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Written By Mabelle

Oct. 31, 2020, 9:54 a.m.(4/19/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

What did they put in that red wine? I'm still seeing red and it is morning.
A beautiful ball held by the Grimhalls, allowing us all to set our hearts free before facing what's to come.

Written By Narcissa

Sept. 20, 2020, 9:45 p.m.(1/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

The word she chose as subject was 'desperation'. Recited off the cuff, at the Fidante Winter Feast at the Duchess Grimhall's wish.

"In the dire straights of desperation,
The lone voice calls out thin and strained,
A siren's love? Naught but desecration,
Forever played, but ever feigned?"

Written By Sabine

June 21, 2020, 3:11 p.m.(7/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

It would be far more noteworthy were I not of the South, one expects, even so far north of the South as we are in Iriscal. Thank you.

Written By Mayir

May 31, 2020, 10:23 p.m.(5/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Congratulations to you, to the Duke, and to Lady Alia!

Your family grows stronger with every passing day.

And I had plenty of rum in your honor at the Ebb and Flow!

Written By Iseulet

May 31, 2020, 11:05 a.m.(5/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

I'm just purrfect. Thank you for your concern, you're too sweet.

Just let me know if the cat hair gets too much for the Longhouse.

Written By Matteo

May 17, 2020, 10:14 p.m.(4/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Seven years, I hadn't seen my sister. In seven years, she's grown more than I could imagine. She carries herself well through this new life that she built, unflinching, through life's realities. And I? I am older.

Written By Philippe

March 1, 2020, 8:04 p.m.(11/8/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

It was good to renew my connection to my niece. With the Oathlands continuing to strain beneath the pressures put upon it from within and without, our bonds of connection with our blood families become ever-more important. As my life continues toward its inevitable end, I would bring family close regardless of past quarrels. What is the point of building if there is no one there to benefit from my legacy? And so I commit myself to the work of maintaining and restoring bonds of fealty and birth as I committed to the work of rebuilding roads and walls.

Written By Calista

Feb. 23, 2020, 11:14 a.m.(10/21/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Duchess Vanora is someone I would consider to be something of a reflection of myself. As we are both Lycene and teachings of the Thirteenth are not taboo as they are in other parts of Arvum, this is truly a compliment. I love her ambition and her cunning ways. She is bold and determined and during times of strife, we could all use some of her fierceness.

I am so happy I was finally able to catch some time with the Duchess. We've been playing a game of tag for what feels like an eternity. Perhaps next time we meet will be sooner rather than later.

Written By Dianna

Dec. 30, 2019, 4:07 a.m.(6/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

There will, undoubtedly, be those who ask why I have chosen as a patron one not beloved by all --

But I will return to them, to my dearest friends, even, should they question me in this:

Firstly: Is there anyone truly beloved by all? Do we not all have challenges, have disagreements with others, find those who do not respect us - and those who are not respected by us?

Secondly, and more importantly to me: What is gained by taking as a patron, or even a friend, one beloved by all but who can offer little in one's growth?

Does not the winter (much as I disdain it, yet, in Arx - to speak nothing of the climate farther north that I have not experienced) challenge growth, year upon year; and does not growth come, time and again, despite - and sometimes precisely because of the harshest of climes?

This is not to say that I find in any way Duchess Vanora Grimhall, my patron, to be harsh with me, personally, in any manner of speaking, nor do I find it difficult to embrace her as patron. (If I did, it would be beyond foolish to accept her patronage.) Rather, the difficulty, the harshness I expect to find may come from my friends, who have, perhaps, had their own difficulties with the Duchess - but those are their difficulties, their challenges, and not mine. Far be it for me to judge on circumstances of which I have little, if any, knowledge; and, regardless: as a Mirrormask, one ought to know that I am wont to question and question again reality and truths held by many, most or all.

For those of my friends, family, Brothers and Sisters of the Faith or any other reading this who may not know:

It is a Mirrormask's duty to defend those who are most defenseless. If I shirk this duty in any manner, particularly in this, what kind of Mirrormask am I? What servant to the Truth, to Tehom, to the gods - and to you? And what truths, in this, by this, would I deny?

Still, all of these reasons yet speak nothing of the truths that rest so easily before me for why I chose to accept Duchess Grimhalls' patronage:

* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall was raised and educated to be what I am now: From the youngest of ages, she had intended to be a Godsworn Mirrormask, a Priestess to Tehom, the Thirteenth, and was to avow herself to serve all of the gods. Who better to give me an education in my duties, in what I have but begun to learn than the Second Reflection - a woman who would have been me? True: I learn yet from the Archlector to Tehom, Blessed Vayne; but I wish and aspire to learn all I may, and take on as many teachers are as willing to give their great or small amounts of knowledge to me.

* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall is and has been, for some not small amount of time, of the most notable philanthropists within this great city and continues to give generously - not only to the Faith, not only to the Mirrormasks, not only to her family, friends and proteges, but to the entire city.

* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall has weathered storms and difficulty since the time of her birth - and manages, yet, not only to survive, but to prosper, to grow her family and House Grimhall, to gain the respect of many throughout the Compact - if, also, their fear. (Fear, though, is a matter I shall leave to another journal, as I have so very many thoughts and feelings regarding an emotion drawn so much more often of one's own refusal to question, face and accept reality - and is more indicative, in truth, of one's own mind and strength of character than of the object one claims incites one's fear.) If there is one thing I or anyone might come to learn, it is in how best to weather storms of skepticism, disapproval and hatred by others so well and gracefully as she, my patron, while still finding the strength to grow, in oneself, and accomplish one's goals.

* That Duchess Vanora Grimhall is of the Lyceum, thereby being one who is, by birth and heritage, one who is familiar with the customs to which I am accustomed - and yet, is married now and has been married to men from other Noble Houses so vastly different from her own heritage, has helped both in their successes - provides me with still more opportunity to learn how to set aside what is familiar to me, or to use what I have learned to help, to the best of my ability, not just the Faith and the various differences I already and inevitably find therein, but any who may seek aid and advice in any number of subjects.

I firmly believe we are not meant to exist only for the pleasure we might find in life - though, certainly, there are boundless joys to be found, particularly and most often when we are truest to ourselves and to the paths we take in honest self-reflective states.

Certainly and without shame do I admit that my patron blesses me with her favor, praise and assistance in gaining favor from the people of this good Compact. What better way to help, to reach out to the world than if one is in their favor? For one is trusted - and one hopes, as I strive, to be trusted for their good and honest works, for the quality of their heart and mind, and for the merit of their work. I strive for this every day, as I have striven for it every day since I was a child.

This is why I accept such patronage, such favor from Duchess Vanora Grimhall.

I find that I am blessed with enjoying her company, as well - having a commonality of purpose in growing the trust of the people in the Mirrormasks, in assisting others to reflect upon their weaknesses, their darkness, their fears and to overcome, become stronger with this knowledge, that we may, as a Compact, be strong together and well.

And I am blessed with the prospect of becoming her friend, and she mine. Friendships are strange, sometimes, and grow from differences as well as from similarities; and I find I have more questions than I have time to ask them all - but hope, through her patronage, to earn true and sincere trust, to give to her peace and love that she surely needs - as all need, most particularly those who are, for whatever reason, considered askance.

I give to her my trust, in return; and what favor my words may bring. And I hope and pray to the gods that my friends, my family will do me the honor of respecting - or at least of questioning - my choices.

It is the best we can give to one another, and the only true way to bind us all, despite fears, disagreements or lack of understanding.

I look forward to knowing you, Duchess. And thank you again for your patronage.

Written By Zacharie

Oct. 6, 2019, 1:37 a.m.(12/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

My daughter has grown into a fine woman, who wisely still seeks and accepts advice from her father.

I still wish I could have protected her from more of the dangers of this world, but all parents do. We must accept that there are limits to our power if not to our affection.

Written By Tikva

Oct. 6, 2019, 1:10 a.m.(12/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Thank you!

A poem is just a song whose melody I haven't figured out yet . . .

Written By Sanya

Sept. 15, 2019, 11:50 a.m.(11/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Thank you, my dearest, for a wonderful evening where we had the opportunity to let loose and have fun, even for just a little while. I look forward to another game in the future.

Written By Mabelle

Aug. 29, 2019, 1:39 a.m.(9/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

The Duchess Grimhall is a delight and an honour to call a friend.

Weirdest yet funniest conversation I had all month.

Written By Sina

Aug. 29, 2019, 1:05 a.m.(9/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

I wanted to take a moment to write about Duchess Vanora Grimhall after reading her recent journal entry. I do not know the details of her involvement with certain events, but I will certainly vouch for her steadfast piety. She has shown herself to be truly penitent, at least in my dealings with her. I applaud and support her efforts in building a school of theology at Grihem's Point.

We all make mistakes, and we can all only strive to do better in our service to the gods. Penance is not meant to be easy. But necessary for growth when we err. It forces us to take a hard look at our actions and find ways to improve. I pray for both Duchess Vanora and Fatima, that they may both find favor in the eyes of the gods amd the Compact once more.

Written By Cambria

Aug. 17, 2019, 12:49 p.m.(9/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Maybe it is by virtue of being Lycene, or even an adherent of the 13th, but I do not think you can truly hate someone without having loved them first.

Written By Sanya

July 20, 2019, 8:07 a.m.(7/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

The bravest woman I know.

Written By Cassima

July 18, 2019, 5:41 p.m.(6/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

It saddens me to see one so loyal to the Isles be the subject of wagging tongues. I have heard what took place. I am certain that not one of those who complain so readily would know what the 'right' action should have been. The world is far more grey and complex than we want it to be. It always has been. Unfortunately, we seem to be living in a time where this is resolutely ignored.

Duchess Vanora has and always will be a loyal and brave subject of Thrax and the Compact. She is committed to the Faith. One need only look to the school House Grimhall plan to build on their lands.

Look not to sly whispers. There is no loyalty, hard work or dedication within such things. Look to Duchess Vanora's noble actions if you want a true and fair reflection of her character.

Written By Sudara

June 23, 2019, 8:08 p.m.(5/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Cousins in high places can certainly come in useful from time to time, even for those of us with concerns that tend to be far below matters that would occupy the time of a Duchess. When such kinswomen are both intelligent and delightful company, it is a true honour to be so well-connected.

Written By Willow

June 22, 2019, 5:58 a.m.(5/1/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

Isn't she just the best? I absolutely adore the Princess General. She is fierce and cunning and clever and kind and even funny all rolled into one. I don't doubt she has many better who've known her longer, but I consider Princess Reese to be my best friend.

Written By Peri

April 29, 2019, 12:57 p.m.(1/6/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Vanora

My thanks for your recommendations on the discussion here in the whites, Duchess Vanora. Indeed, I was hoping for more specifics. For, I am sure I could fill everyone's head with specific books on the topic of military doctrine or share my personal experiences in learning the ways of the sea. I know these things. I also know my people. Before I knew of the complexity of the world /beyond/ the mundane complexities of economy or trade the gaps in my knowledge were clear to me.

Now? I have so many more things to factor into the future. So many more factors into alliances with houses beyond some economic compatibility or advantage in such normal matters such as building fleets for mutual defenses or sailing out to find new trade routes with foreign kingdoms.

My tutors praised my intelligence, do not think I am an idiot who will come away from a conversation satisfied with vague answers. I seek discourse. I do not get it in bars. I will seek it in the whites. It was not too long ago that people exchanged thoughts on the matter of thralldrom in the whites. I learned much from that. I learned much from talk on justice.

Those in the future will gain insight into these things. You all know this for all the research you do where you only find scraps of insight. Do you want your experiences and insight to be lost to future generations? I think not. Write.

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