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Written By Ailith

May 20, 2018, 9:08 p.m.(10/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Miles

Sir Miles does not smile. He grumps. So I pray for forgiveness being bewildered when he smiled.

Written By Leona

Jan. 24, 2018, 10:10 a.m.(1/11/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Miles

Since coming to the King's Own, Sir Miles has been the grumpiest - ahem - Scholar, what's the right word?

Irascible. The most irascible presence of my acquaintance. But it comes from a good place, and I am confident as I make my plans that he will continue to make sure that the Hundred are in the best health, and that we are reminded to dodge early and dodge often. And if the Fear of Miles reminds people to be a little more careful, a little tighter on the defense, a little less likely to do the heroically stupid thing and a little more likely to come back with a mission accomplished well and thoroughly - but not foolishly - then I will continue to be glad for his service.

Written By Larissa

June 25, 2017, 6:43 p.m.(9/21/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Miles

He warned me that he might be grumpy, but I only found him charming. We only spoke the once but there is promise of more and I find myself looking forward to it. There is something to be said about a gentleman who wears his lines of age with pride and acknowledges his experience as well earned. That is not a wisdom you can learn in any book at the Vellichorian. I hope we are able to speak again soon.

Written By Rymarr

June 24, 2017, 4:31 p.m.(9/19/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Miles

A chance encounter allowed our paths to cross and it was good to see the cynical old man again. Thankfully I was injured, so he had little reason to berate me for my shortcomings! There's something special about a person who recognizes the value of inconveniencing an opponent, even after they've turned you to ashes. Indeed the only thing that one could hope for is that you can work your way up their nose and cause them some discomfort.

I'll have to be sure to invite Sir Miles Lockton to one of our dinners at Deepwood's manor some evening when we have one of the gatherings the Marquessa's so fond of having. We've decided that we should have some sort of game or test of skill at them, following the evening meal. Maybe when Sir Miles is present I'll think up something especially taxing and potentially brutal, all in the hopes of giving some adequate scrapes and bruises for him to attend to. It'll make him feel right at home, telling his fellow dinner guests that they're idiots for not being better at whatever it is they've failed to do, and he wouldn't need to patch them up if they'd only went left instead of right. I do believe I once heard him tell a young squire of the King's Own to "get good", but I could be mistaken.

Written By Leona

April 27, 2017, 10:13 a.m.(5/8/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Miles

Since I first joined the King's Own, Sir Miles has been there. He has patched cuts and scrapes and seen to bruises and injury more times than I care to count. He's gruff for certain, but only because he does his level best to keep us all healthy and ready to protect the King. He's a good man and a strong soldier and one that I'm glad to find in the ranks of the King's Own. I lean on him more and more to handle those sensitive matters that we cannot trust to outsiders.

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