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Written By Mattheu

Dec. 28, 2023, 10:55 a.m.(6/14/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

Potato Advisor.

Written By Giada

April 13, 2022, 6:43 p.m.(6/17/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

I have traveled the path that took me from childhood through youth and into my present position as Godsworn. It was long and unpredictable, requiring Reflection and brutal honesty as I questioned everything I thought I knew and everything that I didn't know. Even still, the answer to what I sought became evident, and I stepped out to meet it.

Walk your path with pride.

Written By Corban

Nov. 11, 2021, 4 p.m.(7/19/1016 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

A bet, I suppose, is a bet. And so let it be recorded here, before Vellichor, the many virtues of Lady Esme Fidante.

Lady Esme Fidante is a swifter and more-skilled rider than I, if only by a hair.

Lady Esme Fidante's beauty rivals that of the Whispers of the Compact.

Lady Esme Fidante is clever, as befits a child of the Lyceum.

Lady Esme Fidante is a fine riding companion.

And Lady Esme Fidante makes wagers that, when they break her way, a knight pays.

Written By Reigna

July 29, 2021, 4:53 p.m.(12/5/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

It is the height of unkindness to coddle those in obvious err.

The kinder thing to do is to correct them.

Now I certainly regret not assigning my last White entry to the Blacks as I ought to have. It was an ill-tempered response and should have been better delivered. I was angry, though that is not a proper justification for such a disrespectful tone.

It is a false equivalency to say that you cannot correct bad behavior if you yourself have behaved badly in the past. We are none of us flawless, that does not give us license to act however we wish.

You are correct about one thing. The Duke made a mistake and a grossly public one. One hopes that he returns to his senses soon and apologizes to the society he so freely mocked.

Written By Denica

July 15, 2021, 9:06 p.m.(11/5/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

While I'm pleased to hear my comment has caused you to think... I confess I am often far too sarcastic, and wasn't talking about affection, at all. That said, I do appreciate how many friends offered their services, in response.

As for 'winning' affection? Depends on how shallow the person is, I suppose?

Written By Emberly

May 7, 2021, 11:29 p.m.(6/8/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

In my confusion I was able to hold confernce with Lady Esme, it was a nice time and one of reflection.

Written By Angelo

May 3, 2021, 12:43 a.m.(5/26/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

My cousin Esme was quite welcoming when I met her at the Ambassador Salon today. It was good to see some of my family in Arx again.

Written By Angelo

May 3, 2021, 12:39 a.m.(5/26/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

Welcoming Cousin

Written By Raymesin

Nov. 19, 2020, 3:40 a.m.(6/1/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

You're fine. He only 'excommunicated' the Standing-In-For-The-Dominus-Until-It-Gets-Sorted-Properly and the Archlectors of Skald and the Queen of Endings, and 'censured' the Harlequins and the Liberators. Everyone else is fine, because he can't afford to upset the whole Faith, just the corners of it that he doesn't want.

You're a disciple of a god he claims to represent in all righteousness, but how that works when he's proven himself faithful to a man rather than the church, I don't know. When he's broken the oath of the Godsworn like that, or at least bent it into some strange shapes, I don't know how he thinks he can represent Limerance as well as the Sentinel and Gloria and all the others. Sanctuary broken, the Cathedral's interior burned, and him sweeping in before Orazio

And if anyone wants to debate whether my goddess is real or not with me, while standing in Death's own city and using Skald's freedom to choose, they're welcome to do so. Me, I'm taking it as a badge of honour that I've been censured by someone whose friends tried to burn a holy sanctuary on their own island with healers and the wounded in it, and tried to kill a whole load of Templars along with Sungreet's own thralls. His censure means I'm walking a bit taller, because I've made an enemy there that anyone should be proud of having.

Thanks for tidying up what I actually said, Scholar. I appreciate it.

Written By Sabella

Sept. 24, 2020, 11:44 a.m.(2/1/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

That is far better than I can do! I once sent Bard Itzal a poem and he died.

Well, not from the poem. It just so happened I did send him a poem and now he is dead.

While I am gifted with many creative talents, poetry has never been among them!

I find your poem quite lovely!

Written By Piccola

Sept. 16, 2020, 8:41 a.m.(1/13/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

To the learned Lady Esme of House Fidante,

I feel a reply is warranted to you is fain, even if the matter is on one on which I would not claim a scholar's expertise.

I do not deny the importance of marriage to our people, our culture, and our society. I do not deny the honor that it brings to those who agree to what you have described as a courageous sacrifice. And I do not deny that love is rare and easily torn to pieces.

What I find fault in is how love, for all of its rarity and beauty, seems oft discarded, undervalued, or mistreated.

If marriage is the constancy of the sun rising at the advent of each day, then I say that love is candlelight. I appreciate the security of believing the dawn will come, but I cannot deny the comfort from the flame in a darkened room. Without it, how would we pierce the night? How would I ever see the serene peace of my lover in slumber?

I profess that I may have more in common with the night patrol than the earliest cockerel.

I know you would not forget of love or its importance. I wish I knew more about it so that I would not feel so cold when my bed is empty or the wicks are burned down. What I believe is that, naively or densely, I would rather spend my life holding an eternal flame upon a parapet than to look forlornly from a window at the watch that ends the night.

I think such souls are the rarest and most beautiful of all flowers.

Written By Sabella

July 15, 2020, 9:19 a.m.(8/27/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

Pain, I think. And understanding that or not. I have thought about this a great deal lately and while of course it does not excuse why people might turn to evil actions, it can explain them. And I believe one must try to understand such things in order to help change them. I'd like to believe that a little empathy in such matters could turn the tide and perhaps in some instances prevent tragedy.

Written By Ravna

July 15, 2020, 8:08 a.m.(8/27/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

What defines Good and Bad?

Nothing. A dream is a dream, is a dream which dreams dreamily. Light is light even through prisms and stained glass. Yeah? No action is good nor bad until that pass, yeah? Until it shines on through a thing, to be made different but only to the eye.

Unless you kick a puppy to death or something. That's bad. Super bad. Like, 'Someone might burn your house down in response.' Bad. Or, I dunno, you trip, slip, and fall into the harbor. Who knows.

Written By Piccola

July 14, 2020, 8:17 a.m.(8/25/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

The victor always gets to write history.

Written By Santiago

June 11, 2020, 9:38 p.m.(6/16/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

This woman, one of my nieces, is like a light in a cavern. She does not show her full hand, but she is still a light in the dark, enough so as to bring one comfort, safety, and some small amount of joy just by existing. Her mind is sharp, and her will is strong.

Written By Valdemar

April 28, 2020, 8:16 p.m.(3/12/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

Sparring does help. So does arguing with someone, though you might want to be careful who you choose to do that one with. Sailing helps me as well, though it is admittedly difficult with current circumstances.

Written By Norwood

March 29, 2020, 12:23 a.m.(1/6/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

She was in need of a warm and so I sent her one. I am glad to know she enjoyed it.

Written By Mirari

Jan. 11, 2020, 10:42 p.m.(7/18/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

Based on the responses of others I will have to concede that you are correct:

That love is defined by the one who feels it. However, I still find myself in a contemplatives quandary. When we are born we know nothing. It is our parents or caregivers responsibility to teach us. We are blank slates upon which they pass on their knowledge. Did you know what a cookie was until your mother held one out and said, "Here, little one, have a cookie."

Did you know the color orange until you were taught your colors? We do not know how to read until we are taught our letters and how to put them together. I do not remember being taught the concept of anger, but I am certain that as a toddler when I was throwing a tantrum over having to go to bed I did not know what I was feeling. I am certain that my mother taught me that I was behaving badly because I was angry.

As creatures we know nothing until we are taught.

So if we know nothing until we are taught, but Love is something we define for ourselves...

Who teaches us love?

And are we being taught the right kind of love?

Written By Strozza

Nov. 13, 2019, 6:34 p.m.(3/11/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

I do not recall when but I have apparently caused offense to a woman I know very little of.

I am unsure how I did this, or how I had conveyed that this person was vapid.

We have not yet met to discuss. But I appreciate she has confronted, if by missive, in this matter.

Written By Erik

Nov. 5, 2019, 9:15 p.m.(2/23/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Esme

It's a happy coincidence when a hastily gathered covering to better blend amongst those in nightclothes manages to bring warmth and comfort to someone else. I'm thankful it will help restore your natural warmth undiminished until spring thaws away your torpor, Lady Esme. Unfortunately I don't believe there will be any traction for a lineup of sheet-cloaks (Cleets?) once the snows dissipate.

Though on the topic of thanks I do think I should mention Countess Arcadia. She doubly has my gratitude not only for being a gracious hostess but for extending invitation. I'm also not entirely publicizing this because I'm hopeful for a taste of mammoth.

p.s. - Blanket-Cloaks successful. Next point of suggestion: Rounds of nightcaps in nightcaps for the next time.

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