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Written By Quenia

Dec. 20, 2023, 8:46 a.m.(5/26/1021 AR)

It has been much too long since I have penned anything within the Whites. I feel remiss in not having done so. And, in this instance, I feel I must remedy that. There's a very good chance that I might die in the battle to come.

This battle will won't just be for the people of Arvum. It'll be for the safety of the world. The menace that we will be fighting has delusions of making himself a God and waking destiny to put everyone on the path that /he/ wishes us to follow, binding the entire world to his whim in unbreakable chains. He must be stopped at all costs.

I have seen this menace at work, through a shared dream with others. I have seen how he operates. He is nothing short of a coward, choosing to use other people to complete his tasks, to guard him while he does nefarious things to harm others time and time again. He is no god and if he is not stopped before he completes his ritual, we all face Eternal enslavement.

So, with that regard, as a person who means to stop him at any costs, I lay down my Will in the whites for all to see.

I hereby, in good faith and mind, declare that upon my death that Lord Luis Igniseri be named as Marquis of House Igniseri, and his children as the heirs to House Igniseri. I trust that he will find the people he needs to help him become the best steward possible of our House's legacy.

That all silver and resources in my accounts be placed in stewardship of House Igniseri, where I usually place such funds when I do not have a personal need.

That my wardrobe and jewelry be divided between all of my cousins and Lady Juliana.

My weapons and armor to be saved for the children of House Igniseri until they can find a time to make use of it themselves.

All of my books be donated into the keeping of the Archlector Oswyn Spencer to be reviewed and placed within the confines of the Great Library so that others may make use of them in their pursuit of knowledge.

So it is written, by my hand,
Marquessa Quenia igniseri

Written By Quenia

June 22, 2023, 11:11 p.m.(1/16/1020 AR)

I am growing concerned for the state of my mother's mind. She recently wrote to me and in that writing she remarked upon some remembrances of her sons, my supposed brothers. I have no brothers. I have never had any brothers in my entire lifetime. I think, perhaps, I may need to ask her to resign her commissions, lest she make a bigger mistake than simply forgetting that she's only ever had daughters as children.

I think, perhaps, that's something that must be done in person, rather than through a letter.

Written By Quenia

May 26, 2023, 7:52 p.m.(11/18/1019 AR)

I find myself at a precipice where I must consider what I might be willing to sacrifice in order to help the people I love. Do I offer something tangible and risk it not being enough? Do I offer a part of myself and risk that being too much and I have to live with those consequences? Or, do I give away something else and hope that might bring a happy medium?

How much is too much? How little is too little? What would be that perfect happy medium? I'm usually plagued with nightmares of a sort or another, but the dreams I've been having of late do nothing to help provide the answers I've been seeking, and so I've spent many a sleepless nights contemplating these things instead.

I just hope, in the end, I make the right decision.

What would you choose?

Written By Quenia

Jan. 16, 2023, 1:45 p.m.(3/27/1019 AR)

If I never see the Everwinter again, I will be a happy person. What sane person wants to live in so many snow tundras and snowy mountains and things filled with ice? I am every so glad to be back one on my VERY WARM house. I've been home for days and I still find myself freezing in my bed at night, even though the blankets are warm. Perhaps I shall take to the Great Hall and sleep by the fire some evenings to see if that helps.

Written By Quenia

July 30, 2022, 8:11 a.m.(2/10/1018 AR)

House Igniseri lost more than half of its fleet in the battle of Redshore Reef this week. It was heart wrenching to see so many ships go down, even though every one of them fought to save a life, some of them freed thralls themselves. Each person we lost will be honored in Igniseri lands.

Why are people so bent on keeping Thralldom. Is something akin to keeping people as slaves that important? Can't they, too, see that in keeping them they are being chained as well? Chained to a system and society that values people as nothing more than property to be held until some unseen debt is paid as more debt adds up? If they let their people have choice, allow them to prosper and flourish, don't they understand that their holdings would prosper and flourish as well? How much more work would get done if the people under them were allowed to be happy? The Dagonites are so, so short sighted that the'd rather kill kin and family over their right to keep people as chattle.

After going over the books, we not be able to rebuild our fleet until sometime long into the spring or summer, which I believe means we're going to miss one of the incursions. By some stroke of luck, some of the Dagonite men surrendered to us, rather than taking their chances in the water, and we have some prisoners. I do not know how much the Dagonites care about these men, specifically House Bloodbrook, but maybe we shall see. Until that time, they will be well kept as guests of House Igniseri, and afforded the comforts that the reaved thralls the Dagonites do not get.

Written By Quenia

July 11, 2022, 6 a.m.(12/26/1017 AR)

It has been decided. Preparations are already underway. House Igniseri will be hosting a new Ball. It's been ages since our last. We are calling it the Wine and Elegance Ball. There will be drinking. There will be dancing. There will be a raffle. There will be a new wine debuted. I've already spoken to Ilira Starling about dresses for this ball and the one House Windfire will be throwing in Thrax territories. I'm excited for the designs that she will provide.

I spent a good deal of time shopping around the city, and I'm excited for some of the items that will be provided for the raffle. I've managed to obtain several of Dame Ida's swords; a lovely Oathlands style longsword with a water theme, a handsome greatsword with a green handle, and a beautiful rubicund longblade with rose-gold trimmings. I even have some of her most excellent hairpins I bought several years ago, featuring swans, hummingbirds, hawks, and warm sunshowers. I had intended them for gifts but never had an opportunity to send them along. Supporting House Thrax and the end of thralldom seems like a most worthy cause for them, and I'm certain they will all find new homes.

There are a few other odds and ends and there will likely be a few jewelry surprises too. And, of course, a basket planned with Lotties famous cookies and several wines. I am so very looking forward to this grand evening and can't wait to see who gets enticed by these most excellent choices. I shall be putting the chained bookcase in the atrium of Domus Igniseri for people to take an advanced look at those items on offer for the raffle.

Written By Quenia

July 8, 2022, 10:13 a.m.(12/20/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Rosalind

People have walls for a reason. You never know when you might walk into a cultist disguised as a Prince who has connived to marry you.

It is not an experience you want to endure. Trust me.

Written By Quenia

June 19, 2022, 9:52 p.m.(11/11/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Monique

I will never forget the night that she quietly encouraged King Alaric to attempt to steal the silverware at one of the Igniseri dinners. He was quietly sneaking the utensils up her sleeve as she was instructing him. He put them all back of course, but that was the Minx, through and through.

She and I had been friends for a long time. I cherished going to her parties and even got to send some signature wines for an unveiling. We made the sparkling apple cider for her for her wedding. And, I went on a merry chase through the city as we followed clues she and Brother Etienne littered across the city, puzzles for us to solve.

She will be missed. I mourn with House Greenmarch. As does Igniseri.

Written By Quenia

May 29, 2022, 2:07 p.m.(9/24/1017 AR)

I had a grand time catching up with everyone at the Igniseri Dinner. It had been far too long since I entertained guests. I look forward to the next and hope it was as lively as this one.

Written By Quenia

Nov. 23, 2021, 8:34 a.m.(8/14/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Romulius

I heard about what transpired at the Assembly of Peers. I think it would be more prudent to wonder what Lord Marco Eufrasio gains by inciting a potential war between the Lyceum and the Oathlanders, with the way I heard he kept turning toward them at each question he instigated. Why would he turn to the Oathlanders for a matter of concern in the Lyceum except to incite a war between both fealties? Knowing there's been a fair few feuds between the two fealties over history. Especially during a time when civilization is potentially in jeopardy?

He's about as subtle as a brick to the face.

Written By Quenia

Aug. 23, 2021, 10:43 p.m.(1/27/1016 AR)

A rather important question to answer is, who are you?

The answer has so many meanings, so many connotations, but it is not simply responding with your name, your position, or your title. It is figuring out who you are to the very core of yourself.

It is a question I have yet to find the answer to, but I feel as if I know pieces and parts to it, and have almost enough to puzzle it all together and find my core. It's one I hope to challenge others to answer as well, through artwork, through performance, through writing, through whatever outlet they mean to take.

I am ever curious. Do you know who you are? Right now I am Marquessa Quenia Igniseri, Countess of the March of the city-state of Granato, Proud Sister of Pietro and Vincere, Protector of Granato. But that is not the whole of it. I will find the rest in time, or even yet, pieces might change as I change.

Who are you?

Written By Quenia

Aug. 6, 2021, 8:49 p.m.(12/21/1015 AR)

Went pirate hunting. Ow. Nearly died. Everything hurts. Ow. Managed to capture some. And, their ship. Nebulosa seems keen to interrogate them and I'm inclined to let her. Everyone along for the hunt did superb work.

Written By Quenia

Aug. 1, 2021, 8:59 a.m.(12/10/1015 AR)

I have been journeying a lot lately, more than usual. I find that its sometimes useful to get out into the world, explore it a bit, and see what other people are doing. You never know what you might learn on a journey, what new thing will come your way. Or, what old thing might come your way.

I've been piecing together bits and pieces of history. Igniseri history, world history, just history. I've been looking at it from all angles, trying to see if there are any patterns or clues from what happened to see what might happen in the things to come.

I am no fool, with blinders on. I know there are things to come, and it stands to reason these are things we'll need help with. It may yet prove more challenging than even the battle of Eurus was. I hope the Queen's speech the other eve is enough to spire people into action, to know that we must not sit silent. We may have to bend, if we do not want to break.

Written By Quenia

Aug. 1, 2021, 8:43 a.m.(12/10/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Mattheu

The Feast of Senses has been, and always will be, one of my favorite events. When the Archduchess put out the call she was having it, I immediately sent in my request to take part of it. I always choose to be paired with a random person, in order to make the experience that much more interesting. This year, it seems that my original date never arrived. I do not know who they were supposed to be, but they missed out on an excellent evening.

But, that said, the person that did end up being my date was a most excellent partner. He was kind, patient, and witty. I managed not to spill or smoosh too much food onto his face, since part of the Feast of the Senses was to feed each other, while also blindfolded. We quietly revealed bits and pieces of who we were during the course of the dinner.

My partner, in the end, was revealed to be Lord Mattheu Rivenshari, who had been roped in at the last minute, fresh off the boat, to come join the party. I am ever appreciative that he decided to do so.

Written By Quenia

July 25, 2021, noon(11/24/1015 AR)

A week or more has passed since we explored that set of ruins and I am still just as giddy and overjoyed about what we found as the day we found it. I've talked to a handful of people since then, and stated digging into research of the Nefer'khat, since it seems the Igniseri has very, very old ties to them. It'll be interesting to see what we uncover.

Now I need to comprise a list of questions for Cufre, since I intend to be trying to make use of the Deathspeakers for the next part of our investigation. Talking to Ian the other day, one question was already formed. There are so many to choose from and it is hard to narrow them down.

I'm sure I'll find a way to do it though.

Written By Quenia

July 8, 2021, 8:06 a.m.(10/18/1015 AR)

I never knew that exploration could be quite so fun. Truly. Honestly.

Sure, sure there was loads of dirt and grime. But there were loose stones, keys, and secret doors too.

What? Where did I go you ask? To a holding we found on Igniseri lands. A home that had a dedicated library. And oh, oh the books. How many there might have been if age and time had not ruined them!

But there was one book that we found which managed to survive. I found myself lost within its pages, reading over the bits and pieces we were able to find.

Igniseri. . . is far older than I could have ever imagined. There were other things too, but those things are best left for another time, once we've dug a bit more into our history and can confirm those things mentioned. And even then, those things may not be destined for the Whites.

Only time will tell. In the meantime, I will be leading the family research into the Nefer'khat and the primasens, since they may be part of our history.

Written By Quenia

July 4, 2021, 10:09 a.m.(10/10/1015 AR)

House Igniseri has some exciting things happening over the next month. After going back and forth for ages about it, we've decided to finally start delving into our House history. There are rumors of a set of ruins somewhere near Granato I didn't know about before, and we're about to go and explore those. While I am not an explorer, per say, I am quite interested in what we'll end up finding!!

Then, of course, there are the less exciting things. It seems some bandits are roaming across our countryside. I plan on assembling a team to go and find out what that's all about. I fear I may be tapping on too many shoulders lately, and hedge at asking the same people to help over and over again. It's something I'll be contemplating for a small while, but not so long as to allow this to become a bigger problem, as I try to figure out who to ask for aid.

Written By Quenia

June 28, 2021, 9:15 a.m.(9/26/1015 AR)

ARGH. Over the course of the last few weeks I have found myself writing words down in messages and then having them tossed. Things I want to say. Things I want to offer. Warnings of events I might partake. Once the words are written, I stare at them and then crumple them up and burn them.

It's quite frustrating. There can be a danger in putting words to paper. Equally there can be a danger in speaking them. So, you must keep them to yourself, and live with them until a time until you can. If you can.

I do not wish this fate on anyone. I commiserate with others who have similar circumstances.

Until that time, I console myself by researching useful things I can talk about, even as I contemplate now whether or not I should even be committing these words to the whites.

Written By Quenia

June 20, 2021, 10:42 p.m.(9/11/1015 AR)

Dreams. . . can be odd. Sure, you have your typically nightmare. Or, the occasional oddity in a normal dream. But, never had I one like I had a month or so ago. It sits with me. Heavy. Ominous. Lingering.

Yet, some good things have come of it so far. So, maybe there's some good fortune in that? It's hard to say. The adventure isn't yet over. With luck, perhaps that adventure will lead to something useful.

Until then, that's all I can say about such things. At least, this such thing. But, it's good to finally get answers about a particular topic, so I'm not left always wondering like I am about most of the dreams I've experienced.

I think I will, perhaps, rest easier than I ever have in a long time, after so much worrying over a few of them where a shadowed figure had been whispering sweet nothings into my ear about plans and gifts and then I'd awake with a start. It's been since the Eclipse ball that such a thing has happened.

Simple imaginings of the mind have a way of playing tricks on you. That's assuredly all it was, a trick. I'm sure of it.

Written By Quenia

June 20, 2021, 10:33 p.m.(9/11/1015 AR)

Things are afoot. Soon some family, friends, and I will be traveling to Granato to see if there's anything new we can dig into and find out about our family history. It's fairly exciting, since most of the annals about House Igniseri are nearly non-existant. We know a few things already, from the Sylv'alfar War, but I hope we can find something deeper than that. Does Igniseri have ties that go as far back as the Recking? I guess we'll see what we uncover.

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