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Written By Melody

June 10, 2018, 3:57 p.m.(12/17/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Barik

An empowered woman?
A trickster with her poisons?

Definitely not me, I'm nothing more than a woman who is far too fond of the softest things.

-- I'll collect my winnings tonight.

Written By Reigna

June 8, 2018, 1:10 p.m.(12/9/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Barik

My assistant Gigi brought your last entry to my attention and she suggested I read it.

It seems to be a common theme, one comes to Arx and their eyes are opened, ready or not, to things that stun, delight or terrorize. Most, like you have, simply reject because that is what we've been trained to do. That is what comes naturally to an orderly mind raised to handle what is before us, visible, tangible, real. It defies the mind and imagination at times, trying to hold the image of something so great and terrible or awe inspiring. It hurts in a way, when that veil is pulled and it feels at first, as if the whole world were a lie. And you begin to wonder what other veils are there, what else is it you cannot see. What dangers lurk in the shadows, what beauty or wondrous thing might be around the next corner? It is so difficult to place ourselves in a world like that. From the tangible to the ephemeral, it is easy to feel like you do not belong. It is easier to deny, to shake your head and reject all of it.

On the topic of faith... it is difficult for me to conceive of a world without that backbone of faith. It is something I was raised into. Being from the Western reaches of the Oathlands, I was surrounded by the Orthodoxy from birth, and that faith came easily to me. At one point I wished to become godsworn. I see their hands in the beauty of the sea, the majesty of an ancient grove of trees, in the words on a page that create worlds within my mind, in the feeling in my chest when I swear an oath and *mean* it. Faith is not all joy, and the faithful do not lead painless lives. We are touched with tragedy and heartache, neglect and loneliness the same as any one else. But when I have been in those places, it has always been my faith that kept me from being alone. I knew that if I kept my word, no matter how difficult or costly to myself it would be... Limerance would smile on me. When I made a hard,but just choice, the Sentinel would be pleased. When I wrote my pains into my black reflections, Vellichor granted me the ease of that pain as I poured it from my heart to the page. I do not think my faith makes me haughty, nor, as I have said, is the life of a faithful untouched by pain or hardship. It is instead that through our faith, there is a belief that if we endure and keep pushing to emulate the gods through their virtues, that it *will* get better, that we will be stronger for the hard times, better able to embody the virtues to which we aspire. But as I said... Faith has been a part of me my whole life. And it is hard for me to understand where you are coming from. Though I would like to try. I have not abandoned my Orthodox upbringing, I believe I am closer to the path of the gods than I ever was. But I cannot in truth call myself a follower of the Orthodoxy as it stands. I have seen too many things and met too many people to adhere to the strictest interpretations of our Faith. Since coming to Arx, I have visited the Shrines of the Queen of Endings and Mother of Beginnings. I have felt the pull of her story, embraced her existence and role in our lives. I have come to hear the words and stories of Skald, and have taken the lesson and gift of choice to my heart and have had the deepest honor to meet Prism, one of the greatest moments of my life. I have embraced the idea of Aion, meditated on the meaning and story of how this all fits together. And I have given even more thought to the nature of the Thirteenth, what it means, the lessons that are offered in his worship.

What really struck me about your journal entry, what inspired me to reach out was your talk of balance. This is, I believe, is the crux of how to keep sane in a world determined to be anything but. There is darkness within us all. The Thirteenth encourages us to face this darkness, accept it, embrace it and with that acceptance use the darkness within us to push us to be better. Hiding from one's darkness, denying that it is there gives it power over us. If we turn away, if we do not look into that darkness, we prove we are afraid of it. And by avoiding what we fear... we give it power over us. If we search that darkness and explore each and every cranny of it, if we face it, we will no longer fear it. And it loses its power over us. We are free to choose how to act, we are not controlled by our emotions, or impulses and instincts. We become the master of ourselves. Of course these words are easy to say. Actually accomplishing this? This is the task of a lifetime.

The nightmares are real, yes. But as you said... as there is no light without the dark, so too are there wonders. Unspeakable, glorious things awaiting the opening of your eyes. There are monsters and danger and terror... but there is always, always hope. Faith is a seed within you, it must be nurtured to grow, bathed in the light of hope. I would speak with you further, if you have interest.

Written By Aslaug

June 5, 2018, 11:57 a.m.(12/3/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Barik

(A sketch drawn with black charcoal spans the entirety of this page. The outline is rough, hastily done, but there's a confident smoothness in the way the outline was sketched -- as if the image was clear in the artist's head before being put down on paper. The page is almost completely covered in black charcoal that makes up the form of what appears to be the shape of a still, burning flame. Inside this flame, the white of the page is left as the shape of a hunched figure, marked with details just enough to denote that this is the back of a cloaked figure.)

Written By Rinel

May 20, 2018, 11:25 p.m.(10/12/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Barik

This man--I cannot tell whether he is merely down on his luck, or whether he is down on his luck due to terrible decisions and wickedness.

To be sure, the man is down on his luck.

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