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Written By Simone

May 22, 2021, 1:51 a.m.(7/8/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Jamie

I am so pleased by Jamie's return to the city of Arx and it is most serendipitous that it coincides with mine. It has never been truer before that one can know family but not really -know- family. The humble trait runs deep among the Greenmarch men and Jamie is certainly not excused from this. Perhaps -too- humble, but it is an admirable quality, especially from a warrior of such great esteem. He need not worry about the spoons when wields his words as good as he wields his sword.

Written By Monique

July 29, 2018, 12:34 p.m.(4/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jamie

Correction: you are the best of men.

Written By Marian

July 29, 2018, 10:51 a.m.(4/14/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Jamie

My cousin you are a good man.

I have not spent time in recent years at your side on the road since I married into House Valardin after bending on knee. However, I doubt that any war could strip away the earnest boy that grew into a stalwart man that protects his people. Yes, you will have to find a way to get past the smells of burnt flesh, the screams in the night of the wounded, and the cracking of the bones that break under your heel. All of these horrors and more will live inside of you but they do not have to define you. Nor do they have to leak what little happiness there is from your existence.

I am still here. You are still here. And those that you fought, that would do harm to the Crown and Compact are not. You do not have to revel in the death, the destruction, or the blood. Do feel pride in your victory. Look upon the city that you helped protect. Do not feel bitterness. For your sword is not wasted. Your skills will not be left by the wayside. There are still battles to win. I know my brother is glad to have you by his side again.

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