous piece of that is when we deny the duality not in others but in 'ourselves'. Convincing oneself that he or she is perfect, pious, kind, all of the time is convincing oneself of a lie, and making their flaws all the more powerful for their denial of them.

5 Velenosa House Guards, Romina, a silent Mirrorguard agent arrive, following Niccolo.

"There cannot be light without darkness. There cannot be joy without sorrow. There cannot be generous love without aspects of self-serving lust. But none of this is bad. Human beings are creatures of duality. We have light within us and darkness too. We are capable of being so very charitable, warm, loving, humble, and kind. Most of us wish to be these things. We are also capable of being greedy, cruel, hateful, vain, spiteful and selfish. That is the nature of being a human. What the Dark Reflection wishes to show us is that whole self. The good and the bad. It is the only way to mastery of the self...and that is the gift that the Thirteenth bestows. Through self-examination, even if it is painful, we grow stronger, each and every one." The masked lady preaches onward.

Niccolo quietly enters the shrine, and just as quietly finds a place to settle at. His guards spread around a little, giving the archduke some space, while keeping him in their ling of sight. Romina however stays by the High Lord, settling at his side, silent.

Fiora is a bit tardy perhaps, but she arrives in that silent, sudden manner that she has, appearing in the doorway before slipping her way through the room. A brief glance around has her zeroing in quickly on the tall man with the Mirrormask on. She approaches him from behind, stepping up to his side with a soft step. She smiles faintly, leans in to murmur something to him, then reaches up and pulls him into a very sudden and thorough kiss of greeting. When she does release him a few breathless moments later, its with a wink before turning her attention towards the lady Pravus. Though not without a subtle nod of greeting towards Niccolo.

Mydas checked composure at difficulty 15, rolling 5 higher.

Mydas leans slightly to listen to the whisper, right before he's kissed so thoroughly. He exhibits little surprise, apparently happy to go with it, even going so far as to wrap an arm around Fiora's waist, arm that is kept there even after the kiss is over. He chuckles at the wink, but does not interrupt Vanora's preaching, returning to his listening. He does, however, address Niccolo a respectful inclination of his head. A polite greeting for the High Lord of the Lyceum.

"In accepting that duality we become more than what we otherwise might be. We study, we reflect, we consider our failings and try to rise above them. We also see the closeness between what is virtue and what is sin. Where we find ourselves sinful, where we see the worst parts of ourselves...with examination and reflection we master those passions. Passions themselves, even those considered Dark, do not make the man or woman. It is losing control to those passions, letting the dark consume too much, that can consume us as well." She pauses and then goes on. "I informed you that we would be conducting a ritual called 'Embracing of Vice' and that is what we will move to do now. None are obligated to participate, observing is acceptable. However if you feel moved by this knowledge of the Thirteenth and wish to strengthen yourself in the way He would strengthen you, then please join us. I have an accolyte currently passing bits of resin incense to all in the temple. When you receive yours, reflect for a moment on what you believe is a vice, a dark passion, that holds you back. Either by filling you with guilt to carry such knowledge, or because that dark passion, that vice, has cost something dear to you. Reflect on it and focus on the incense, and then when you feel ready, approach the brazier and place the resin in, to offer up your challenge to the Dark Reflection, to show Him that you truly see."

As acolytes walk down the aisles handing out the incence, the masked Lady steps before the brazier to make her own offering. "None need to state the dark passion they are attempting to rise past aloud, though I shall do so. It can be spoken outright, whispered to me as confession, or stay between you and the Thirteenth in silent prayer. Choose what you are ready for." At that point she bows her head before the brazier and states: "My Mirrored Lord, my Duality, I offer up to you my failings. I offer up to you envy, which I find myself slipping into far too easily and fequently. I wish to be rise above it so that bitterness does not consume so much of my thoughts. I wish to be focused inwardly, not observing the world and feeling resentful for what I do not have. I pray you turn this Envy into strength...into motivation for me to be as immaculate and impressive as -I- can be, without comparing myself to any other. Thank you for accepting this humble offering and attending to my soul." The block of resin goes into the brazier and there is a brief flash of extra flame before it settles. The masked lady steps back from the brazier slightly then, offering a general nod to those gathered that those who wish to may now make offerings of their own.

Niccolo glances at Fiora and dips his head at her nod of greeting. He repeats the gesture for Mydas. He listens to Vanora and tilts his head up, attentive. When she explains the ritual, he grows pensive. The archduke rubs his chin, and looks over at the acolytes and from them, to others present. He doesn't move or rise, at least not yet. For now, he observes.

Arianna listens to the sermon with an interest that extends beyond passing. Her head lifts up when she sees the newcomers arriving. Dipping her head in a bow of respect, the young Lady slips away from the wall. Giving a deep bow of respect to Vanora, holding it for a long while before she wordlessly turns to leave. Stopping where her cousin is, she gives him a small smile before leaning in to exchange a silent word before she begins to depart.

The Mirrormask man gives Fiora a nod before stepping away from her and moves towards the brazier. Unlike Vanora before him, he does not speak of what he reflects. He does not speak of whatever vice might lurk in his heart. No, the wolf eyes look into the flames in silent communion. "Mirrored Lord, Dark Reflection, thank you for accepting this humble offering, and granting us your Mirror." His voice is deep and low, certain in faith, and the block of resin is dropped into the brazier. He steps away then, letting others advance.

Malik watches from his bench, sharing a quiet conversation with Ferrando. There is an ever-so-curious expression to the resin that is passed about by the acolytes, though he does not reach for anything immediately.

Fortunato usually opts out. Entire, entire. Today, he slides the canvas back under his arm and steps forward to claim a bit of resin. "I never know what to say to these. Dark passions? It has an intensity that doesn't reflect my real weaknesses. Which are more about lack of passions, hm?" Still, he moves forward to the brazier. "Dark Reflection, then. I offer insecurity! It does not have the ring of many of these, but here it is all the same." He lets the resin down and withdraws back near the left jet wall.

Vanora nods to the Mirrormask who makes the offering, as if in acknowledgement or approval or recognition. Nods behind masks are hard to interpret.

Maxene, Camille arrive, following Alarissa.

The nod of Vanora is returned by Mydas, the Mirrormask of the golden eyes. He then watches as Fortunato steps forward, and while his mask does not cover his face, a slight smile of approval can be seen when the painter makes his offering. No word is spoken, however.

Ferrando takes his lump of resin and turns it over in his grasp thoughtfully before rising and nodding once to Malik before departing for the brazier. "I offer rage, frustration that injustices are committed, that potential is stolen, that things that must be done are prevented from occuring. Take the fury that would do more ill than good, that would remove clarity and make senseless action feel like accomplishment. Help me to keep my anger under control to sharpen my focus, instead of rushing forward in an attempt to do everything at once. Let me harness that power, and not be overtaken by it." He tosses the resin into the brazier, watching the flames for a few moments before smiling to Vanora with a light bow and turning away.

Maxene, Camille leave, following Alarissa.

There is a another thought-filled moments before Malik slowly rises, accepting a lump of resin. He rolls it between his thumb and forefinger as he approaches the brazier, waiting for Ferrando to say his peace before he himself steps forward. He says nothing, choosing to instead make a silent prayer noted only by movement of his lips, before he drops the resin in the brazier to watch it melt into the flames. Then, he turns away, and retakes his seat.

Frowning softly, Fiora contemplates what she herself might offer to Tehom, then accepts her incense and moves towards the brazier. Focusing on the small bit of resin, she murmurs softly, "I offer stubborness, an unwillingness to let go of a past that still affects not only myself, but those around me as well." Tossing her resin into the flames, she moves back to stand at Mydas' side once more.

Charlaine moves forward to take some resin, and offer her own prayers... she quietly shifts in her prayers and then she drops her resin along with the others.. she watches it burn before she slowly tirns back to her seat.

Mydas wraps his arm around Fiora anew and leans over slightly to murmur something in her ear.

Niccolo finally rises. He goes for the incense. But, he remains silent as he closes his eyes briefly, the places the resin in the braizer. Through it all, Romina watches the archduke in silence, as he returns to the place he was settled at.

Fiora leans in towards Mydas and lifts her chin to whisper a response back to him, saving a warm smile for him on retreat from the stretch to reach his ear.

Once the line of congregants adding incense to the brazier deminishes and then ceases entirely, the masked Lady lifts her voice to address the gathering again. "The temple of the Thirteenth thanks all of you for joining this rite, in whatever ways you felt you were ready for at this time. I promised that after the sermon and ceremony I would remain present to answer any questions this group has about the Dark Reflection, His tenets and theology, or any other pressing questions a Mirrormask might assist with. I also encourage those of you who did approach to deliver your offering to consider making a personal appointment with myself or any other Mirrormask. We can talk you through these dark aspects of your natures and show you the light within them, and sometimes provide ideas as to how to overcome what holds us back." She leans over the brazier as if to feel the smoke on her skin and ends only with "Blessed is the Thirteenth, the Dark Reflection, who guides us here in the mortal world and strengthens us for challenges to come." That seems to be that, for now.

With the ceremony done, Malik rises, offering a smile to both Fortunato and Ferrando. "Maybe I will be seeing you both again soon," he says, before he dips his head towards Vanora in quiet thanks and quietly makes his way out of the shrine.

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