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Written By Orland

Sept. 19, 2021, 9:24 p.m.(3/25/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Giada

Without your guidance over the last six months... I would've never dared to think what was possible. Thank you.

Written By Orland

Aug. 22, 2021, 6:15 p.m.(1/25/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Giada

Thoughts of being a protege ... to an Archlector....of Bastion...

That really hurt. She didn't really prepare me much for what she was about to do, cut inside of me to right something that was very wrong. You see, I had this strange notion of following Lord Savio to Bastion, to do our part as nobles and show our support to the Faith. Why not?! Neither of us had been to Bastion before, so we went. And of course... we decided to be there the day that another city fell down around our ears.

My act in Bastion was fairly small. I managed to find a way out for people to follow, through the debris and away from a giant black knight welding what I call was a hammer of sorrow upon the people. It'd make the whole ground shake every time it was swung against the earth, several times making the cobblestones of the street shatter... We had to get away, there wasn't enough of us to fight whatever that /thing/ was, on top of the endless mass of Shavs coming through the broken walls...

But somewhere in finding our way through the city that was falling in around us, and ships being tossed through the air, the damn ground exploded up around me and a giant centipede with a woman riding it came up out of no where. I don't remember much after that since I was flung against a wall... and that said wall collapsed in around me.

I do remember being in darkness afterwards, confused... tired, hurting all over. I also remember asking Lord Savio to marry me. And then I wake up to have my patron's fingers inside of me stitching me up! I'm quite sure I don't want to experience that sort of pain again. It's a pain that comes with a nice long scar...

They tell me Bastion has fallen and is overrun. I think what I can do from where I write now, at my bed. I'm not sure what I can do yet, but I know I have the best patron I could have right now. She's supporting me in ways I've never had from those outside my family. I truly admire her, despite her enjoyment of cutting me open. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it.

But, Archlector Giada, you have my eternal thanks.

Written By Apollo

May 2, 2021, 7:34 p.m.(5/25/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Giada

I spent the other day at the shrine, praying under the guidance of Blessed Giada. She did an admirable job with something very difficult, I think: transmuting our worry into purpose, providing scaffolding for our intention. And isn't that what the Faith is for, the Faith at its best?

The Dominus could have made no finer choice.

Written By Sorrel

Dec. 19, 2020, 1:15 p.m.(8/6/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Giada

I appreciate sincerely your willingness to work with me as I work through my grief and anger. I have always been quite passionate about everything, and I have a somewhat unwise tendency to run boldly towards trouble. I love deeply and without reservation, and I hold on to hope with both hands. I am truly an emotional creature.

Your patience and spiritual guidance and prayers as I try to make sense of my emotional state are greatly appreciated. You may not have great tolerance for privileged people using their privilege to be asses, but you do very well at seeing humans as human.

Written By Ajax

May 12, 2019, 6:29 a.m.(2/3/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Giada

To our Quartermaster,

You've done well keeping the lads and lasses equipped, thank you.

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