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Written By Hadrian

Jan. 2, 2024, 2:52 p.m.(6/24/1021 AR)

Just checked Damianos. The mark is still there. The future is bright indeed.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 10, 2023, 1:53 p.m.(4/28/1020 AR)

Relationship Note on Noah

The best marriage advice is to have a board and stick of chalk.

Each time you're annoyed, irked, vexed, troubled, infuriated, bothered, soured, or exasperated (though don't forget the times that you're excited, cheerful, frolicking, confounded, happy, bewildered, aroused, contented, inspired, lackadaisical, confused, or gallivanting)? Make a mark (I will note that you must make the marks yourself; do not pass the chore off to a servant or accomplice). No words. No noteworthy expressions. No spiteful glances. No cheeky little glimmers of a smile. No meaningful regards or thoughtful stares. To really edge into the territory of expert marital spite? It's best to proactively scratch a little mark without discernable cause or merit on the random occasion. In order to attain a more monolithic status then you must make certain that you scratch a very distinct and purposeful mark following a particularly vigorous bout of lovemaking before you promptly depart the area.

Make your marks. Ideally when they're witness to the act, but at minimum ensure that one of their most trusted associates or servants is fed that tender morsel of potential gossip or report.

One must remember though, always, that the marks are irrelevant. They are neither a positive or a negative and entirely without true meaning. They are a playful game and bear precisely zero weight on your genuine outlook, feelings, or regard. The mark is simply a mark for the sake of creating a mark. An act of transferring that moment of annoyance or delight into that little segment of white (or colorful) line and being done with it.

Despite that lack of any true meaning for yourself? The sight of a stick of chalk may become enough to incite rage, even when that stick is simply being moved from one drawer to another. The sound of a board being marked will be like the crying of a whole nursery of infantile children masquerading as semi-functional adults. The scent of chalk dust in the air will be akin to the most powerful concoction to bring foam to the mouth and eyes rolling back in their sockets, as they enter some manner of berserk trance to rival even the most terrifying Northern warrior.

If your goal is to usher in your own doom, then it's the most enjoyable way. You'll have plenty of herbal supplements included in your cups within the month. If that fails to work, then you'll have no less than four gift daggers festooning your person within the fiscal quarter. Evading that fate is what builds strength, character, considerable dexterity, instills a healthy distrust of stairs, and ample guile. It's good for mind, body, and spirit! It is imperative to remember though that this is all an accomplishment of your own making, so there is to be no complaining when you harshly discover that you've bitten off more than you're truly capable of chewing! The silver lining of this point is that if you've achieved this milestone then you won't have to dwell on your folly for long!

Should you prove successful in this survival exercise? You're welcome to write me for additional marriage advice should you find yourself in need. My thirteen years of arduous trials impersonating marriage experience is at your disposal.

Written By Hadrian

May 12, 2023, 11:30 a.m.(10/17/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Lore

Over the years I've have had both the opportunity and distinct honor to engage in the treasured tradition of patronage with a number of exemplary individuals. As we know all good things come to an end, but there is often a new beginning to follow it. A relationship may draw to a natural close or the learning party may simply have nothing more they can be taught from their patron. When one grows beyond, this creates a space to be filled and new one would eventually rise to take its place. Like most people, I expect the best of myself and those around me. To become a protégé of mine means accepting the many expectations I have of you, but they are no less than what I expect of myself. I am confident that my latest protégé will not disappoint in this regard.

It's with this cycle of renewal in mind that I write on the subject of my latest sponsorship. Following very thorough discussion on the subject and mutual agreement, Lore Artiglio and myself have determined that we should work together to our mutual and individual benefit. She has committed herself to the vast undertaking of dealing with my random bouts of eccentricity and for that she has my immense respect. My hope is that over a long enough period of time we will both have opportunity to grow as part of this partnership and become something greater than we were each day before the present.

By its nature patronage is an investment. It is often of the self; but also time, resources, attention, favor, connection, and more. Ostria, House Mazetti, and I stand to benefit from our arrangement and I will strive to open avenues to ever higher echelons on behalf of or in contribution toward Lore's own achievements and successes. As with any other investment that I hold, I stand prepared to offer nurturing care to promote its healthy growth or tenaciously safeguard it as circumstances dictate.

Written By Hadrian

April 30, 2023, 6:51 p.m.(9/22/1019 AR)

We've recently returned from a tour of our beloved Ostria and the opportunity to immerse ourselves within the culture of our people. Many months ago I spoke with the voice of my Duchess and declared that the Walled City's formidable defenses should become yet greater and that recruitment should be increased. Through sword, arrow, or horse the loyal sons and daughters of Ostria stepped forward in service to their land and liege. The First Hydra is flush with volunteers and those who have shown themselves to stand out as the very best that my wife's lands have to offer were invited to join with the Third Hydra.

Honor and pride abounds, only to surge to even greater heights as the city's namesake have been completed. Not since my wife's notion of the watchtowers that spread across the Lyceum was realized or the day that Port Valerio's deep water ports were made ready to receive the largest of vessels, has the Walled City been so prepared to do its part to defend all who seek aid and partnership within the Lyceum or beyond.

The shipwrights of Ostria have been working diligently and are truly worthy of both praise and their liege's admiration. The time and effort which they have placed into expanding the reach and capability of both the First and Second Fleet is truly a breathtaking achievement that leaves the Duchess and I filled with pride in our people. Time and again the Compact has fought and bled together to confront the myriad threats presented to us over what has been nearly two decades. While we of Arvum are no strangers to the need to commit ourselves in Gloria's name for the sake of securing our people and our lands, such tribulations can present a burden upon the shoulders of us all. We of House Mazetti extend our greatest gratitude to our people for their continued service, dedication, and at times greatest sacrifice to the safeguarding of our beloved Walled City on the Sea.

It has not only been the Arvani who have fought and fell in battle in defense of our lands and our ways. The people of Cardia have likewise lent their strength to our own, bolstering our ability and prowess on the battlefield to answer previously unimaginable threats from beyond our borders. Out of respect for our having bled in battle together, fallen dead upon the same fields, and the continued support that our friends from the south have provided? Not only does House Mazetti and Ostria stand ready to stand in the defense of our fellows in the Lyceum and abroad, but also with those friends from distant lands who have sacrificed their lives to guarantee that the Arvani way of life trudges ever forward.

Our visit to Ostria was inspiring and truly a balm for the soul, but I will admit that a small part of me has missed the hustle and bustle of Arx.

Written By Hadrian

Oct. 13, 2022, 12:43 p.m.(7/21/1018 AR)

I've received some sound advice on the matter of arms and armor, of which I am most appreciative. Naturally I could turn to our own people for such advice, but there are times when an outside opinion or perspective is of critical importance.

As a Duke-General! it's important that I am adequately prepared for the unpredictable nature of conflict, but also look the suitably inspiring part. There are standards and traditions which must be acknowledged!

Written By Hadrian

Oct. 13, 2022, 12:36 p.m.(7/21/1018 AR)

When one discovers that he or she finds sleep difficult to achieve?

Turn to transcripts of the day's declarations. You will quickly champion your ailment and embrace sweet, sweet slumber.

This is my professional advice as a Duke-Physician.

Written By Hadrian

May 1, 2022, 3:36 p.m.(7/24/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Ember

You were an equal participant. You're at fault too.

Perhaps to an even greater degree, too. Since as the ruler of your household, it was you who likely arranged the marriage and created the possibility of your current state.

I'm glad that we could clear that up and I wish you the greatest of good fortune for the remainder of your plight.

Written By Hadrian

March 6, 2022, 8:10 p.m.(3/25/1017 AR)

The plans have been drawn up for some sweeping changes to Ostria. The necessary materials have been acquired. The people are present and accounted for. The First Bank of Ostria stands ready to pay those fine craftsmen and laborers to enrich their lives, while providing their talents to the people and place of Ostria. The architecture is sound and strong. The parts that make up the whole have been brought together and like any great recipe, it's only a matter of allowing time to do its thing.

Written By Hadrian

March 6, 2022, 8:06 p.m.(3/25/1017 AR)

A note to myself. Ask Luigi to put up some sort of notice seeking another Moderator of the Salon. Someone of common upbringing would be ideal. I'd like a little variety in the status of the Salon's leadership and tired, well-rehearsed opinions. Maybe even request that any interested parties deliver a note with three prospective discussion topics, then I choose the one with the most imagination? Luigi's bound to have some ideas that will be helpful.

I need to remember to thank Guildmaster Caprice again for her phenomenal work with that goldenwood bar. Every time I stroll through the Empirical and catch it out of the corner of my eye, I can't help but have my attention drawn to it. Her redecorating of the Empirical was fantastic altogether, but that bar is something else! There's probably a reason she was made the artisan's guildmaster. She's very talented! Great company, too!

I should have Luigi take down a letter to be sent to her, too. Just to thank her again.

Written By Hadrian

March 6, 2022, 7:53 p.m.(3/25/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

A lot has changed over the last decade. Turmoil accompanied our marriage in the beginning and continued to do so for some years after. That was in large part due to my own temperament.

Thankfully my wife and liege is an exceptionally patient one, because it was that trait that allowed us to eventually fall into step with one another and bring prosperity to our home and our people.

I hope that we will have another few decades more that we will be able to spend in service to our people while sharing the company of one another.

Written By Hadrian

Feb. 19, 2022, noon(2/22/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

While I've written personal correspondence with the Princess-Consort of House Thrax, thanking her for a pair of thoughtful gifts? I believe that such random acts of generosity which are absent of ulterior motive should be recognized in the writings that will comprise my history even after I am gone. While that part of history is my own little thread in the grand tapestry, it is a history that I share with others. I'm pleased to call Her Highness my friend; not only to myself, but my House.

Nearly everyone loves a gift freely given and I've found that I am only occasionally the exception.

These are a pair of gifts that I will gleefully accept and remember their giving well into the future.

Written By Hadrian

Nov. 13, 2021, 2:19 p.m.(7/22/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

She said what, dear Scholar? That some things are just worthy of dismissal, rather than an answer? That's paraphrasing? Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm.

Could you write that down for me, Scholar? Just jot down her exact words, notarize it, put your mark, what-have-you, please? This is a valuable tool for our next argument.

Thanks! Goodbye!

Written By Hadrian

Oct. 31, 2021, 4:28 p.m.(6/25/1016 AR)

I clearly need to write far more thorough and consistent entries about the weather, my children, food and drink preferences, weapons or armor, and new people that I've met.

The weather is delightful! I can't wait to do some sort of weather appropriate activity and bask in its glory.

One of my children said something wise beyond his years. I could only nod along at his profound, mature insight. I can assure everyone that this truly did happen.

I really should get around to having a suit of armor fashioned. My mother would be so, so, so proud of me.

Lady Desma of House Magnotta. She was a wonderful host, despite the sorrowful reasoning behind our brief meeting. While not a person who is new to me, enough time has passed that I suppose it's effectively the same. I'll have to try harder to find a new person to befriend. It's debatable whether it will be on a temporary or long-term basis.

This has been cathartic.

Written By Hadrian

Oct. 17, 2021, 8:22 p.m.(5/25/1016 AR)

Lately I've found myself thinking more and more on the subject of pain, loss, anguish, and all these other upsetting emotions. There's two sides to every coin, but there comes a time when analogies eventually fail or are simply proven false. There are moments when the sun goes down and darkness settles in which I seem to find ideal for self-reflection next to a low fire, with a drink at hand.

It's in those moments that I feel the sting of pain and loss most acutely. Why do bad things happen to good people? I've been thinking about it ever since I stubbed my toe. Maybe that'll be something that needs to be asked of the Salon in the future.

Written By Hadrian

Oct. 17, 2021, 7:49 p.m.(5/25/1016 AR)

I've been so busy and distracted lately that I was just about to pen a journal to Vellichor, apologizing for my tardiness of late.

Then I realized I had, very briefly, completely forgotten Vellichor's name. No, no, not in any sort of mystical sense that would result in a flood of letters, hoping to know more! Just old fashioned, run of the mill, scatterbrained forgetfulness.

Sorry about that, Vellichor! I know I've been quiet lately, but sometimes we lowly mortals get a touch busy with whatever it is that catches our fancy from one day to the next. Keep being awesome, V! Keep on teaching people things and remembering stuff with your amazing self.

Written By Hadrian

Sept. 19, 2021, 8:27 p.m.(3/25/1016 AR)

I just love, love, love, love, love weddings. I really need to write a letter to a dear friend about weddings. I just love weddings so, so, so, so, so much.

Written By Hadrian

Sept. 5, 2021, 12:07 a.m.(2/23/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Orelia

There were a great deal of rumors, copious amounts of speculation, and even a little factual information that came out of Bastion following the dastardly attack on it. Among all of those rumors, I had heard about my protege's actions. What I hadn't heard about was news regarding someone who carries the Mazetti name on their shoulders. It was Dame Reese who recounted some of the events that transpired with greater clarity, including that it was Lady Orelia who stood with her in battle and waded into a precarious situation to stand at the templar's back in order to engage the attacker's leadership.

If I consider Dame Reese courageous, then the can surely be said of one of Lady Orelia. This clarification from Dame Reese likewise brought another question to mind, one which was reflected in my initial thoughts regarding the news of my protege's actions. What does one gift a hero, beyond gratitude?

The actions of Lady Orelia reflect well upon her and if her actions reflect well upon her, then in the eyes of the Duchess of House Mazetti we are pleased beyond simple words. Such an act of sheer, selfless bravery brings to mind others throughout the Hydra's history who have given all in pursuit of achieving the safety of others. In more recent history this brings to mind the heroic act of Lord Valerio Mazetti, a loss that we remember well and do not forget. Fortunately Lady Orelia survived her ordeal, fighting in unison with Dame Reese of the Templars. For that House Mazetti is thankful beyond measure and pleased to know that we have another valiant defender counted among those of the Walled City.

It's enough to beg the question once more: what do you gift to someone so gallant?

Written By Hadrian

Sept. 5, 2021, 12:06 a.m.(2/23/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Reese

Aside from thanks, I find myself wondering of late what sort of gift one gives to a hero. The news out of and about Bastion is troubling, but I do find some things in it all to take a measure of solace. Despite such a dark moment in our Compact's history, there are still moments of heroism that stand out as stark reminders that even in the most heart wrenching times there are glimmers of hope and distinct acts of bravery that shed some light on an otherwise dismal moment.

I heard talk of one of my proteges embracing her duty as a templar and attempting to claim the head from the proverbial snake. By all accounts that I've heard, Dame Reese took strides to bring a swift end to the enemy's leadership. My understanding is that her efforts likewise drew a good deal of attention to her efforts and disrupted what were surely carefully laid plans. This in turn provided time for more to seek out and achieve safety. I can't begin to fathom the toll that may have been wrought had she not performed the selfless act that she did.

It takes a particular sort of mettle to wade into chaos in search of its source, while pushing against the tide of those who are eager to be away from danger. The feats and achievements of Dame Reese over the years surely do not need me to recount them, for they speak for themselves. I will say as a patron I am proud of her distinguished actions. As someone who loves our Compact, I will offer thanks to the Pantheon that Dame Reese is among us. As an associated bordering on a friend, I will say that I am pleased beyond words that she was able to have such a close brush with danger and able to live to see her next battle.

The question for me becomes what does one gift a hero, beyond simple gratitude? What does one gift someone who is humble enough not to proclaim their actions as heroic and vital to the world? What gift does one offer to someone who more than likely doesn't even want a gift?

Medals are a great form of recognition. I haven't given someone a medal in a while. Medals are fun.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 15, 2021, 12:43 p.m.(1/11/1016 AR)

My dreams have been so strange of late. Nothing out of the ordinary or spectacular, so don't start writing to me in a bid to inquire about them in the hopes of finding some juicy tidbit to squirrel away for your later use.

No, no. They've just been strange dreams that happen when you make changes in your lifestyle. You know, like going to Dame Ida Ferron's shop, only to discover that she's not selling blades anymore. Well, she is, but she's expanded her business into wagons that growl and purr, elaborate contraptions like the old clock tower but significantly smaller, libraries that fit in the palm of your hand, and some sort of mash made from cauliflower.

I successfully made it to my destination in that dream with my ten jugs of sugary fruit drink after encountering Peggy at some point. She's still got it.

Really, that's just one small segment of that dream that seemed to stretch on for weeks and contain so much content. Needless to say it was an amusing dream.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 15, 2021, 12:26 p.m.(1/10/1016 AR)

I haven't seen my dog in awhile. I hope he's living his life to the fullest.

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