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Written By Iona

March 5, 2017, 6:58 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

The Guildmaster is a good woman, and yet she leaves me feeling ashamed for no reasons that are her fault.

Why does she appear to grieve so much more for the passing of my own family than I do?

I'll have to seek her out for a cup of tea again one of these days.

Written By Iona

March 5, 2017, 6:55 p.m.(1/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

Michael being infatuated is nothing new.

Michael mentioning a girl to me is nothing new.

Michael mentioning a girl by name to me is nothing new.

Michael rambling at a messenger to convince me of something is nothing new, either.

But for him to suddenly talk politics while doing that?

This is worrisome. It reminds me of the first time Gabriel handed him a sharpened blade.

Written By Iona

Feb. 26, 2017, 4:35 p.m.(12/28/1005 AR)

Words cannot describe my feelings. So I won't.

Except... I will.

Lady Sarielle and Lady Lili have apparently died in the Grey Forest. Looking for their parents, I hear. The most utterly, stupid, suicidal action I've ever heard of, given the fact that Shav warbands are roaming everywhere right now.

My head hurts. My heart hurts.

I almost wish I had just strangled these two foolish girls myself. Their corpses would be here, with us. And no foolish sons of mine would be tempted to go out there to recover their bodies during these unpredictable times.

But I'll miss them.

Written By Iona

Feb. 21, 2017, 12:30 p.m.(12/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Lyiana

The other day I was stretching my legs and catching a whiff of fresh air - I can only stomach a desk and stuffy etiquette for so long before going crazy, after all. I stumbled across a shop I hadn't visited before, and what I found inside was frankly disheartening and worrisome at the same time.

Miss Lyiana had been at work for so long that I could swear she was swaying on her feet and practically delirious. Frankly, I found it irresponsible to leave her to her own devices at that point, so I did something I probably ought to not have done: I ordered the woman home, put her to bed and took the time to clean a couple of things up in her apartment whilst one of my guards fetched a hearty lunch from a nearby bakery.

Once she woke up after a good hour or so worth of rest, she was a lot more sensible, and we had a pleasant discussion, save for a minor misunderstanding. I can only hope this young miss took my advise to heart and will watch her own health from here on forth. No matter the talent and love you possess for your craft, it is not worth wasting your life over.

Unfortunately, this little walk of mine ended up taking far longer than I intended when I left, and as such the trade agreements I had left to look at were instead delegated to become the reading material for my evening. Were it not for Gabriel's timely arrival startling me awake, I might just have slept in that chair for the entire night.

How embarrassing.

Written By Iona

Feb. 19, 2017, 8:43 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Mailys

Let's get the obvious thing out of the way: I'm not one who quickly reaches out to a Whisper. What they can do, I can do if I put the time in. But then you slowly gain a year and then another, and eventually the wrinkles start to catch up with you, and you realize that some things are just not as much of a given as they used to be.

Combined with the fact that Gabriel has once more taken the Regency upon his manly shoulders, this means that there is too much to do and just too little time to do it right. And when I grumbled about this, someone said the obvious I hadn't even thought of...

Who better to rely on to grease the wheels of life than a Whisper?

So I stepped into the Whisper House the other day and had a quite pleasant conversation. Truly, I can't say I am too much at ease there; the place feels a bit too.. forced, for a lack of better words coming to mind right now. But that might just be my awkwardness talking.

Miss Mailys Whisper was quite kind in receiving me, and was very helpful. In the past few days, she's shown me some of her capacity in crafting wood, which made me happy I took the plunge and relied on her to make a small gift. Besides that, she has drawn up a number of suggestions for an event that is in the works, and those too are looking wonderful.

I may just come to rely on Whispers if they are all as capable as this one...

Written By Iona

Feb. 19, 2017, 7:38 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Zhayla

I had the pleasure of bumping into Miss Zhayla in the middle of the Costumers Closet. Or more precisely, she bumped into me and Prince Valerius as we discussed the merits of the various fabrics displayed there.

It needs no mention that I have seen Miss Zhayla in Sammie's presence more than once, albeit always from a distance. As such I gladly took the opportunity to engage her for a little talk. For one, it turns out she has an eye for colour, but surprisingly enough she's employed as a guard. (Okay, so the sword ought to have given it away, but these are trying times and sharp metal makes a person feel safer. Right!?)

Knowing Sammie's eye for talent, I suspect this young miss has a couple more cards up her sleeves; she surely left in such a speedy rush that it left me speechless by the suddenness of it.

One thing is for sure: Arx is not that big of a city. We'll meet again.

Written By Iona

Feb. 19, 2017, 2:03 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Branan

The first time I met this man was when he was tending the flowers and other memorials at the bridge to remember the late Archduchess Esera Velenosa. He is very respectable and well-spoken, and I quite enjoyed my talk with him, as short as it was.

And then I met him again somewhere inbetween the Stacks of the Great Archive. He was just as pleasant as last time, but to disappoint any gutterbrains looking for scandal: there is none of that. Rather, he took the initiative of showering me in curious comments regarding historical footnotes, and finally showing me number of things after I displayed my inept bumbling about inside the stacks. Thanks to him I truly learned a great many things. Things no doubt Lailah could have told me had she been there; perhaps I'll drag her along to watch me making a fool of myself in the future. (Or maybe I'll just let her do all of it. That seems a far better use of everybodies time.)

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for a small token of my appreciation to be crafted so that I can adequately thank the man. One should not forget about the simple etiquette of appreciating those who help one out, after all. I suspect he will enjoy it, but I'll know for sure when I get to hand it to him personally.

Written By Iona

Feb. 9, 2017, 8:08 a.m.(11/21/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aldwin

A new Dominus has been chosen. I missed his first public appearance, nor do I know the man.

However, I did have honor of meeting the man when I visited the cathedral early one morning. Obviously, I was not expecting to meet, nevermind share a discussion with the man who has caught the eyes of the Compact right now. That was awkward.

We shared the same sunrise, and spoke of yesterday and tomorrow. It was not only pleasant, but surprisingly insightful.

If this is where the Faith is headed as a whole, then perhaps I can once more see beauty in the Faith itself.

A lovely man indeed.

Written By Iona

Feb. 5, 2017, 2:37 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rymarr

How should I title this journal entry?

"I met the Lord Commander of the King's Own today!"

One might argue that is a proper title, if overly dramatic. He is just a man... And yet the Lord Commander is most definitely a very valiant person of excellent character. Formal to the point of excess, perhaps. It inspires people to laud his name subconsciously.

You see, the problem is that I could not truly relax around him. You can have Gabriel, and the room stiffens up. But after two decades of that, it is just like putting on another layer of formal clothing, and you move beyond it. But then you add the Lord Commander to the mix, and it is as if any ordinary word simply won't do anymore. The situation becomes truly stifling; and as a result, I can quite understand the tense expression I saw on a certain someone when they walked in on our discussion.

How is one supposed to relax the atmosphere with two of these goliaths playing a tug of war over the backs of everyone sitting in the room? I think it will be very difficult, and I can only hope not to share the same room as the two of them in the very nearby future.

"Rymarr." I can write the name, but get out and onto my lips? Around the man I met today, that is probably impossible, even though I wish I could take that liberty as easily as I could with others. As such, I arduously hope the Lord Commander stays employed for quite some time longer.

If nothing else, it will save me the thinking up of journal titles that embody the 'official aura' he carries with him. Because honestly, I would rather not have my journal read like a piece of stiff propaganda. There's no doubt other journals you can read for that.

Written By Iona

Feb. 5, 2017, 2:16 p.m.(11/10/1005 AR)

I was going to forget about this. Completely, utterly forget about this.

But it seems my sanity has decided that forgetting is too easy, and instead I need to vent, so my dear audience of one... you will be where I vent.

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in the Grotto, having a pleasant talk with a pleasant woman in a rather big, heated pool. That's the life, right? And sure, it is a big pool, so others join. The more the merrier, no problems. And clearly the rest of my company knew eachother. I know how to listen and when to schmooze... totally fine.

The last thing I expected to find was for all these people to congregate into the same little corner of the pool and snuggle up as if they were some sort of married couple. Admittedly, nothing outright scandalous happened. Yet at the same time, a person can only watch a person pat other peoples hair so many times, just like how there is a limit to the amount of awkwardness this stuff brings into a conversation.

I have rarely found myself so eager to leave the company of people who were, prior to that, intruiging conversationalists. They still should be; I just need to keep their... inclinations to show public affection in mind for next time.

For now, though... I think I'll pass on any invitations to a bathhouse, no matter how dirty I am.

Written By Iona

Jan. 26, 2017, 4:39 p.m.(10/8/1005 AR)

Tonight's dinner was enjoyable. The cooks at Villa Fidante are truly worth every silver spent on their wages, and the company of Lord Angelo Fidante and Lady Juliet were more than enough to round out the social end in order to make it a pleasant experience.

The trades themselves went alright: House Fidante will supplies our duchy with various luxury goods and in return we supply them with lumber, which satisfies all parties. In the morning, I'll have to start putting the arrangements into motion; actions always speak louder than words.

But obviously a dinner between nobles is never simple. There's practical matters that need a solution. There's alliances to be forged. Concerns to be allayed. All of that. Which brings to mind my dear Lailah. She has voiced her suspicion that her presence wasn't solely for the sake of the trade agreement, and obviously I assured her that her marriage was not on the agenda for that evening.

That said, dear Lailah... (yes, young lady: of all my children I know you will be drawn to my journal entries like a moth to a flame!).. I do wish to offer my apology for tricking you during the dinner. But you relaxed, which is all that I hoped for, and more-so, you appear to get along with Lord Angelo Fidante quite well. Your future, which includes your marriage, will always be on my agenda. And your presence tonight was definitely a part of that.

For the first time in a while, I feel the future looks just that little bit brighter again.

Written By Iona

Jan. 17, 2017, 10:04 a.m.(9/8/1005 AR)

Being a mother is never over. Nor does it get any easier.

Sure, your children age, and they leave the house. There are no more broken windows to worry about. No more yelling during the early mornings, or well-intentioned breakfasts that turn the kitchen into a battlefield and send the servants into chaos because there is lunch and dinner preparations to be done. But instead, they offer you a different set of challenges.

My life in the past few weeks reads like one of those family-focused novellas where the most implausible combination of things tumbles forth with every turn of a page. Truly, I ought to be thankful none of my daughters have found themselves pregnant outside of wedlock and the scandal that involves, but it is hard to think of it in such a way. The celebration of another life is, even at its worst, so much more pleasant than realizing how close you've come to losing a daughter. Dawn, my dear... she is far too willing to sacrifice herself for others. To think I would ever think of such a trait as a flaw. Alas. I am a mother, and she is my daughter.

But enough about matters that have been concluded. She is a Regent no more, and better yet, she is still very much alive. What truly motivated me to find my journal today... is Sammie.

Yesterday, she gathered her courage to tell me something that has bothered her for many years. To my own disgrace as a parent, I found myself pointing out all her mistakes and voicing my anger and disappointment in her. My shock, and without doubt also my fear, were on full display. It is as if I had forgotten she is just another woman, filled with flaws and the capacity to make mistakes. Nothing like the stellar reputation she has built up as the so-called Conscience of the Peers.

The more I think of it, the worse the light I see myself in. After all, are the failings of a child not the result of inadequate parenting? The fact Sammie nearly lost her life is on me for not adequately reinforcing how loved she is, and how much she matters to far too many people to name.

As a parent, I am supposed to be there for my children. Yet I was not there when they needed me, and when it came to Samantha revealing a truth I did not know, I yell at her without regard to her feelings.

Yet again I look at my own reflection, and yet again I find myself endeavouring to be a better mother.

Addendum: My dear Dawn has been excommunicated from the Faith!! The ink is not even dry yet! Dear Gods, why?

Written By Iona

Oct. 16, 2016, 1:02 p.m.(11/10/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

Dearest child -- you can thank me for the continual interruptions of food and drink you have experienced today. I have told the cook that she is to invoke my name should you try to turn away the food, or insist on something meant for the rabbit hutch. A balanced meal is what gives strength, and you can scoff to your heart's content, but you know that I am right and that you would insist the same to me.

While your natural slenderness is a mark of much jealousy, I will not allow you to become skeletal. Eat, child, and know that I am here to help -- whether you want it or not.

Written By Iona

Oct. 16, 2016, 12:53 p.m.(11/10/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Gabriel

Returning to Arx has stirred up many memories for us. There was a time where this was our home, taking care of old Alaric's throne while his younger needed our guidance and nurturing. We moved our entire family -- young Michael, and younger still Lailah and Samantha -- and set up a life in Arx, a life we knew was temporary.

Now, back to preserve the throne again for Alaric, I am left looking on those days where you reluctantly held the crown and sat in the throne, and turned everything aside to make sure that all our children -- all of them, of blood and bone or not -- were given the tutelage they required.

Will we succeed again this time, or -- like a shore weathered with age -- will we be washed back into the sea, with all the secrets we hold?

Regardless the answer, know that I am beside you all the way -- the equal you have always seen me as, and a Voice of immeasurable volume.

Written By Iona

Oct. 15, 2016, 7:04 p.m.(11/8/1004 AR)

Thumbing through these pages, I see that it has been almost three months since I have penned an entry into this journal. Unacceptable, my father would say. "What is the point of history if no one writes it down," so if I am responsible for writing down my own history so that others can learn, may it be so.

My return to Arx has been one of mixed joy, sadness, and apprehension. So long Gabriel and I have discussed journeying from Pride Hall to look in on our charges. Michael has been here, seeing to what I hope will be the tutelage he requires to grow into the man I know his soul longs to become. Then there is Samantha, and Barric, and Dawn, and the young Alaric -- children that are not of my bone and blood, but still mine nonetheless. Had our discussions turned into actions, it is my belief we could have been here when Alaric fell into his long sleep. I can hear Dawn already argue that there was nothing that we could have done to stop it, but perhaps the fallout would have been lessened if Gabriel had been there to offer his support immediately to our goddaughter. Surely as the former Regent, it would have soothed the fires before they burned too hot.

I believe that is why Gabriel insisted on riding ahead once he knew we were within a day's hard ride from the city. I allowed it -- begrudgingly. A wise decision, but sometimes wisdom tastes bitter despite its benefits. Now that we are both in Arx, I imagine that House Bisland will once again prove themselves to be the strong right hand of Greyson, providing strength and guidance to ensure that the throne is protected until the King can be revived and returned to the throne.

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