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Written By Giulio

Dec. 13, 2020, 1:16 a.m.(7/21/1014 AR)

Often, the simplest explanation for an event is seen as the most likely. Often, this is true.

As we think of the word, it may be easy to perceive events as mere cause and effect.

It would be pleasant to exist in a world where that maxim was true. Yet, one might see a river and see it placid. And be dragged down by its undertow. In such a world, one must infer the existence of a current one cannot see or understand.

In such a light, the maxim is proven false, until one adds such to their view of the world.

The absence of proof is not, after all, the proof of absence.

Written By Giulio

May 11, 2019, 12:28 p.m.(2/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Quenia


For posterities sake, let me simply state that Marquessa Quenia Igniseri is a most excellent leader and an example to look up to.

Thank you.

Written By Giulio

Aug. 28, 2018, 3:48 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

... the White Journal drinking game is dangerous. Very. Very dangerous.

I have never felt a hangover this bad in the entirety of my life. Not even with the Redrain drinking games...

Written By Giulio

July 30, 2018, 11:08 a.m.(4/16/1009 AR)

Well, that was certainly an... entertaining duel.


Is there a time limit to a duel? I wonder. A day? A fortnight? A year? With such novelties, the mind boggles at the possibilities.

Written By Giulio

July 25, 2018, 3:54 a.m.(4/5/1009 AR)

Passion. Tragedy. Love. Hope. Dreams. Hate. Rage. Joy.

These are the things that countless ballads are written about. Yet, the rationale of truth is rarely taken into account. Grand stories are told of these. But, in truth, our world is built on cold reason and rationale.

Much is spoken of late of compassion. This is good. This is appropriate.

But when we allow compassion to be a crutch for will? That is disingenuous and best. Passion and desire. Wanton revelry does make for good stories. For good tales. But virtue should not be honored merely in the breach, but instead, in truth.

Are we not the masters of ourselves? Are not our actions our own? Do we not have choice?

I know that I have a different view from the Softest. I admire passion, but, perhaps as many think, I am a cold fish. But I do not believe it rules us. The failure of restraint in all its forms belongs on its executor. Elstwise, are we but beasts? Unthinking in our actions?

Written By Giulio

July 20, 2018, 3:53 p.m.(3/23/1009 AR)

Scholar, please let the record stand.

I will see myself OUT.

Written By Giulio

June 10, 2018, 11:37 p.m.(12/18/1008 AR)

Amaretto Joy, Heart's Caress, Black Tower Cordial -- I wonder which of these will be more sought after.

Or if they will even supplant Southern Thunder?

Written By Giulio

June 1, 2018, 11:46 p.m.(11/24/1008 AR)

When writing reports, remember the ABC's.

Accuracy. Brevity. Clarity.

Written By Giulio

May 27, 2018, 11:55 p.m.(11/11/1008 AR)

Southern Thunder appears to be doing well. I am looking forward to some of the new offerings coming from my brewmaster.

I hope the various new drinks are appropriate for the various palette's. I think the apricot brandy, as well as the various cordials will prove interesting. And of course, the new herbal liquor. I wonder if I should hold contests to name the new beverages.

Written By Giulio

April 5, 2018, 12:39 p.m.(7/1/1008 AR)

Southern Thunder was one of my better snap decisions. It is a curious decision which of my brewer's concoctions to bring forth for trial. Should I do the cordials? Or the cloudberry wine? Or that delightful herbal concoction.

Sophistication and elegance, or something with a wider reach? The cloudberry wine is... rather delicious, I must admit.

Written By Giulio

March 30, 2018, 6:04 p.m.(6/17/1008 AR)

The more I instruct others as investigators and students of various matters, the more I understand that it is necessary to study your relationship with the world itself to understand your preconceptions.

Every subject, when viewed through the eyes of an individual is distorted. To understand clarity of sight and purpose, you must be able to understand how your views are a reflection of yourself.

By its very nature, perception and reality must perforce be disjoint -- either through an incomplete understanding, or a failure to grasp nuances of content. Only through a view point of synthesis, is it possible to approximate an understanding of what is real.

Written By Giulio

March 14, 2018, 11:44 p.m.(5/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Theron

It is odd to think, with all that I have seen -- to still have moments where I feel fear. Perhaps it is this that reminds we are still human.

Brother mine, fight well. And come home.

Written By Giulio

March 13, 2018, 9:20 p.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

It is always lovely to see those so appreciative of Ostrian exports.

Written By Giulio

March 2, 2018, 3:35 p.m.(4/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

Never a dull day, eh? It is good to see the family coming together at important times.

Written By Giulio

Feb. 27, 2018, 4:15 p.m.(4/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Brogan

Ah, the joys of Southern Thunder. Another jug?

Written By Giulio

Feb. 23, 2018, 7:55 p.m.(4/2/1008 AR)

As we prepare in these trying times, it is important to understand our fidelities to our brothers and sisters. Our greatest virtues are found in our acts of unity -- not unwaveringly, but, in the frailties of those bonds.

That we can be both fervent in our disagreements and, be willing to set such things aside when time might come allows us to take the best of each other.

We must pray, though, not to fall eagerly to malice, where none is intended.

And we must remember, that even virtuous natures may become less so when, in their expression, they become matters of excess.

Written By Giulio

Feb. 16, 2018, 3:01 p.m.(3/15/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Echo

Sword and tankard, you say? I wish my tutors had mentioned such as a possibility -- I might have been more interested in bladework.

Written By Giulio

Feb. 11, 2018, 5:30 p.m.(2/27/1008 AR)

Well, the outreach work in the Lower Burroughs appears to be going well. I do hope such matters are concluded soon. There is much to be done to make certain that those in such areas are better educated. In such, lies a better future for all.

Written By Giulio

Feb. 7, 2018, 3:25 p.m.(2/19/1008 AR)

In understanding truth, we must accept the singular point that what we know is incomplete. Thus, truth is an absolute. It is the state of being correct.

Honesty, on the other hand is the representation of what we believe to be currently true. It is the presentation of the truth as best we may promote it, without attempting to color facts or details overmuch with personal perspective.

Thusly, someone might incorrectly represent a truth, thus being wrong, but, be honest in their explanation of it. However, it is also honest to share an idea as an approximation of the truth, in such a fashion as to aid or discern.

Ultimately, truth is a concrete thing and honesty is the moral value of representing one's self and ones ideals and ones understandings as completely true to their current understanding. One could quibble about how this applies to the semi-truths told to teach as we refine, in a scholastic setting -- but, in such a case, the intent is to bring individuals to a closer understanding of the truth.

Written By Giulio

Feb. 7, 2018, 2:19 p.m.(2/19/1008 AR)

Truth, in and of itself is only valuable as an understanding of its approximation. It is unlikely for anyone to ever have a complete understanding of even the smallest thing. This is the limitation of our existence, at the core. We cannot truly know more than a piece of a thing, and yet, our greatest gift is to be able to infer from that incomplete understanding the relationships between elements of the world.

Even letting aside the motivations for deceit, we communicate incompletely. Maps, may well be one of the most appropriate examples of this. Complete representation of the ideas contained within a map would be vastly impractical -- and more, useless. However, from this, we can tell truths and share understandings we could not without this model of the world. It is a lie, in that it is inaccurate and likely malformed, but, in that moment, it possesses more value than the complete revelation of what it would reveal.

Furthermore, in instruction, we start with falsehoods. Acts of construction and understanding begin with incomplete pictures that are taught, often by rote, to allow a student to perform some act, or to understand something further. Then, they are told what they have learned is wrong, or, at least, incomplete.

Knowing this, we can understand the value of relative truth. I find some comfort in this, in truth.

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