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Written By Malcolm

Oct. 8, 2023, 2:50 p.m.(12/20/1020 AR)

Been a while, eh, Scholar -- I come and I go, just the eccentric Shepherd Duke and his dogs. Honest, I'd much prefer to be back at the Peak with the pack, with my family, but responsibilities require response. The banners were called to Grayson, and as one ever faithful to the Compact and her people, I respond -- with all the forces of Graypeak. We are ready to defend. We are ready to protect. We are ready to offer succor and sanctuary. There's a reason why Boofus the Bold is the sigil of our house.

There are none more true.

Written By Malcolm

Aug. 6, 2021, 10:09 a.m.(12/20/1015 AR)

Prayed to Gloria. Offered apologies. Asked for the clarity of mind that I'm apparently lacking. Might just need to learn what it means to be a knight. Learn the lesson by putting in the true work involved. Which means -- what?

Written By Malcolm

July 29, 2021, 6:17 a.m.(12/4/1015 AR)

Some of the best people I have met -- were dogs. They work tirelessly, they give seflessly, and they show more humanity than people do. The Graypeak Mountain Dog is the sigil of House Shepherd, so, why wouldn't I want to honor that?

Written By Malcolm

July 28, 2021, 9:17 a.m.(12/2/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Cirroch

My regret: that we never became friends. You seemed like good folk.

Written By Malcolm

July 28, 2021, 8:17 a.m.(12/2/1015 AR)

It's quieter about the manor today.

I've taken to sleeping in the study, because at least the presence of the books and the smell of their dusty pages is kind of a comfort. The whiskey's a comfort too, despite Oz telling me it's not supposed to be a balm. It's a silly and sentimental thing to do, it is. It's a reminder of what happens when you don't act -- when you avoid the opportunity -- when you disregard those you value the most -- when you hide, you lose.

It's so quiet, and I'll likely send off a few more members of the household staff away, tell them to leave our quarters and the your tower room alone.

For a while. For as long as needs be.

You were here in the city when I wasn't. You were trying so hard for us when I lost hope. You did so much work and I see that for what it was.

Now, I guess it's my turn.

Written By Malcolm

June 27, 2021, 6:52 a.m.(9/24/1015 AR)

(A note by A. Brobdingnagian Byrd, Byrdie.)

Duke Malcolm and Oskar Grimkiln drank too much to function. There was a conversation about neo-nobles, shav'arvani and Prodigals, a desire to ennoble the already noble line of Boofus the Bold, and missing livestock in Graypeak lands. The latter is the point that the Duke continued to talk about until the writing of this when I finally had enough!

Written By Malcolm

June 26, 2021, 7:18 p.m.(9/23/1015 AR)

( Transcribed by Oskar Grimkiln: )

I don't know, Os, we'll figure it out while we drink the bookshelf whiskey that's between the two books in the study and yes you'll be drinking with me because we don't drink the birthday whiskey alone just in case I end up wandering sick and hungover in the Thrax Ward like the first time. Yes, that's before you were brought in - no, we're not repeating that tonight. Is this the one you're sending to the Whites? Yes, that's fine to leave in. There's a lot to sit in. Big Thoughts. Not sure how much of it I really want to think about yet - so - you toast to the first round and we'll revisit this in an hour --

Written By Malcolm

June 25, 2021, 7:58 a.m.(9/20/1015 AR)

Butter tarts. Should have stopped at one. maybe two. Way too much of a good thing.

Written By Malcolm

June 17, 2021, 3:19 a.m.(9/4/1015 AR)

Yes, I understand it's supposed to be a apologue, Scholar -- but it doesn't answer how or why.

How did all those birds manage to shove monsters in a basket?

Clever lot of birds, sparrows are.

Written By Malcolm

May 27, 2021, 10:54 p.m.(7/19/1015 AR)

If you're gonna drink, drink. Don't drink and do dumb things like trying to do the splits on a dare. You're going to have a bad time.

Written By Malcolm

May 24, 2021, 5:33 p.m.(7/13/1015 AR)

A lot of folk (more than usual) have been saying really nice things about me lately -- and I don't quite know why. But.


Written By Malcolm

May 24, 2021, 12:48 p.m.(7/13/1015 AR)

I sent Coconut Custard to Princess-Consort Alarissa Thrax. I think she'll know why I made the words big for reasons that will make themselves known in short time.

Written By Malcolm

May 23, 2021, 6:40 a.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

Saw to the new bunch of pups that came to the manor from Graypeak Aerie. They're just grand and I hope that they'll do just fine in their new homes and with their new families. I think they'll be fine. Mostly. I had a worry that they may not really understand how big they get -- it's fine. It's fine.

I'm feeling a lot better about going out and about in the city. Meeting more people. Having connections now to other Houses (especially those of my proteges) has been -- good. Good experiences. Good learning.

Then, right, I attended the Celestial Ball as Marquessa Quenia's escort.

I tried.

I wasn't terribly charming.

Sorry, Marquessa.

( The Graypeak Mountain mastiff ...?

Highpeak? Grayhill? Shepherd's Heart?

I'm no good at this naming of things. )

Written By Malcolm

May 17, 2021, 7:10 p.m.(6/27/1015 AR)

There's been a lot more going on in my head these days. I don't know whether it's because I have family back in the city, or, that thundercloud over my head finally lifted. All right, fine. Both. I asked Byrdie to take down some of my thoughts - but she laughed and just sent me down to the Archives. Guess that's for the better. Let's see. I got proteges now. I have friends in the peerage now. More than one. Each one of them couldn't be any more opposite of the other and know what - that's a good thing. I have their different viewpoints to draw on and learn from. I have ideas. Ideas that I am going to see turned into plans. Plans made into real and tangible.

I think I am finally getting a idea of how the Duke thing works.

Five years later.

Written By Malcolm

May 16, 2021, 6:47 p.m.(6/25/1015 AR)

We would have gotten along, I think, even as I had rattled off my Da's usual lecture of duty-honor-and-responsibility. That's where we would've had disagreeing opinions.

You left your people behind.

Written By Malcolm

May 11, 2021, 7:06 p.m.(6/15/1015 AR)

Correct. If he's got a sailor's swagger and a thinning hairline - that's my courier.

Written By Malcolm

May 10, 2021, 10:15 p.m.(6/13/1015 AR)

Maybe I did knight the dogs.

Written By Malcolm

May 9, 2021, 6:43 p.m.(6/11/1015 AR)

It was a pretty bee-zy day.

Written By Malcolm

May 8, 2021, 1:52 p.m.(6/9/1015 AR)

Had the weirdest dream.

Like I was caught in a storm onboard the Good Ship. Don't know how to sail -- didn't know what I was doing -- and knew that I wasn't going to be able to swim, so, I just held on. Until the sea swelled, and the waves grew.

Woke up on the grass.

Realized, that I had fallen asleep outside and it was just Goofus waking me up.

Damn dog drool.

It got all over this agricultural report.

Written By Malcolm

Jan. 19, 2021, 9:11 a.m.(10/12/1014 AR)

-- saw to it that a few of the Compact's own had the funds they needed for proper gear, before they are needing to go about the business of doing the hard work.

It's easy work, I think, to sit behind the desk and sign off on notes to make sure folk have their leathers or diamondplate.

Still, hope it's good work.

All I ever wanted to do is good work.

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