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Written By Sabrina

April 26, 2020, 4:24 a.m.(3/7/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

Those who trust in the strength of giants are stunned when the ground quakes at their fall.
I knew better.
But still the world shook.

The echo of the unsaid between us is deafening. Your name now etched in stone, I've been unable fill the void in the cracks with words. Farewell to my sister, whose absence will never go unnoticed.

Written By Sabrina

Nov. 11, 2019, 1:49 p.m.(3/6/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyche

I am not certain it is a question of whether I am glad to have come here as much as it was necessary to. For more reasons than one, it was. I remain dubious that Arx can ever feel like home, but when a tree is cut from the forest and shaped into a vessel of the seas, it better belongs cutting through tides than lying at rest in its woodland origin.

So here I am, noting that while the heat of the Lyceum may not reside in this city's winter chill, it is alive like a fire in the company of my family. For this, I consider myself glad.

Written By Sabrina

Oct. 14, 2019, 4:43 a.m.(1/6/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyche

My cousin Tyche was surprised that I remembered her birthday.

The last time we were together for the day is one I have failed to forget. Each year, the day is seared into memory that time fails to wash away. Some things we simply never lapse on.

The message of her gift should be tangible to her. Having known her most of my life, I am not concerned that it isn't. Years have passed to bring us together again, and now our paths have become entwined as never before.

Written By Sabrina

Oct. 14, 2019, 4:20 a.m.(1/6/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianna

Few rise to the challenge of a glamorous welcome the way my sister has. The spread hearkened back to our youth, and yet neither of us is quite the same. Arianna's instinct to protect me remains and, I have no doubt, she means as an act of love. But when I am one day weighed for my deeds, will I say I stood with idle hands and a still tongue because I was loved?

That's rhetorical. Of course, I will do neither. I am where I need to be.

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