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Written By Peregrine

May 6, 2017, 2:23 p.m.(5/28/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calarian

...written in her own scratchy, near-illegible hand...

Calarian. Maybe I am bad for you exs--except for the swords I bring. Maybe there is no baby yet. Maybe I think you need to laf--laugh more. I think I am not a good city wife. But I am glad we married. You give me some smiles. If I live maybe there will be more.

If I die I tell the Gold Feathers to stay. To learn the city path. To help you learn ours.

Do not forget to feed Quork.

Written By Peregrine

May 6, 2017, 2:17 p.m.(5/28/1006 AR) dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

Gold Feathers are ready. It is good, this. To see the enemy come finally after much time spent waiting. Waiting is bad for people in fighting times. It is like mice who eat away at the crust of bread. They would eat and eat until nothing is left for the children.

We will be at the gate. A thousand of us to move quickly after those that come through.

We are ready. It is good.

Written By Peregrine

April 16, 2017, 11:24 a.m.(4/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Tikva dictated to a scribe of Vellichor...

It is like home to hear the Heron Lady. We did not keep words on paper with ink. There it was songs. Our lives were with music. My own Temmas had a voice that could bring the sun from behind clouds. Tikva is like this. She brings smiles and songs. She is sunshine and her little lord is very lucky to have such a mother. Little things grow best in sunlight.

Written By Peregrine

April 16, 2017, 11:18 a.m.(4/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

She was named Princess Ribbons to me. Her colours are bright, in the forest she would be seen for a very long way because of them but I think it would be no bad thing for her. She sees clearly. She sees me as people, she sees the Gold Feathers as what they are. She is the first to say, "Peregrine, what do you think about this?" and not only once. I like this Princess Ribbons. When Calarian says, "Soft is not weakness," it is this one I think of.

Written By Peregrine

April 16, 2017, 11:13 a.m.(4/13/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Cara dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

The little mother is strong. She is fierce as any falcon and will hatch a fierce chick. When Bringers come she fights without armour or weapons. She makes armour, she makes weapons, with what is around her. She is one who would do well in the wilds but it is good she is here. I look to her for how to be here.

Written By Peregrine

April 14, 2017, 11:15 a.m.(4/9/1006 AR) dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

We know our lands, we Shav'arvani. They are our city, the wild places that are not touched by walls. When the dark ones, the sick ones, the broken ones came for us I saw them coming and we were ready. We pushed them back. When they came again, I saw them again and we were ready. We pushed them back. We bled but they did not win our lives.

Then they came hidden. I was not there. I did not see them. I found what they did to us after.

I found my son in pieces around our home. My Osprey who would be chief after my father, after me. I found my husband's hand and his hair and his blood. My Temmas, who was quiet to my loud. I held their pieces and carried them to the fire and gave them to the spirits. I wore their blood as the smoke went to the sky.

I have heard the wailing of your parents and your brothers and your sisters, Arx. They sound like my wailing when I found mine there in pieces on the ground. It is the sound my heart made when the fire was lit. We scream with the same voice.

You were us once. We were you. You lost this. You lost the way. Some are finding it again.

This is good.

Written By Peregrine

April 9, 2017, 9:16 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR) dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

I am giving the war banner of the Gold Feathers to the Deepwood for the party. Yes, the exhibition. I carried it from our lands to these. Your banners, they are cloth and look fine in the wind. Our banners, it is not so, with cloth. They are feathers and they do not need wind. Only a little, a puff from the cheeks of the sky, and they float. All who see our war banners know the Gold Feathers are come. They are very known outside the walls here.

But I like your banners how they snap when they are in the wind. It is still good, your banners. Like angry cat tails. All know to keep hands away from angry cats.

Written By Peregrine

April 9, 2017, 9:11 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR) dictated to a scribe of Vellichor...

I am learning more Arvani words. These are the ones I learn soon. Lately? Yes thank you. Lately.

Lately. It means just now. Recently? Yes, put that too.

Inquisitor. When they get wet they smell like wet sheep. They do riddles and investigations. They do not make friends, they make enemies. This is what Laric says.

Strewn means all over and around as when wind throws papers.

Menagerie is where they keep the things not trained to leash or jess.

Appeasement is making people think I am trained to leash or jess.

Written By Peregrine

March 31, 2017, 11:43 p.m.(3/11/1006 AR) dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

History is a cold forge in Arx. The halls are cold, the statues and the writings that tell the stories. The breath spent on songs and tales gives them life. Your heroes breathed once. They moved. They acted. To keep the history alive, you must breathe too. You must move, you must act.

This is something I think Arx is learning now. It is good. Keep the history alive and you keep the wisdom. Cold forges do not make steel.

Written By Peregrine

March 31, 2017, 10:11 a.m.(3/9/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calarian dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

I will tell you of Calarian. He is a talker. My husband has many words. Many many words. All the words in the world, I think. They hide in his eyes, they dance in his mind. He is the son of griffins but if he were pure and true and Gold Feather he would be River's, he would be Rain's, far-roaming and always always talking.

But I know how to make his words stop.

Written By Peregrine

March 31, 2017, 10:03 a.m.(3/9/1006 AR) dictated to a priest of Vellichor...

Yes, good. Write these words. I am come, Arx. I am Peregrine, daughter of Umairi and Owl, heir of the Gold Feathers, chosen of Bird. I have wed a griffin prince. I have brought my thousand. You lost the way but it is here again and it is good. It is as Calarian said, there is steel in this city. There is steel in these walls and these people.

For steel, I bring you fire. I bring you the skies.

Put that in your book.

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