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Written By Calliope

March 19, 2017, 10:28 p.m.(2/14/1006 AR)

It seems that the view from the bottom up is not always the same as the view from the top down. Things get confused, somewhere in the middle. A shame really. Hopefully things will straighten themselves out with no further intervention required.

Written By Calliope

March 19, 2017, 10:24 p.m.(2/14/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

My cousin is a constant surprise. Although, I do believe he thinks the worst of me. I am not an emotionless mercenary ambition-filled woman. I acknowledge some 'ambition', but truly, even my title seems meaningless of late. So I may as well do as my family wishes, and marry well. What alternatives are there?

Still, I will use my skills to try to figure the answer to his question. And I will probably abide by his limitations. Probably.

Written By Calliope

March 11, 2017, 3:34 p.m.(1/26/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Bianca

The wisdom of the Archscholar humbles me, and is something to which to aspire. She takes on so many burdens, and yet asks little in return. I am in awe of the woman.

Written By Calliope

March 7, 2017, 4:14 p.m.(1/18/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Max

I'm not sure what to do here. Max and I seem to have such wildly different ideas not only in beliefs, but in manners in which we enforce or impose those beliefs. I'm trying not to take offense, truly, but it's becoming very difficult. I will reach out once more, try to find some common ground.

Written By Calliope

March 1, 2017, 7:19 p.m.(1/6/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Laric

The High Inquisitor/Minister of Loyalty/Prince of Grayson is a busy busy man. I am honoured that he found time to talk to me, but I find myself with more questions coming out of the meeting.

Still a connection made, that cannot be bad.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 28, 2017, 7:26 a.m.(1/3/1006 AR)

How can one take something from someone that never belonged to the other person in the first place? My work, my efforts, they're undermined by the claim that someone's dream has been stolen, by my own success. Something I worked hard towards, something towards which I put in much effort. Some things are not attained by knowledge alone, but by connections, people skills, and effort. Simply accusing someone of taking is proof positive that there is a basic lack of understanding there.

And yet, I still feel badly.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 25, 2017, 1:17 p.m.(12/26/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Atrid

Difficult to understand this one. We shall see if his offenses are repeated or not, I remain skeptical. An offense unclaimed or denied as a misunderstanding, often is. More difficult to avoid if you're not certain how it happened, no?

Written By Calliope

Feb. 25, 2017, 1:16 p.m.(12/26/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

In a surprising turn of events, my cousin took my side! I don't know who was more shocked, Uncle Harald or I? It was sweet, although, I don't delude myself that it could change at any time. And I narrowly averted a duel, even so, it's nice to have someone willing to defend my honour.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 25, 2017, 1:14 p.m.(12/26/1005 AR)

Things change so quickly. Already my purpose is growing in leaps and bounds, my tasks assigned exponentially increasing. And I love it. I can't wait for more!

Written By Calliope

Feb. 19, 2017, 5:28 p.m.(12/14/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

It seems the new Duchess of Tyde more generous and gracious than I expected. She accepted my apology without reproach, and refrained from pressing her offer on me again. I do believe we may have found some common ground, some understanding. Perhaps the chance for a friendship is actually not as far as I'd thought? It remains to be seen.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 17, 2017, 5:53 a.m.(12/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

Princess Donella Thrax is difficult to read. I'm not certain if she approves or disapproves of me. I'd like to think approves. But I sense I need to earn her respect, and her trust. I'm not certain how to go about it, the standards she sets are high! Still, it seems as if it might be worth it.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 17, 2017, 5:52 a.m.(12/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Rainier

Sir Ashford is an enterprising man. He created a test course, filled with obstacles, and then set citizens - peasant and noble alike! to capture a handkerchief. The chaos that ensued was ridiculous, and all over something that cost 10 silver. What an inspiring man.

He can also hold his own with my Uncle Harald. That's saying something.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 11, 2017, 4:42 p.m.(11/26/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Atrid

I met a distant cousin today, he is a lovely man. His mother was a cousin I think, to my father? He's come to the city to seek his fame and fortune, and true love. As I said, he's a lovely man, even if his dreams are loftier than most!

Written By Calliope

Feb. 11, 2017, 4:39 p.m.(11/26/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

I think I've come to an understanding with my Uncle Harald. He has crazy ideas, truly, but at least he's aiming high and is willing to listen to my requests. It's possible that it's too high, and I find myself terrified at the future. But at the same time, I'm coming around. It's not the worst outcome, certainly. He's also helped me so much with my work, that I'm leaps and bounds ahead. Which gives me more free time for other avenues.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 11, 2017, 4:34 p.m.(11/26/1005 AR)

The world went dark. Fortunately, I wasn't by myself, because I was out at the Ebb and Flow, picking up supplies. I am far less intimidating than my erstwhile protector, and so he just forced a path through the commoners. It was almost impressive! Still, I was amazed at how quickly and easily things fell to chaos. And how quickly it stopped once the world became bright again.

What caused this occurrence? I'm sure people have theories. I haven't heard any, beyond dire magic. Or that it's connected to recent events, and displays the Gods disapproval. I'm sure it will become clear.

Written By Calliope

Feb. 4, 2017, 7:42 a.m.(11/6/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Thankfully, he didn't take me up on my 'offer'. What a complicated, odd interaction I seem to have with the Highlord. It's becoming less intimidating and more direct each time, and I think it will end up being quite beneficial. Hopefully both ways.

Written By Calliope

Jan. 31, 2017, 12:07 a.m.(10/21/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Valdemar

Oh cousin, you are so like your father. And yet he is willing to listen to reason. I hope you will be as fair as him, and not only as rigid as many Grimhall men. We shall see, perhaps I will prove myself to you after all.

Written By Calliope

Jan. 31, 2017, 12:05 a.m.(10/21/1005 AR)

Ah, family dinners. What greater joy, what worse punishment. I forget sometimes, that women are allowed no freedom. No, wait. I never forget. I'm not allowed to forget! So ridiculous, and yet, I still love my family. Most of the time.

Written By Calliope

Jan. 27, 2017, 6:30 a.m.(10/10/1005 AR)

I was simply shopping. Granted, it wasn't a nice neighbourhood, but when one requires diverse ingredients, one has to visit strange locations! Uncle would have my hide for going without an escort, but by some strange coincidence, Rainier Ashford was there, and was able to protect me. Once the brawl broke out.

No no, I had nothing to do with it, and was in fact quite able to dodge any of the projectiles thrown my way. But even so, Lord Ashford threw himself in front of me, being hit by a number of tomatoes in the process. Poor man. But so gallant!

The brawl was broken up quite ably by the Guard, whether or not they were the ones to start it. But the anger, oh the anger in that area. Something needs to be done.

Written By Calliope

Jan. 25, 2017, 9:05 a.m.(10/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

An interesting day, my trip to the Ebb and Flow killed two birds with one stone. Well, two tasks with one trip, no birds were killed and if they were, I hardly think I'd be able to knock out Lord Victus with a stone. More likely the other way round, the stone would be knocked out? In any case, his presence made the delivery of my supplies go far more smoothly, and also presented a new challenge.

And a wager of sorts! I do so love a challenge, just for challenge's sake, but extra prizes are never remiss.

I will start my investigations as soon as I get home! Surely someone knows something, and I'll be able to ask the right questions. We shall see. It may not be a short task, but I will unravel this knotted riddle.

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