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Written By Mihaly

April 12, 2022, 4:22 p.m.(6/14/1017 AR)

I've said in the past that I don't believe there has been enough study on the matter of stars. I've made it my life's work to document them as much as I possibly can. Their arrangement, their numbers, the constellations, and how those constellations change depending on the time and date of year.

Every year, I collect as much information as I can on the arrangement of stars. How the stars have cycles depending on the season. How some constellations are more prominent than others. These usually stay consistent, but I feel it's good to have a year almanac of sorts to make sure history is preserved. To track the emergence of new starts. Or perhaps simply stars that I had not noted previously. There are far too many to count in my lifetime, and it will not be a work that I will ever complete. But I do believe it work that is worthwhile, even if I may never see it's conclusion. I doubt I will, but it is rewarding all the same.

What is not rewarding is my children, even with the best interests in mind, spilling a full bottle of ink over this year's star chart. Or rather last year's, as I take the information and notes I wrote down last year to make a large chart to display those changes. I will have to remark last year's chart. With luck, before the beginning of next year before I start on the next one.

I am not pleased by this, and I support Eirene's punishment for the children, but I know they meant well, and I cannot be angry about this

I can, however, be disappointed. As well as not looking forward to extra hand cramps.

Written By Mihaly

Feb. 2, 2022, 8:46 a.m.(1/16/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

My wife survived Bastion. Eirene is alive, though perhaps not as pleased as she'd like to be. Apparently, her penchant for constructive criticism on other healer's skill is what it always is.

I am told that I should be taking bets on who will be more stubborn; Eirene's desire to get out of bed or Mia's refusal to let her out of the house.

I may be a knight, but I am no fool, that is not a battle that I have any hope of success in.

Still. My wife is alive.

That is all I can ask for. I thank the divines for their mercy.

Written By Mihaly

Aug. 6, 2021, 4:46 p.m.(12/21/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Malcolm

I could drown you in proverbs in oh-so insightful quips that I've learned in my years of being a soldier and knight. Too many years.

The reality is, everything that knighthood is, all the tenants and philosophies. All the waxing poetic and inspirational declarations. It's nice to spout, but it'll only take you so far. All it's ever been and all it'll ever be can be distilled into a single question you should ask yourself.

"If not me, then who?"

Remember that much, and you'll do alright.

Written By Mihaly

May 3, 2021, 12:56 a.m.(5/26/1015 AR)

Another war survived. Another battle seen. I turn fifty this year. Most of my hair is gone, what's left is grey, as is my beard. I look to my wife, and I look to my son, and I wonder when will it be time to set my sword down. The realization that, no, I can not, do this forever. Eventually twilight will creep across my doorstep.

And yet, retirement seems so far away. If I were to stop fighting, what would my use be? Uses for old soldiers are never that widely sought after. But there has to come a time where it is okay to hang up your spurs, let the next generation take the reigns. That I have indeed, done all that I can. That I have served and done my duty.

Still, here I stand. What Eirene and I did will not be spoken of in tales, or well, her more than I. She is, as she always is, amazing as I have always believed it takes more skill to save a life than it does to take one. I remind myself how lucky I am that she is at my side. As I watched the younger generation lead the charge from the rear flank of the hospital ship, I thought of how many times I had been in their shoes in my youth.
The soldiers with me were eager to be apart of that. Earn something. Prove their worth, even if only to themselves or perhaps to Gloria. They, like me, watched from the rear. I remind them that there are few things truly glorious or honorable about war. That we lionize it in the patriotic duty or faith in a higher power. Perhaps that helps some sleep better at night. But I have also learned that we live in a culture where war is more often celebrated than considered of the cost.

We do not like to speak of the mental or emotional toll that war takes. I do not often speak of the times of night that I am awoken in a cold sweat, my mind reliving a battle and going to a place better left in the past. That the smell of spring rain showers remind me of the smell of mud, laying somewhere bleeding in a field and trying crawl my way back to encampment, lucky that a Mercy found me. Or the smell of a iron while passing a forge, recalling so many times that I tasted blood in my mouth. That certain sounds make want to grab for my blade, only to realize that my sword is not actually there.

I live, but I know that even with the living, there will always be casualties. Even in the ones that come home. And the realization that you may never be the same. And see it etched on the face of a young man or woman who lived to see the end of the day. Sitting down and just staring. At nothing. At everything. Some cry without knowing why. Other laugh because they have no idea how to process. I saw the very same thing on the Lady's Jewels. No matter how much the world may change, there are always things that will not. I think war, war never changes.

I told my soldiers this. To serve for your duty. Your country, your faith, for your family and friends. These are all noble reasons to fight in war. Glory? Honor? I question those reasons, because the toll is always so very high. Do not be so eager for a fight.

So I sleep tonight, I will always hope that my dreams are quiet ones. I hope I dream of stars.

Written By Mihaly

Oct. 26, 2020, 10:11 a.m.(4/9/1014 AR)

To whom it may concern.

Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Whatever swearing one might've heard in the Grayson ward a few nights past was exactly what people might've thought. And yes, it was also directed at me. I have borne the wrath of many things in life. From countless battles and skirmishes to outright wars These are things that I have never felt needed to be spoken of. However,

For the reasons I married wife, are the same reasons I do not underestimate her.

Needless to say, I am lucky to be alive.

Written By Mihaly

Aug. 6, 2020, 1:57 p.m.(10/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Piccola

I don't like journals. I like less knowing people what I think, and I tend more often than not to care even less what others think. It's easier to do your duty than speak aloud.

But. I will say this.

Seems like you're desperately seeking answers to something.The answers you seek to the questions you ask to the empty world. I can tell you this much from over twenty years of soldiering. And twenty years in and out of various wars. Losing them. Winning them.

There isn't an answer to them.

The nature of war simply is. You exist within it, or you play the smart choice and contend outside. To develop a philosophy around to gleam some kind wisdom around it is asking how the wind blows. An exercise in determining the nature of the human mind. Some single facet to a greater whole that'll reveal itself in some grand revelation.

It's war. It just is.

Keep doing this long enough, you'll find your own answers. One that'll suit you. Don't pay no mind to the words of an old knight staring down the blade at the twilight.

Written By Mihaly

July 12, 2020, 4:30 p.m.(8/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Well, here I am. Married. What was commonplace for so many others, was almost foreign and alien to me. It only took me forty-five years and then some to actually getting around to doing it.

It was always hard to really see past what I had to do at that moment. I never really looked to the future, I was unconcerned with it. That maybe a future wasn't really worth having if I didn't do my job properly and correctly.

Here's to forty-five more with you. It's been almost fifteen years since there was a marriage in Riven. I'm happy it was you.

And now, for the journey back to home, and then from the river to the ocean, and finally to Southport. I'm told there are some really nice beaches there. I've never been further south than Twainfort. I suspect the heat is painful there in summer.

Written By Mihaly

June 24, 2020, 11:51 a.m.(7/14/1013 AR)

The moment I saw a falling star, I did not think my feet could carry me fast enough. The scientific part of my mind told me that it wasn't really a true star that had fallen from the sky, the name still signifies something of importance to stars themselves. Symbolic perhaps.

I have dreamed dreams of catching one, things a boy would imagine in sleep. What I found was far less heartening than I anticipated.

There was, well, not to leave you in suspense, Scholar, but. There was nothing. Beyond some singed tree branches and leaves, there was little anything else of note.

I shouldn't of gotten my hopes up for something more. Some chunk of alien ore perhaps, not native to our world but from somewhere...else. Something I could of studied at length. Or at least try to understand.

A shame, but perhaps I missed it. Perhaps someone else got there before me, and claimed it before I could reach it. But even that would not explain the lack of crater or mark on the ground where one would think a falling star would create.

Still, this only makes me even more wish to know what it is. Or was. Should any have information on the matter, I would dearly be interested in knowing.

Written By Mihaly

May 12, 2020, 8:28 p.m.(4/12/1013 AR)

Interesting that I write my last journal during a time when people are speaking of love and spouses. Duty and obligation.

Normally, I do not talk about myself. I see no need for others to know how about any one thing in particular that affects my life. If it does, those people are most often made aware, for better or worse. Perhaps that is simply apart of being Riven, that I raised my niece and nephews we don't see a need to divulge such details. Frankly, because it's nobodies business but our own. In this case, I will allow myself some degree of flexibility and speak a bit more plainly.

I decided to marry Lady Eirene for two reasons. It gains an alliance of two naval-orientated houses that have similar outlooks, firstly. Secondly, I enjoy Lady Eirene's company. Any other reason is nobodies business besides myself and my now fiance.

Marry for whatever reason you like. Love. Duty. Obligation. Financial security. Alliances. Pettiness. Vengeance. The reasons are yours and yours alone. So long as you're not starting some conflict or war, your marriage, in the grander scheme of things affects no one but you, your spouse, and their families. Those are the only opinions that might actually have some bearing, then again, even that's certainly not true.

Everyone else? They can piss up a rope.

Written By Mihaly

May 11, 2020, 10:33 p.m.(4/11/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

So that's that, then.

Of all the things I have done, and have not done, getting married was not one of them I had placed on a list.

And then? In walks a Malvici woman and turns my life on its end. Then again, I was the one who walked into the bar.

Funny the directions where life takes you. It's been a good turn so far. Nice to be pleasantly surprised.

And yes, she still looks better in a corset.

Written By Mihaly

May 10, 2020, 10:30 a.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I went to a wedding yesterday. I didn't think anything of note would happen. Beyond the usual well-wishes and various levels of drunkenness. Nothing I haven't seen before and nothing I wasn't adverse to.

Turns out that, even at my age, there are still times in my life where I can say without a doubt that, "No, can't say I've seen that one before." If I had known there was going to be throwing swords, I would've brought more of them. This is, I now wonder, perhaps why I wear armor to a wedding, beyond the fact that it looks good when polished.

For all we know, perhaps High Lord Thrax has started a new trend at weddings. That it's not a good wedding until someone has been speared to the ground a on a weapon. Not for nothing, but that does have a Northern ring to it.

I wonder if I should bring this is up to Mia.

Written By Mihaly

April 21, 2020, 8:16 a.m.(2/25/1013 AR)

Something I have learned today.

Don't be so serious at a Lycene party, even if you win second place. Sometimes, games are meant to simply be fun and not overthink it.

Secondly, there are invisible horses in this world. Invisible horse assassins. Who are experts in fighting with knives.

Written By Mihaly

April 18, 2020, 12:22 p.m.(2/19/1013 AR)

I was told recently that I might of earned the respect of one who is hard to impress. Harder still hear it outloud. I wasn't aware of this until someone else informed me of the difficultly that involves.

I'm unsure of what I did to earn such praise besides being honest. Still, I enjoyed the talk. That person knows who they are.

Written By Mihaly

April 14, 2020, 10:38 a.m.(2/11/1013 AR)

I haven't written a great deal in the whites. Mostly because I don't often think about it, and whenever I do write, it tends to be in a personal research notebook. Recently, someone asked me a question as to why I find so interesting about stars and anything else that revolves around the sky and anything that may or may not be above it. I realized I had never actually put those thoughts down in writing. Now seems as good a time as any.

In essence, I feel the sky holds a mystery that likely we as humans, will never truly understand. We are living in a unique times. We have a grasp of faith in a way I'm unsure previous history would indicate, and even the mysteries of death are not nearly as unknown as they once were. But how many times have we looked up and wondered if there was more? Not in some metaphysical sense, but rather, we consider what we know. Our continent, and to a lesser extent, our world. But what about beyond that? What lies beyond the blue of our sky? The dark of our night?

Is our world all there is? Our moon and the stars would dictate otherwise. They hang in the sky, silent. They twinkle and move as the night passes by. Always the same pattern of stars, like a banner passed above us. The pattern slowly changes as the night goes to day, and as the seasons change, but it does seem more like akin to a cycle. I've tried my best to document this over the years, tracking constellations. If one were to track a singular constellation as the year passes, it would always be in the same location on the same day the following year. Some parts of the year, it's not visible at all. And other parts only a portion of it is visible on the horizon. Anything else is harder to decipher from merely visual observation.

I've lost track of what I was writing. I would wonder how many people have thought about the potential of other worlds, separate from our own. And I would wonder if the Gods watch over those too. I wonder what our sun would look like so far away. Like the very stars we see above us? And if that were true, is it not possible that every star could potentially have a world near it? Maybe like our own. Would there be people on it? No people? If there were, would they look like us? Or not? Would the Gods watch them as well? How far away would they be if they exist? Would it one day be possible to see? Or perhaps not? Are they just stars with no worlds? Are we alone. Is the view of the night sky some kind of cover? A wrapping over our world? A barrier that holds our world in place. Maybe stars are just holes in it, but that doesn't seem all that realistic.

I've had these questions over the better half of my life. You walk some battlefield at night. Tired and sore, and I find myself looking up, partly questioning my life choices, and partially because I always found comfort in what appeared to be something larger than myself. Perhaps it is only recently that I have been able to really give this more thought, maybe even make an attempt to search out more answers. What I require is something to view the stars and other celestial objects better with. Some kind of instrument, but to my knowledge, none such exist. I wouldn't even know where to start in inventing such a thing. Certainly climbing the highest point in the city does me no good.

The knowledge is amounted to a series of star charts and books. More useful to naval sorts and sailors than it would be to someone who actually has a hobby in such things. Still, one must start somewhere, even there is little to really go on.

Written By Mihaly

April 9, 2020, 10:29 a.m.(2/1/1013 AR)

Ever since I started to venture out more often, as Mia believes I need to be more 'sociable', I've had this unshakable sensation that I might be boring or that I never have a great amount to add. I can never tell if that's a good or bad thing, you'd think you get old enough and you stop caring about that kind of thing. It only bothers me slightly, I think. Enough that I write the musings down. Or it's a side effect of being old and wondering how much one has left to contribute to the world.

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