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Written By Hadrian

Feb. 10, 2019, 1:02 p.m.(7/18/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

To Lord Valerio Mazetti, C/O the Queen of Endings,

Ledgers. Ledgers as far as the eye can see.

The amount of work that has gone into this effort would have made your eye go crossed. Which, I guess technically, wouldn't be crossed. Slanted, maybe?

We only hope that it will be a proper honoring of you, even if a little tongue in cheek. It has been a project built on a foundation of love and respect. A final form of closure for your people in recognition of you, the Marshal of Ostria, who served them so diligently. Construction has been well underway and we wait with bated breath for completion. Holding your breath or choking yourself a bit enhances the enjoyment.

The sight of your son carrying Mandate from time to time has been something. There are moments that it feels as though a phantom walks among us.

Written By Theron

Aug. 26, 2018, 11:25 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

Never did see eye to eye on all topics with the man. Cousins fight though, it is only natural. I received the news on my journey and I can honestly acknowledge, it came as a surprise. He always kept calling himself old, and our age difference was only 7 years. Now he won't see true old age, and that is a shame. With the news I turned back towards home. On the way back I ran into a messenger to receive a letter from Cambria. I know this loss wounds her greatly. I acknowledged the formal order to return, advised her of my status. Somehow, I managed to beat the messenger service back. Not by a lot, but by a slight margin.

Valerio is gone. To some a hero. To Many a friend. Others family. To me a mixture of all at this point, with a healthy dose of 'what a pain in my ass sometimes!!'. He will be missed, but we must move on. Never forgetting. We of the Hydra lost a valuable head, another will rise in its place. We will forge on. I have much catching up to do in the meantime.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 25, 2018, 1:27 a.m.(6/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

The rest of the manor is dark. I've been hidden away under the Marquessa's bed for at least an hour. I've heard her sigh a number of times. I can only imagine that she's focusing on the task of writing about her uncle. I snuck in here two hours ago, hoping to spring out from under the bed to scare her, you see, journal. I knew that waiting may be demanded of me for the perfect opportunity, so I brought supplies with me so that I'd have the means to complete my oblations to Vellichor. I didn't realize that I would be here for so long. I can't feel my legs, journal. Since I do not wish to disrupt her own observations of her duty to Vellichor, I'll just refrain from sliding from beneath the bed while shouting 'oogity boogity gimme that booty'. For now.

I've had plenty of time to think about the fate that befell Lord Valerio since I've been trapped down here. I've spent time reflecting on how far the personal relationship between Valerio and I had come. How much was achieved in setting the past to rest. You see, when I married into this family, no one thought to say 'Hey, Hadrian, your cousin killed my uncle's wife'. Naturally when I met Valerio and he met Lucien Malvici's cousin, face to face, there was certainly some tension. It never came to blows, thankfully. There was certain verbal threats thrown my way. Each time I would simply seek to mollify the big, disgruntled man with understanding. I understood his anger. I didn't feel the same toward him, but I understood his toward me. I was a convenient target that was, by blood, adjacent to whom he wished to really exhaust his fury against.

Our relationship began on a foundation of tension. Which is unfortunate, but the world is often imperfect and frequently we must work from a starting point that could only be called disadvantageous. Over time though, Lord Valerio and I grew. As my work began in and around Ostria and the House which Lord Valerio loved, as the Voice of Marquessa Cambria Mazetti, he began to understand. This is my House now. This is, whether either of us liked it or not, where I needed to plant myself and grow. Was it ideal for either of us? It was unequivocally not. It was the situation we found ourselves in so, with time, we recognized as responsible people that we had to put aside our differences in order to work toward common goals. In that we learned in our ways to respect one another. I discovered Valerio to be the sort of man that could be passionate and fierce, but also warm and inviting. A wonderful friend and a terrible enemy. I began to recognize him for the man that he was; brave, dedicated, loving in his own way, hilarious, protective, and more. With time he realized that I was not my cousin and was not out to drown puppies and headbutt babies. Onward we progressed until I became comfortable calling him my family and I can only hope that I reached the same in his eyes.

A man with a penchant for spicy cheeses, brandy, bull balls, and in possession of more body hair than was necessary on any one human being. He will be missed. After the upcoming memorial in his honor, he will be conveyed to Ostria. There a number of ceremonies will be conducted. He was the Marshal of Ostria and he will be honored as such. I've been told that the Mazetti will publicly mourn their loss for no more than three days after the final rest of the Marshal. After that they are expected to have spent the time between death and interment. As a people I've found these Guardians to be quite industrious and it doesn't surprise me that they've even put into place protocols for the death of one of their own. They even have unofficial rules on hour to "properly mourn, according to our ancestors". They insist that throughout the mourning period at least one evening should be spent indulging in a vice that was held by the deceased as a show of respect to them - purely optional I've been told, but it's an interesting take on how to mourn a death for these people. Even after two years of marriage and living among them, I find their many traditions both old and new (to me) to be very interesting.

Valerio's earned his statue, if I'm to be asked by anyone within the tiers of this House. From common servant up through to the Marquessa, that is my answer. Valerio has earned his rememberance alongside those who have come and gone before him, to be remembered by those who come after him in service to all that he once held dear.

We will see you again soon. Don't get too comfortable.

Written By Arik

Aug. 20, 2018, 9:42 p.m.(6/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

I met Lord Valerio Mazetti three days before he saved my life on the deck of a Thraxian ship whilst sailing northward. All I knew of the man was that my sister bade me see him home safe and that they were the closest and most trusted of friends. We didn't talk much on the trip and before the events that would cost him his life. In fact, the two most salient moments we shared was my aiding him in donning a gift from the Marin'Alfar and when he pushed me out of the way of a swarm.

I clarify how little I knew the man because since arriving back on land and beginning to mend my own injuries I have done little beyond recovery and reading Lord Valerio's white's. You can't really say thank you to an acquaintance not properly, I think. That being said I don't think the man would really care about my thanks. They are given wholeheartedly and freely. If not for Lord Valerio I would be a turn on the wheel. I do not think he would much care for my thanks because after reading his whites and hearing what he told me the moment before the shove, he did not save my life for my own sake.

If I have judged this man wrong than forgive me but in his writings and his last deed I saw a man who did his duty, thought of his family, and deeply cared for others. He gave credit where credit was due. Mayhap he was set in his ways. He liked his drink. Mayhap he was slow to trust. I see the hints of reserve in his writing but in that moment, without a cry for help, without a chance to retreat, he acted. Perhaps he acted in the only way he ever could, doing what he believed was right. I know that he said something to me while he shoved. He said 'For Her'.

And that is why I know Lord Valerio Mazetti did not save me for any other reason than his own. Should we all be so pure in the heat of battle when we know not when our last moments are. Should we all be like the Marshal of Ostria who imparted on this House Sword lessons in honor and dignity he did not know he still had to learn.

Written By Reigna

Aug. 20, 2018, 12:51 p.m.(6/7/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

My heart bleeds at the news of your passing. You were one of the first friends I made in Arx, and were instrumental in helping me overcome a personal fear of large, imposing men. Yours was a face well loved around Keaton Hall. In fact Marie is inconsolable at the news and has taken a bottle of Third Wall into her rooms and locked the door. We may be on our own, food wise for a while.

Yours was a humor and charm that could put a sparkle into any eye. Your love of family, of your son, your friends always marked you as someone for me to look out for. I conspired with Kael, and contemplated a match between you and Lady Margerie (as ill fated as that might have been, I say this to express how much you were loved). I will never forget the image of you, atop Kael's back, your heels pounding into his flanks as you held your lance aloft and caught ring after ring in that race. Nor will I forget the bruises on Kael's ribs. Your ability to laugh and love and feel joy despite the pains of your past were an inspiration. Your sense of honor, duty and pride taken in those things allowed an Oathlander like me to feel a kinship, and through our differences, you helped me understand some of Lycene culture, you helped broaden my perspective and see that we are not wholly defined by our disparate cultures, but are instead different flavors of the same humanity.

You are missed, my friend, but I have no doubts that you sit at the knee of Death and are regaling her with tales to make her laugh. Be at peace, my dear friend, enjoy this rest. You have deserved it.

Written By Delilah

Aug. 20, 2018, 11:03 a.m.(6/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

With solemn joy comes sharp-edged pain,
At what we lost so all might gain.

Valerio Mazetti, I will remember you long after you have walked Arx. How was it only weeks ago you and Felicia heaved on ropes at Princess Valeria's spring games while I sang of the strength of your sword arm and your endurance?

Had I known then how little time remained for me to share in your laughter and learn more of the spirit that animated you, I might pay better tribute now.

I confess not to know you nigh so well as others, but you showed such a warmth and welcome. Not all men and women drawn to a martial lifestyle display easy confidence, encouraging even flighty noblewomen to engage in a competition over strength of arms. Your generosity in spirit lives on, gilding memories that hold a bright patina yet.

And to know that you sacrificed yourself for the good of another proves utterly the quality of your character. You did your duty and that debt we cannot repay. The Queen embrace you, and the Mother reward you for your service. You will not be forgotten.

Written By Khanne

Aug. 20, 2018, 10:02 a.m.(6/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

He lived as a hero, and he died a hero.

I am torn apart by the loss of Valerio. He was one of the people held in my heart... and there he will always remain. There are few who know the depths of me, beyond what the public sees. Few who I have truly confided in with complete trust.

He was one of the few.

He was solely unique.

I am beyond blessed to have had him in my life for the short time frame that he was. Short, I say, though it was nearly two years since the day I met him at the Northernlude celebration. I remember speaking of whiskey and brandy, and which was better, and planning to meet and discuss business opportunities at a later date. He was remarkably charming with a smile that stood out far more than his scars.

Two years. It is, as they say, a drop in the bucket of time, and we experienced much together with the minutes we were given. I will always, always fondly remember the sketch I drew for you and your reaction to it, and how you rode the Marquis Kael (then Count Kael) so magnificently at the party Reigna threw for me. I could only watch in awe and lose the race due to my distraction (I will always blame the distraction). I have Champ, still... remember him? You let me keep him after we won, with Cambria's assistance, at Kael's Birthday party. I watch him play in the grass as I write this.

I will never forget how you surprised me at my birthday party by not wearing your armor. The first time I ever saw you without it. That sight and the smile you wore with that gorgeous aeterna outfit, I will forever cherish.

You saved, as Marian said, the Voice of Redrain, the Sword of Halfshav, my brother. I had asked you before you left... three things. Return safe. Try to make sure my brother returned safe. Find and save Venteri. I tasked him with the same... Return safe. Try to make sure Valerio returned safe. Find and save Venteri. I cannot thank you enough, ever, for your sacrifice to see my brother home. A part of me is heavy with self blame for asking you to look after him... but the truth is, I know.... you would have done it anyway. You'd have put your life before someone elses, anyone elses, if it meant saving another, if you had the opportunity. That.... is what makes you a hero. I know too that had he been able to stop you, to save you instead, my brother would likely be the person I mourn today... because that is the kind of man he is too. That is the hero he is too.

I find relief from the pain in my heart knowing you are once again with your beloved Mirabel. Yours was a love so deep and true it withstood the test of time and the separation of the Wheel. Knowing she was there, in the end, to welcome you eases my mind and soul. I hope to see you one day again, when I am called back, perhaps (Spirits allow me to remain for some time yet. I am not finished.) or in another form. Perhaps I will recognize your soul with my own, and be able to smile once more upon one of my dearest.

Until next time, Valerio..... it's time to set aside your armor. You wore it well.

Written By Marian

Aug. 20, 2018, 7:02 a.m.(6/6/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

I met Lord Valerio Mazetti that day of the mission. He was a man that rivaled me in the number of scars that he carried. A quiet man that let his sword speak for him. In the midst of the fight, when we were surrounded, he made a sacrifice of his own life to save another.

Lord Arik Halfshav walks with us today because Lord Valerio chose to defend him rather than himself. He honored House Redrain by saving our Voice. He honored House Halfshav by saving their Sword. He honored Gloria by making the ultimate sacrifice.

I can not help but think I missed an opportunity to know a great man.

Written By Delilah

Aug. 5, 2018, 11:19 p.m.(5/1/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

You did not fail us, Lord Valerio. If nothing else, it was a stellar introduction.

We worked superbly as a team with the aid of Dame Felicia. Does it matter that the three-way with that rope turned out somewhat less victoriously than we may have minded? We didn't end up in a bind, and we made new friends, so I consider it a smashing success.

To Lycene wit, Thraxian resilience, and Crownlander panache!

Written By Dianna

Sept. 25, 2017, 11:22 a.m.(4/12/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

My very favorite uncle. Of course, it helps that the rest of them are generally dead.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 22, 2017, 12:16 a.m.(4/5/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

My uncle is a man of great personal strength and moral integrity. He may say this was not always so, and that may be true, but it is not true now. He has faced down more things than I can imagine, many of them terrible, some few of them more wonderful than words. I believe fatherhood is the one thing he'd claim without reservation saved him from despair when in a very dark time of his life. What I hope is, with recent events, the Marshal of Ostria can finally lay those old ghosts to rest; not to forget them, but to cut their ties upon his spirit.

As an aside, Vitalis, as soon as you finish with whatever adventure you've embarked upon, I demand you come to Arx post-haste. There is a serious matter that requires your attention, and I already have several viable candidates lined up.

Written By Talen

Aug. 20, 2017, 10:47 p.m.(1/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

Lord Valerio's probably not a bad man, really. Probably roped into a manipulative plot by Eleyna, even. Still, no chances are being taken. The challenge has been issued and I await the terms.

Written By Talen

Aug. 20, 2017, 10:46 p.m.(1/21/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

Lord Valerio Mazetti,
Voeyeur of Ostria,
Purveyor of Portraits,

I challenge you to a duel, on your given terms and against any champion you may name, in response to my offense taken during dinner this night. As guest right insists I leave you unharmed in this homestead, and quite frankly my legs are not the most sturdy, we will settle this outwith these walls as traditon dictates.

Don't ever request or accept another rendition of my wife's likeness ever again. Burn all existing portraits, if any remain.

Prince Talen Velenosa,
Sword of Lenosia

Written By Merek

Aug. 16, 2017, 11:32 p.m.(1/14/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

An older man that I've met. He seems to be protective of those within his House, and I admire him quite a bit. I could tell at first look he is an honorable man. I hope to learn more about him and share stories perhaps.

Written By Hadrian

Aug. 6, 2017, 8:47 p.m.(12/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

An interesting man to say the least. His dedication to duty is admirable and he's able to maintain an unprecedented level of professionalism all the while. He wears his history on his body it would seem and a tale full of torrid details. There's a part of me, deep down, that wants to advise him to move more frequently while he's fighting.

Written By Cambria

Aug. 6, 2017, 3:41 p.m.(12/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valerio

Marshal Valerio Mazetti is my uncle. In hindsight, I should have traveled with him from Ostria to Arx, but such was my decision at the time and I do not exactly regret it. He is in the capital with me, now. Given that he did not suffer from an apoplexy or other ill humor when I told him of my plans his first night here, I do believe he will get on swimmingly.

*As a personal note for any one reading this in the now: Should Marshal Valerio make any requests for bales of cotton, just- well, don't be surprised if you see me in the following days look as if I have become a puff ball.

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