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Written By Drusila

Jan. 12, 2020, 6:54 p.m.(7/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

I can assure this Rivenshari merchant that House Pravus has no interest in those who believe that coin buys them exception to the rules that bring order to this world, neither are we in any need of charity.

For the curious eyes who may come across this journal. I am overseeing the development of a new port in the Saffron Chain, the first of its kind in this unfortunately underdeveloped part of the world and I invite those with ambition and vision to reserve their place in what I'm sure will become an extraordinarily busy dock.

Some short-sighted people appear to have confused this for a fund-raiser and I want to be absolutely clear it is not, the insinuation is frankly insulting. The fact of the matter is that as our influence over the Saffron Chain expands, trade with the isles will massively increase and I want to ensure we develop a relationship with the right kind of merchants to handle the task at hand. If that sounds like you curious reader, do send a messenger my way.

Written By Mirari

Nov. 15, 2019, 12:11 a.m.(3/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

Do us all a favor and go ask the scholars what happened in the wake of Marquis Ford Kennex declaring that Thralldom was done and gone, with no plan for how to end it. Ask them what happened to hundreds-- or was it thousands --of thralls who were suddenly freed with their lord giving no care as to what might happen? I agree with you that Thralldom is just a more socially acceptable form of slavery that the majority of our society refuses to acknowledge as such. But it is foolish and insulting to attack the High Lord who has finally had not only the courage, but the wisdom to form a plan, to end thralldom.

Go look up Donrai Thrax if you want to learn about a true Prince of Slavery.

You're common so you're allowed to have whatever opinions you want, but I am also common and therefore get to have what ever opinions I want.

And my opinion is that you're an idiot.

Written By Victus

Nov. 14, 2019, 10:12 a.m.(3/12/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

I got a little carried away with my last entry.

For what it's worth, I accept Miss Tatienne's apology. I hope this has been a good learning experience and that you find fulfillment in pursuing the end of thralldom alongside us.

Written By Sparte

Nov. 13, 2019, 11:31 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

Anger can burn brightly, but what does an uncontrolled flame serve? Do not let anger make you a pariah. Too many are already walking that journey in Arx. Please, think of ways to use your outrage to better things. There will be those deserving of righteous fury. This is not that time.

That thralldom itself is slavery?
That is simply untrue.

That there are those who misuse thralldom as an excuse to treat people as slaves?

The evidence of that truth is readily apparent. House Thrax made the choice to push for reforms to Thralldom, and in more and more of the houses that give fealty to Thrax, thralldom is forever ended. That number will continue to grow.

There are many traditions the Compact has attempted to shed in our long history. Ending an old way of doing things is often painful and slow, and it sometimes fails. It is a test of character for those who lose in the process, but also for those who stand to gain.

But what of you? When your anger towards Princess Fatima was challenged, you admitted you knew not what you were talking about. You kept the anger, and lashed out at the Highlord of Thrax instead. The man who has passed those laws that will lead to the end of Thralldom. The one who has made the difficult decisions that give what you want a chance of happening in our lifetimes.

Take the advice others have given if you will not take my own. There are ways to make a difference. This? this isn't any of them.

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 13, 2019, 9:08 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

It sounds as if you declared every faithful member of the Compact that they were willfully complicit in Thralldom because they didn't disagree with it enough?

You are aware that House Thrax is instituting a steady wind down of Thralldom, yes? That will end in the complete abolishment of the practice? So your issue is that...they're not doing it fast enough?

That the economic collapse of a major part of the Compact that would cause massive unrest is preferable because it soothes your conscience. People would die of likely civil war and famine, but at least they would die free, so it's perfectly acceptable.

I'm not sure this is a fight you want to be picking.

This is the last time I will comment on this issue, but I dearly suggest you educate yourself in exactly what you're talking about before you declare that the Faith is hypocritical on this matter. Which in of itself does not bother me.

What does bother me is that you insult the actions of literally hundreds of people that are working tirelessly to ensure that this practice ends as soon as it's able.

Written By Aureth

Nov. 13, 2019, 8:32 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

This tradesperson is a blatant fool, whose pen ignores reality and attempts to publicly dishonor the very man who has committed his people, his energy, his effort, and his silver towards the abolishment of an evil institution, out of some frankly idiotic determination out of their own fancy that he isn't doing so fast enough. The only reason I do not call this personage to account for their calumniation of His Grace and of the Faith with a champion is that, frankly, to do so would be beneath the dignity of my post.

I strongly suggest that the faithful consider taking their business elsewhere, as Tatienne Lachance has apparently suffered some kind of break with reality. There are many merchants in the city of Arx and indeed in the Oathlands whose business acumen and grasp of common sense do not lead them to march into wild political folly.

Written By Fatima

Nov. 13, 2019, 1:38 p.m.(3/10/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

I think that there are people in the Compact who share your sentiments Tatienne. That they believe that what I've done was something that shouldn't be forgiven but Gloria teaches mercy against those who have fought with honor and laid down their arms when they've lost. We don't need to re-visit the details to understand what I did. I know. I'm fully aware and as the Legate says I will carry that with me for the rest of my life.

I still don't believe that I've done enough and I won't feel fulfilled until slavery is a practice that has long since been abolished. My promise to the people and to the Gods alike were straightforward and sincere. There can be no more slaves. While it's madness to think that one of us has the power to make change in foreign lands without the aid of many, because I am just one princess, we can begin closer to home. I have faith that Victus and the rest of Thrax's leadership will continue to make policy decisions that lead us towards a Mourning Isles without Thralldom.

What we cannot do is let our anger, sadness, disappointment, or shame cloud our judgement. We cannot make foolhardy decisions, such as waving our hand and freeing all thralls, without suffering the consequences. The world is already suffering enough without us adding to it. Even if such a thing were to help us all sleep better at night, we are obligated to be better by noble obligesse. To carry our burdens and all that comes with it even through the most difficult of transitory periods, even if it means people will despise us for it in the moment.

Written By Sina

Nov. 13, 2019, 9:33 a.m.(3/10/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

Thralldom cannot be ended overnight. The repercussions, both economically and socially, would be devastating to the Mourning Isles and its people, and as a consequence of that, the entire Compact will be affected. This is something you do not understand. Sure, it might be easy to just announce, "Well, we went ahead and freed all the Thralls! Celebrate! Rejoice! Everyone is free!" But that does not make a thrall truly free. Measures must be put into place (which I have been a part of aiding, I might add), to ensure that those Thralls have a place to go once they are freed, so they do not fall prey to enemies of the Compact, or sickness and disease, or abject poverty. They will need livelihoods, homes in which to live, a means of making it in this world, which can be incredibly cruel. These things take time. To do otherwise would be no better than throwing lambs to the wolves.

If you want to help, put your hands and mind and anger into the work. Channel it into something useful that will actually ensure the survival of freed thralls. It will be far more productive and, I suspect, fulfilling for you. And you will be doing them a great service. While I am all for recording one's feelings within the Whites, as we are asked to do by Vellichor, sometimes writing words isn't enough. You must be willing to live up to your own expectations. What are /you/ doing to aid in the freeing of thralls?

Written By Cassandra

Nov. 13, 2019, 7:49 a.m.(3/10/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

So if I am to correct in your assessment, no one should be forgiven by the Faith, regardless of the mistakes they make. Because why stop at slavery, as there are other crimes that are quite reprehensible in the eyes of the Faith. That regardless of the fact that they willing come to the Faith seeking forgiveness and redemption, not out of some self-serving intention or attempting to placate the masses, but a real genuine desire for introspection? But no, because she erred, there will be no forgiveness and no mercy. Just more blood of lamb, vengeance is mine. If you believe that is how the Faith operates, or perhaps should operate, then you did not listen to your Seraph.

If we are not to forgive those who have participated in slavery, that list would be a great deal longer than just one former Thraxian princess. I suppose the better punishment was that she would have to live with what she did. That is not a punishment that I can give, because that is already something she lives with herself. Every day for the rest of her life until she rejoins the Wheel. She will have to remember their faces when she sleeps.

Has the Faith execute those who have committed crimes in the past? Yes, this has happened. And I have been its executioner during some of those incidents. It is not something I enjoy, not something I relish in, not something I look forward to, and I take absolutely no joy in it. But if I were to be given a choice, and there has been much discussion on choice, I would rather try to help one see the error that they made. I would rather see one rise up from the lesser person they were before, to be something better in the future.

I cannot save the people that were put into slavery. That ship has sailed, quite literally. But I can help the person that had a large hand in it happening. The good she has done since she was stripped of her title far outweighs the satisfaction some might get by her head being on the chopping block. But that doesn't matter, does it?

In the end, if you question my judgement, there is always a proper way at displaying it.

Written By Preston

July 16, 2019, 8:03 a.m.(6/21/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Tatienne

I do not believe it can be a secret or a surprise that the Faith disapproves of these foreign influences and their disregard for fundamental commands of the Gods. The game played when dealing with those whom the Faith or your Liege disapproves of is that disapproval may reach a point where it breaks into outright embargo, as has happened.

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