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Written By Snow

July 10, 2018, 3:21 p.m.(3/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Dycard

Another gift handed out to A friend. You are so kind to visit and make conversation. Also I do believe the cologne will draw others to you, if only because it smells amazing, and nothing to do with your charm or dashing good looks. I kid of course.

Written By Snow

July 9, 2018, 9:01 p.m.(2/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

It was so nice to see Mistress Joscelin smiling and so happy at her wedding I was glad that she loved the gift I made for her, and hope that she'll continue to be successful, and excited about these things. She has such a great personality and cheerfulness that's infectious.

Written By Snow

July 2, 2018, 4:35 a.m.(2/13/1009 AR)

Finally managed to get the shop open though it will be some time until I get business. I am very excited to help the city with their needs. Also, I made it into the society of Explorers. Only just but It happened and I am glad.

Written By Snow

June 27, 2018, 5:14 a.m.(2/3/1009 AR)

It was an honor to be making perfume for Lady Sabella as a gift for her wedding even though I was not able to attend, I do hope that she liked the gift and I hope there was plenty of happy moments.

There have been so many things that has happened to me these last days that it's difficult to count them all really. I have had the fortune of meeting a variety of people, Including the countess Emmelline, And Lady Orelia, and they both seem to be charming individuals. And Lady Emmelline has purchased my first perfume, while there is another I am just waiting to sell.

MIstress Joscelin has taken me on as her Protégé, and it is so honorable to have her as my patron, and I think we will work well together. Master Caspian Stabbed himself in the finger and lost 500 silver to Master Holt, and I had to clean the wound, before wrapping it. I really hope he doesn't get the rot from it, it's a small wound but with knives these things happen especially if it is wet or if it is a dirty blade, which I don't think it was. Still it was exciting to watch. Oh, and there is someone who I think has cought my Eye, or maybe it is the other way around. I will have to see what that is all about.

Written By Snow

June 25, 2018, 5:58 p.m.(1/28/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

It was so kind of Mistress petal to give me advice in setting up shop in the city. She is so caring and just all around wonderful. And so, with the help of her and Mistress Joscelin. I will be opening business soon. The plan will be to have a shop and infirmary for those who are in need. and I hope that it all goes so well. I am so glad to be here in the city and to have made so many friends.

Written By Snow

June 24, 2018, 5:31 a.m.(1/25/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Petal

If you are looking for clothing, apparently it is said that Petal is a good choice. I am starting to think they are right. She has already started work for me, and is very kind and helpful, in picking something of use.

Written By Snow

June 24, 2018, 5:29 a.m.(1/25/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Violet

Violet is quickly becoming one of my favorite people. she is always so encouraging and it is nice to know that she cares about my well-being.

Written By Snow

June 22, 2018, 6:29 a.m.(1/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ingrid

So I have spent time traveling the hills around outside the city, looking for a lily of note that is hard to find here, and even more so when there is frost on everything. But there is a merchant at the market selling the oil from the flower and it is working just as good. Rose water is easy to be finding though, and so this will be a nice gift for Lady Ingrid. It is flowery, and I am to know that she prefers more spicy scents, but there is a nice pepper that I was able to find that is Rich. I am hoping that she will Like the gift. I think I have spent too much otherwise....

Written By Snow

June 22, 2018, 5:22 a.m.(1/21/1009 AR)

It has always worried me that I would not fit in, in a new place. I know that is strange but it is so very true. But Prince Darren, and others have made me feel so welcome, even though it is being hard for me to make sense of customs. After being from the cliffs and peeks, and seeing the vacancy, it is new to be in a large city with people of all different tribes, in one place. It is scary, but I am thinking that it is going to be fun when there is people to make roots with. There is even people I think I can call family someday. It is nothing but happiness for me. Even now I am smiling at the woman who takes down these words for me, though it is strange and difficult to make sense why it is that everything to be put in books. But I am trying and learning that they are important. I am not sure why though. Maybe one day I will understand fully.

Also, there is a woman who is interested in perfumes, and there is a man who is sad that I have met in the square. I want him to smile again. I have also met a knight A tall man. Very tall, much taller than me. But he is not like Magnus all giant and bulky. He is giant and lean! Ha, imagine if they were to brawl, there would be smashed everything, and Countess Paige would scold someone I am sure. But...maybe not since these people of my house seem to be of this sort. And it is nice to see them so close and really like family, born in tradition, and remembering what it is to be of north lands. Okay, I am done talking, but I am going to look over the books now to see just all that can be seen.

Written By Snow

June 19, 2018, 1:03 a.m.(1/15/1009 AR)

Today I will go out and start the hunt for the berries and the flowers needed to work on the first perfumes I will need to sell. I hope the people here will enjoy them, for I do not know if I am as prepared as others.

Written By Snow

June 19, 2018, 1:01 a.m.(1/15/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Appolonia

It is always a wonder to me how many of the people here seem invested in me with such little they know me. But I think it is helping me form friends. It is with joy that I tell the scribes this, knowing that someone will read it. When I had prayed I had ask for guidance, and a way to find my way in this strange city with it's strange customs and it's many peoples. And I have been given opportunity, and Things to think about and people who are interested in not only giving me instruction on the gods, but also to leave me to choose what it is that I think about them. Thank you Lady of the house I cannot remember, with the long name and all your patience with me, and hopefully friendship will be found.

Written By Snow

June 18, 2018, 7:21 p.m.(1/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Today I saw a man today, who would only take water in front of one of the shrines. I hope he doesn't die of the cold. I also hope he has plans on what he should do if he should need to bathe, or relieve himself. Truly curious.

Written By Snow

June 18, 2018, 5:06 p.m.(1/14/1009 AR)

As it is my first day in the city....I will have this man write that I am saddened that my world has changed that people here think I am a barbarian...or some feral creature, that I must change for some group of gods I know so little of. But I will learn, but it is how I will stay here and with family. But I am saddened and I hope that there will be a day when I will be able to lead my people in the rites that we all have grown through, that people will know that I am better for my faith. That I embrace the mountains where I came from, and that it is a part of me. I fear that it will not matter in the end though and that I will be forced to change. But my next life will hold promise as well.

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