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Written By Renata

Feb. 11, 2024, 10:13 p.m.(9/21/1021 AR)

Nearly twelve years ago, I found myself with fears and horrors of the waters. Of what might be possible to come from being close to the water. I boarded a ship to come to the city.

Part of me hated my beloved Belladonna when I read the contents of her letter over my breakfast in Setarco. A letter so casually and so easily written by her hand, but which killed a part of me on its reading.

For so long, I would find myself to be lost within the city. To be surrounded by those that I didn't know who might be a friend or foe. A feeling that is so distant in the now. Knowing of what my younger self was about to go through, the dances of those she thought were to be loved. Only to be left so quickly when telling them that they were loved.

To be told that she was possibly cursed. As they did not understand as I did. Even to not know Who she was then.

I only wish to be able to wrap her up within a large blanket. Be able to sing to who I once was. To be able to calm her from those fears.

Written By Renata

Feb. 1, 2024, 10:33 p.m.(9/1/1021 AR)

I've never been called selfish before. This is a feeling I don't know how to explain. Other than I suddenly feel understanding to why my cousins enjoy turning to fire.

Written By Renata

Feb. 1, 2024, 9:58 p.m.(9/1/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Titus

Lord Titus was a man of contradictions, a complex tapestry woven from threads of ferocity and compassion, of strength and vulnerability.

He was a storyteller, a weaver of words who sought to capture the essence of life's beauty and intricacies. In the quiet moments of reprieve from battle, he would regale those around him with tales of love and longing, of triumph and tragedy, his words painting vivid images that lingered in the minds of all who listened.

Despite the harsh exterior he often projected, Lord Titus harbored a deep capacity for love and compassion. He sought to embrace all who crossed his path, to offer solace and camaraderie in a world torn apart by strife and conflict. And when the time came to make the ultimate sacrifice, he did so willingly, laying down his life to protect those he held dear, a testament to his unwavering devotion to the greater good.

In the memories we hold of Lord Titus, we see not just a warrior, but a man of depth and complexity, a soul touched by both darkness and light. And though he may have departed this world, his legacy lives on in the tales we tell and the lives he touched, forever etched into the fabric of our shared history.

May his spirit find peace amidst the chaos of the eternal battlefield, and may his stories continue to inspire generations to come.

Written By Renata

Jan. 25, 2024, 5:42 p.m.(8/15/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Sabriel

Amongst the many who showed their bravery in Setarco I would not be here to write of those brave moments if it wasn't for Sabriel Stormborn. In a moment against my nature of life and course within my every being. I attempted something within the first steps of the battle which proved horribly wrong for my livelihood.

Sabriel, took it upon herself to ensure that I was safely pulled from harms way.

I owe her a great debt in this.

Written By Renata

Jan. 25, 2024, 11:19 a.m.(8/14/1021 AR)

I find myself reflecting on the valorous deeds of the many warriors who rallied under the banner of House Pravus to ensure the salvation of Setarco. As the city stood on the brink of annihilation, it was the unity and determination of these brave souls that turned the tide of battle and secured victory in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The forces of darkness, embodied by the demonic hordes, sought to lay waste to our beloved city, but they underestimated the resilience of those who call Setarco home. Led by the unwavering leadership of House Pravus, warriors from all corners of the realm united in a common cause – to defend our people and preserve our way of life.

In the heat of battle, it was the selfless acts of heroism that defined our victory. From the valiant defenders who stood guard atop the city walls to the courageous warriors who charged fearlessly into the fray, each individual played a vital role in ensuring the safety of our people.

I must take a moment to offer my deepest condolences to the family members of Giorgio Pontelaeus, a man whose golden touch brought prosperity to House Proscipi. His loss is felt deeply by all who knew him, and his memory shall forever be honored among the heroes who gave their lives in defense of Setarco.

The bravery and sacrifice of the warriors from every house under the Pravus banner have ensured that our people will make it safely to Arx. Their unwavering dedication to duty and their willingness to stand together in the face of adversity serve as a testament to the strength of our unity.

As we begin the journey to Arx, let us carry with us the memory of those who gave their lives so that others may live. Let us honor their legacy by continuing to uphold the values of courage, unity, and resilience that define us as a people.

Written By Renata

Jan. 17, 2024, 12:56 p.m.(7/26/1021 AR)

I saw her upon the waves near beaches of the city. I wept for not knowing her sooner. I wept for her need to cast me upon shores. Her words forever to be burned within my thoughts as now I seek to find my own voice and grasp, learn, and sing.

I don't know if this will change me. If it does, I hope for the best.

I also seek to swim under the waves now. To bring a gentle kindness to all, and remind any that kindness should not be overlooked and abused. For any attempt to take my adoptive home from me will learn what it feels to drown.

Written By Renata

Dec. 16, 2023, 9:12 p.m.(5/19/1021 AR)

I awoke with a song echoing through my mind... I will miss the mirrored crossroads within the hedge maze.

Written By Renata

Dec. 12, 2023, 5:11 p.m.(5/11/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Theo

You look better in red.

Written By Renata

Nov. 29, 2023, 9:13 a.m.(4/12/1021 AR)

Today, I found myself entwined in the irony of my own choices, a twist of fate that did not escape my notice. In the pursuit of finding my inner self, I decided to embark on a moving meditation along the expanse of the shores around Arx.

As I treaded the sandy shores, the rhythmic crashing of the waves against the coastline initially felt like a melodic invitation to mindfulness. The salty breeze whispered promises of catharsis, and the sun, a golden orb in the sky, cast its warm embrace upon the landscape. It seemed the perfect setting for a journey within, a communion with the self amidst the beauty of nature.

However, the irony unfolded with each step, for beneath the surface of the cerulean waters lay the unknown, a realm that stirred a latent anxiety within me. The ocean, with its vastness and enigmatic depths, became a metaphorical mirror reflecting the shadows of my deepest fears. The very waves that were meant to bring tranquility began to carry an undertow of unease.

The crashing surf, once a symphony of nature's rhythm, now mirrored the tumult within my mind. It became a reminder that, sometimes, the pursuit of peace requires confronting the unsettling truths that lie beneath the surface. The nightmares that lurked in the recesses of my thoughts manifested in the rolling waves, a paradoxical dance between the desire for tranquility and the inevitability of facing one's fears.

Perhaps, in this confluence of contradictions, I will find the answers I seek, or maybe I'll simply learn to navigate the delicate balance between the serene and the unsettling.

Written By Renata

Nov. 27, 2023, 2:33 p.m.(4/8/1021 AR)

I found myself once again ensnared in the clutches of a waking nightmare, yet the setting had shifted like sand beneath my feet. Instead of the foreboding streets of Luciva, I awoke upon the spring shores of Arx, the moonlit waves caressing the shoreline in rhythmic whispers. I stood barefoot in a delicate nightgown, the cool embrace of the sea sending shivers through my being.

The air was filled with a sense of surreal tranquility, a stark contrast to the chaos of the previous dream. As I gazed at the calm waters, I could almost hear the gentle lullaby sung by the ocean, a deceptive serenity masking the mysteries that lurked beneath the surface.

Yet, the nightmare persisted. The waters, though seemingly serene, carried an undercurrent of unease. With each step along the shore, the temperature of the sea intensified, the once-refreshing chill turning into an icy grip that sent shivers up my spine. It was as if the sea itself harbored a secret, a malevolence hidden beneath its seemingly placid surface.

In the distance, the outline of the Pravus fleet emerged from the shadows, their sails billowing in the moonlit night.

My nightgown billowed around me like a ghostly veil, and the cold waters whispered secrets that remained just beyond the grasp of understanding.
The sand beneath my feet felt like quicksand, each step a struggle...

To wake up falling upon the sands of Arx...

I need answers to why these hooded men find me in my dreams

Written By Renata

Nov. 23, 2023, 10:56 a.m.(3/28/1021 AR)

A name that has been stuck at the back of my memories as of late, one which might only mean something to a few... Lunara Argento, more commonly known as the Blackheart. The recollection of being within Luciva, recently resurfaced in my thoughts, vivid and arresting.

The image of the Blackheart, draped in what could pass for captain's clothes, stays with me like a vivid dream. Her coat hanging open, a wicked alaricite weapon at her hip, and a dangerous playfulness in her raven-haired beauty. The words she spoke echo in my mind, "Here I stand, Kind Maiden. Lay your mercy upon me," a teasing grin on her sleepless face.

As I stood there, an observer in this unfolding drama, the fatigue and illness evident in the Blackheart did not go unnoticed. She would reveal a vulnerability, and all I wished for in that moment was to be able to follow through with my Archduchess's wishes. To offer the woman that which so many others would scream at, our Belladonna seeking to show a mercy like our father. I had been sent to ensure that her message was heard.

Yet, chaos erupted. And everything would go wrong in a moment.

Written By Renata

Nov. 22, 2023, 8:09 a.m.(3/26/1021 AR)

As I'm about to embark upon journey to set foot back upon ship, to find myself within our beloved Setarca, on mission to listen to our people. Memories from years ago flood my mind like waves crashing against the shore. I find myself transported to the enchanting tales of the past, where the echo of an extraordinary singer reached the ears of none other than the esteemed Duke of Setarco, Piero Pravos.

The Duke was a gentle man, and while many would use this against him. It was his gentleness that found me under his care. There are many within my family who might have their own words and thoughts towards how he should have conducted his business. Who he would associate with, or ultimately bring into his family.

But I digress... It is hard to think of our shores without his memory sneaking into my every thought. Of how he would be mesmerized by the Siren of Luciva.

A name which I have only thought of recently, left dormant for years...

Written By Renata

Nov. 18, 2023, 3:25 p.m.(3/19/1021 AR)

I sang a lullaby... No. Let me start over, this needs further explanation. They might think me mad if it wasn't for the others who did an amazing job in calming and protecting the squirrels and farms.

I didn't go to the Oathlands thinking that I would be singing for a trio of squirrels. Nor did I think they would be throwing nuts at those of us which showed up. Nor did I think I would see Champion Caspian Wild riding upon back of a squirrel as if it was a horse. Nor did I expect to see an expertly sewn costume of acorn to be created then ran within to give chase for said squirrels...

There was a lot that I did not think I would witness within the Oathlands on this visit.

However, it was pleasing to see those from all walks of life, from many fealties coming together to work into a solution which did not involve harming the unusually large rodents with bushy tails. They were far too fluffy and adorable. Aside from when they were throwing nuts at us.

Written By Renata

Nov. 14, 2023, 7:51 a.m.(3/10/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Medeia

Today was Lady Medeia's birthday party, and my, oh my, the decorations were nothing short of glorious. The music chamber was adorned in a rustic fashion which carried the charm of Saikland Greens. The ambiance was exquisite, a testament to the impeccable taste of Lady Medeia and her penchant for extravagance.

While it was a party held by Saik for the trio of birthdays, to twins Medeia and Neilda, and their Baroness Lucita. There was a marvelous moment when two small family reunions were able to take place. That is the warmth which we need more of these days, to be able to see those we call our family and share some cheer with them.

Sometimes, it's the simplicity of being with loved ones, even if only for a fleeting moment, that adds true richness to our lives.

Written By Renata

Nov. 11, 2023, 7:51 p.m.(3/5/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Llewella

This resilient woman, having faced the daunting challenge of memory loss, has emerged as a beacon of creativity and joy. Undeterred by the shadows of the past, she has embraced art as a medium to bring happiness to her life and the lives of others.

Every stroke of her brush, every splash of color, and every sculpted form is a testament to her unwavering spirit. In the absence of complete recollection, she creates a kaleidoscope of emotions through her art, infusing each piece with the pure, unfiltered joy that she seeks to share.

Her random pieces of art become spontaneous bursts of happiness, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of creativity. In her journey, she has discovered that art is not just a means of expression but a source of profound connection, allowing her to share love, laughter, and joy with the world, one masterpiece at a time.

It would do the populace good to get to know this woman that goes by Raya. To help her find who she was, as well as who she is becoming. I am proud to have her as protege.

Written By Renata

March 22, 2022, 1:35 p.m.(4/28/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

I can only imagine the time it takes to carve beeswax candles. I would certainly attend a workshop for something like that! You always host the most wonderful, fun events. Count me in.

Written By Renata

March 19, 2022, 1:10 p.m.(4/22/1017 AR)

The Auction of Unique Experiences Benefit was an absolute success! The amount of generosity and support for this cause was overwhelming to say the least. My heart bursting at the seams from kindness alone. There is really nothing we can't accomplish when coming together, a united front to help those less fortunate then ourselves in the Lowers. All in all, we managed to raise 14,585,000 silver for the Commoner's Council!

Thank you soooo much to everyone that helped, donated their time, supported me in my cause, and generously bid their money. I couldn't have done it without you.

Now comes the long list of missives being sent out to the winners and donators.

Very much worth it!

Written By Renata

March 18, 2022, 12:10 p.m.(4/20/1017 AR)

I am overwhelmed with the amount of support I've had over the last week for the Benefit Auction Princess Keely and I are hosting. It is truly a marvel and a blessing for how we /all/ can come together to raise funds to help others. All of my thanks goes out to those that offered their time and craft in making this all possible with the unique experiences they've provided.

Written By Renata

March 5, 2022, 2:14 a.m.(3/21/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Jaenelle

The Archduchess' feast of the senses was one of the most unique events I've ever had the pleasure of attending. Out of my comfort zone, but there's a certain amount of freedom in being cut off from sight, your own and others. It's liberating in a way I've never experienced before. And the chocolate cake made with wine? I've never had anything so sweet.

I even wore my new hair ornament, which was the most stunning gift from a new and dear friend. I seem to have misplaced it since but I'm sure it will turn up.

Written By Renata

Feb. 17, 2022, 12:35 a.m.(2/17/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyche

The Benevolent Cousin. She will tell you she is not but nothing could be further from the truth. In her own way, Tyche shines with generosity.

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